Hey, Dr. Frankenstein! Your Monster Has Taken On A Will Of Its Own

Filed in National by on November 7, 2008

As much as I’m going to enjoy the already-in-progress battle between the Far Right and “RINO” wings of the Republican Party I have to admit that I’m rooting for the RINOs.  Sarah Palin got a little to close to the White House for my peace of mind.  Oh yeah, it was all fun and games until the possibility of a President Palin hit home.

McCain’s VP choice of desperation has only succeeded in validating a group that should have never been let out of the lab.  And for every David Anderson and Frank Knotts (Republicans who wear their extremism on their sleeve) there’s three Regent graduates who, while sharing their views, understand that in order to win, the packaging must be changed.  Dealing with openly Far Right Republicans is easy because… well… they’re scary.  Recognizing a wolf in sheep’s clothing could prove far more difficult.

Bobby Jindel is headed for Iowa. There’s been talk that Huckabee’s heading there as well. What does it say when the first Republicans out of the gate are renowned for their Christian faith? What it says to me is, rather than being discouraged by the November 4th results, the base has convinced itself that in order to win they need more purity of message. Huh?

Now I’m not convinced the Republican 2012 nominee will be a name any of us recognize. My guess is that the mover and shakers of the Far Right are searching for an unknown, someone who stridently holds their beliefs and isn’t featured on You Tube. Someone who will spend the next few years in the laboratory before being released on the country as a moderate who’s message is the Birth of the New Conservatism. To create this person they’ll steal parts from others, just like the “good” Doctor: Huckabee’s charm. Romney’s economics. Rudy’s grit. Thompson’s stature. Gingrich’s vision. McCain’s honor. Brownback’s heart. But the soul of this person, while not on display, will belong to the Christian Right.

But there is hope, and I counting on the “RINOS”. Take back your party. You’ve already taken the first step. The tearing down of Sarah Palin isn’t coming from the Democrats. We’re merely spectators. It’s Republicans who are ripping her apart. To which I say, Bravo! But your work doesn’t end with Palin. You’ve let this monster grow too big. You’ve fed it with your silence, and unfortunately you’re on your own in destroying it. Liberals can’t help. Our criticism only feeds the beast.

But we will be watching, and hoping for your success. Good luck.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (15)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Both parties have crazies, but Republican crazies think that they built the party.

    That is because the rich people who benefit from having all the mindless wingnut sheep do all the heavy lifting have spent the past 20 years kissing their asses.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    Pandora-Thank you for speaking for me. And I do truly mean that. In light of the overwhelming success in your party right now, you have the compassionate grace to look back, encourage the fallen–and yes, many of us fallen for the reasons so aptly described in your post. I appreciate the hand up, instead of the kick while down. What a job ahead….

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I too hope for a more moderate tone for the Republican party. I know there’s a lot of Democrats the relish running against Palin in 2012 (because they think she’s ridiculous), but I think the country is better with a strong opposition that has good ideas based in reality.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I wish you luck Joanne. I’m sure you’ve already heard about “Project Leper.”

  5. nemski says:

    But Bobby Jindell isn’t white. This shows the inclusiveness of the Republican Party.

    LOL. I kill me.

  6. pandora says:

    Your welcome, Joanne. I’m counting on you guys – Smitty, are you listening? 😉

    Palin scared the hell out of me, but I’m more fearful of what’s being created in that lab. I fear that the package will be designed to be palatable to the middle while hiding the extremism.

    There were lessons learned by the Far Right on Nov. 4th. Unfortunately, they weren’t the right ones.

    Now, stop wasting your time on blogs! You have work to do! /snark

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    They are fools to speak of Palin in 2012. It was supposed to be Dean in 04, and Hilary in 08, and Gulianai in 08, etc.etc. etc.-I wouldn’t waste what’s left of any intellectual energy encouraging, or discouraging it in my case, on any lame brain prognastications so far out. And besides, she may have another pregnant teen by then–or maybe she’ll (Sarah), may be pregnant again!

  8. mynym says:

    ….and yes, many of us fallen for the reasons so aptly described in your post.

    Ummm, the Republicans just ran one of the most liberal candidates that they have and lost. Why shouldn’t they conclude that a “Me too, just spending a little less than him.” message isn’t a winning strategy?

    For that matter, it was lamented that Bush used so-called “wedge” social issues…. but he won. It’s easy to see why pragmatic Republicans of a decadent and corrupt aristocracy who just want to win instead of running another noble loser like McCain would conclude that in order to do so they must appeal to conservatives. On the other hand, the social conservatives who actually do believe that same sex marriage is wrong or that abortion should be regulated they could run a candidate that would naturally take votes away from minority liberal voting blocs.

    I appreciate the hand up, instead of the kick while down. What a job ahead….

    If the job ahead is to get political power then it would be pretty stupid to take the advice of political opponents at face value.

  9. pandora says:

    Well, I guess that explains why Christine O’Donnell is now Senator.

    Big job ahead of you, Joanne. Good luck.

  10. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Palin 2012? Pshaw!

    Stevens ain’t gonna make it no way, no how. Soooooo

    How about Sen. Palin, 2008?

    How ya gonna keep ’em down on the tundra after they’ve shopped Bloomies?

  11. mynym says:

    Well, I guess that explains why Christine O’Donnell is now Senator.

    Explaining why Christine O’Donnell didn’t win against an entrenched incumbent like Biden is totally different than explaining the dynamics involved with “noble loser” war veterans like McCain or Bob Dole.

    The simple fact is that there are enough voting blocs and voters for fiscal and social conservatism to win, the Republicans haven’t been winning because they have no credibility as fiscal conservatives (leaving liberals room to play pretend like they’re actually fiscal conservatives) and ignorantly believe that social conservatism won’t win. (Apparently like Joanne…)

  12. Dominique says:

    I voted for McCain because I thought he was better prepared for the job, but I also thought it was important to send a message to

    1) the DNC that I take the election/voting process seriously and their behavior at the RBC was not something that any self-respecting voter should tolerate, and

    2) the RNC that they should support more moderate candidates. Despite the ranting on this and other lefty blogs, McCain is a moderate. I thought it was important to encourage the GOP to move to the center.

    So, I kind of agree with you, P. I would like to see both parties move to the center (where I have long resided).

    I couldn’t disagree with you more about Palin, tho. I think you’re buying into the media spin and completely underestimating her.

  13. jason330 says:

    Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!

  14. pandora says:

    Oh, I’m not underestimating Palin. She’s completely unfit for office. Not because she’s stupid (she’s not), but because she’s disinterested. Self improvement and self awareness are non-existent in her world. She couldn’t care less. She plans on riding this regular hockey mom image right into the White House.

    And, no matter how many times you say it John McCain is NOT a moderate. He use to play one on TV, but even that persona is gone. Granted next to Palin he seemed more balanced…