Who is Rahm Emanuel?

Filed in National by on November 7, 2008

The GOP and the intollerant are not happy. First the Dixiepulbicans. It did not take long in posting the following piece regarding the Emanuel nod, Obama’s Broken Promise. Some honeymoon. As for the fanantical, did you hear the one about the Black and the Jew in the White House? The rabid right are spinning here and here and here and . . .

Before I give you the Cliff Notes version of Emanuel, let me digress about the role of the Chief of Staff for the President of the United States. Well, it depends. The role and responsibilities of the Chief of Staff depend on the management style of the President as well as who the other senior staff advisers who surround the President. For instance, though Karl Rove was never the Chief of Staff in President Bush’s Administration, he ran the show.  While President Reagan had James Baker in the first term and Donald Regan in the second term as Chief of Staff; both of whom were very powerful. But after reading about Emanuel over the last few days, my impression is that he’ll be a strong Chief of Staff.

In a Newsweek interview, Andrew Card described the job as such:

Earn and keep the trust of the president. Those are two different statements. Don’t talk about things you shouldn’t be talking about, beyond what the president tells you. Remember that you’re serving the president and the First Lady, not a constituency. You’re not only there to help the president do his job, but you are also responsible for protecting the institution of the presidency—and sometimes, those will appear to be in conflict. Also, the White House is very good about paying attention to structure and organization, but I think the chief of staff also needs to pay attention to the psychology, emotions and needs of the president beyond policy. That could include contemplation time, time to call a friend or time to read a book. The chief of staff needs to be focused on the president’s 24-hour experience, not just his time in the Oval Office.

You have to have excellent peripheral vision, recognizing that a lot of other people in the White House will have tunnel vision. People who are experts on policy might come breathlessly into your office declaring that they’re ready to get something done, but the truth is the decision may be disconnected from the reality of connecting with Congress, or the United Nations, or even the American people. Just because the policy wonks are ready doesn’t mean the climate is receptive to the debate.

By now you have probably read that Emanuel, a Congressman from Chicago, is a hard-charger, a pit-bull, skull-cracker, foul-mouthed, and an ex-ballet dancer. The hyphens are important, my friends, the hyphens are important. From a Rolling Stone profile aptly called The Enforcer:

Friends and enemies agree that the key to Emanuel’s success is his legendary intensity. There’s the story about the time he sent a rotting fish to a pollster who had angered him. There’s the story about how his right middle finger was blown off by a Syrian tank when he was in the Israeli army. And there’s the story of how, the night after Clinton was elected, Emanuel was so angry at the president’s enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting “Dead! . . . Dead! . . . Dead!” and plunging the knife into the table after every name. “When he was done, the table looked like a lunar landscape,” one campaign veteran recalls. “It was like something out of The Godfather. But that’s Rahm for you.”

Rahm is one of three sons to an immigrant peditriacian father and civil-rights activist mother who settled in Chicago. His brother Ezekiel is a leading bioethicist while his brother Ari is a Hollywood agent who is the model for Ari Gold on Entourage. (BTW, Josh Lyman from West Wing is modelled on Rahm in his days with the Clinton White House). Emanuel grew up practicing to be a ballet dancer and he was a good one at that. At one point in his teenage years, he sliced his middle finger which then got infected and he almost died. He graduated from Sarah Lawarence and did some political work and fundraising for Senator Paul Simon (the guy with the bow tie) and Mayor Daley.

Emanuel’s big break came when he was picked to the the Director of Finance for a Southern governor from a small state. Forbes magazine said that his work in fund raising for the then Governor Clinton was instrumental in Clinton making it through the difficult primaries of ’92.  After Clinton’s first inauguration, Emanuel was in The White House and was demoted a year later. He feared for his job. However, through his intense work-ethic and his ability to get the job done, he soon replace George Stephanapolis in ’96 as Cllinton’s senior advisor for policy and strategy. Clinton said of Emauel that he is “one of the top political minds in Washington.” He left the Clinton White House for Wasserstin Perella, an investment bank, and made some $18 million dollars in 2 1/2 years.

His brother said of the family and Rahm in particular regarding their work ethic:

There are people who never lose, who never fail, and their first failure is usually a disaster. That is not characteristic of Rahm or anyone else in our family. What we’re very good at-and what Rahm is very good at-is coming back. Persistence and picking yourself up off the floor and working harder and learning lessons from getting kicked in the teeth.

After making, what we would all have to call, some serious money, Emanuel went back into public service as a Congressman from the 5th District of Illinois in 2002. Emanuel quickly moved up the Democratic Congressional leadership and ran Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2005 which was largely responsible for the Democratic House gains in 2006.

And now we get to this week. President-elect Obama has asked Rahm Emanuel to be his Chief of Staff and Emanuel has accepted. There is no doubt that Emanuel has many enemies many of which include both Republicans and Democrats. Joe Scarbrough has cried out that Emanuel’s appointment is the beginning of partisan warfare by the Obama Administration. And, as I mentioned at the top of this post, the Republican National Committee is none to happy. Howard Fineman of Newsweek said it best on Hardball the other night, and I’m paraphrasing here, “The Republicans don’t like Emanuel because he wins”.

What I like about Emanuel is his experience. I believe he has learned many lessons while in Washington, he understands policy and he knows how the West Wing and Capitol Hill work. In a March 2001 opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times, Emanuel gave some unsought-for-advice to the new Bush Administration which could be a road map of how the Obama Administration will act in the upcoming year.

One lesson that Bush should take from his immediate predecessor is that first impressions count, and they take a lot of work to correct.

The Clinton administration’s early missteps–gays in the military, health care–gave the impression that we were more liberal than we had said we were. These were big mistakes, ones we and our party paid for dearly in 1994.

It took another two years for Clinton to move back to the political center and to prove he had meant what he said about reforming the Democratic Party. On issues such as free trade, welfare reform and criminal justice, Clinton opposed key constituencies in his own party. His willingness to challenge and overrule narrow party interests in favor of the national interest was essential to turning around his political fortunes. It was the price of modernizing our party and taking back the middle ground we had long ceded to our opponents.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. pandora says:

    I’ve always liked Emanuel and think he’s perfect for this position. The Obama Administration will hit the ground running. And for those who worry about Emanuel taking over the White House, haven’t you been paying attention these last 2 years? Obama’s in charge.

  2. Duffy says:

    How does this represent a break from Washington? He’s chosen Biden and Emmanuel two of the most establishment DC insiders.

    He has also made enormous amounts of money in very short order. Where is the gimlet eye you usually cast at people who make so much money? Why is he not one of those “greedy rich people”?

  3. nemski says:

    Duffy, we have nothing against the very rich. For as you know, we tax the hell out of them. 😉

  4. cassandra_m says:

    There are things about Emmanuel that I haven’t liked (interference with some of the Rep races in 2006, the fight with Howard Dean in 2006 over 50 state strategy), but there is no doubt that the guy accomplishes what he sets out to do.

    The fact that repubs are up in arms is a good thing, I think — Emmanuel has a ton of rough edges, but I think that this is Obama being really clear that he intends to be serious about a legislative agenda. As long as Obama is setting the agenda and Rahm is the execution arm of that agenda, this works for me.

  5. Truth Teller says:

    Obama turned out to be smarter than folks thought he is now picking folks who know how to get things done. Yes folks I mean CLINTON”S people. You folks know the ones you hated during the primaries

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think Obama needs a mix of experience, pragmatism, optimism and new ideas to get things done. There’s nothing wrong with choosing someone who knows how to get things done.

  7. pandora says:

    TT, that rant is so old. Please let it go, or get help with these issues.

  8. Duffy says:

    I think he’s a smart pick and I think it says two things:

    1. Obama knows he doesn’t have overwhelming support either from Congress or the electorate and is picking a scrapper to help advance his agenda

    2. He’s trying to obviate HRC and her supporters by bringing the DLC old guard in house.

  9. nemski says:

    Duffy, where do you get this stuff? Is there some Republican Magic 8 Ball that I don’t know about?

    Just so we are clear about the whole Emanuel pick there are two things to know about him. First and foremost, he is from Chicago. Second, he has very strong ties to David Axelrod. Axelrod worked for Emanuel at the DCCC.

  10. G Rex says:

    So Obama picked Karl Rove’s evil twin. Big whoop!

  11. Duffy says:

    “Duffy, where do you get this stuff? Is there some Republican Magic 8 Ball that I don’t know about?”

    Ha! Would that it were so. My 401K would look quite a bit better.

    “Just so we are clear about the whole Emanuel pick there are two things to know about him.”

    and third: he’s really good at ballet.

  12. nemski says:

    G Rex wrote: So Obama picked Karl Rove’s evil twin.

    Isn’t “Karl Rove’s evil twin” a double negative that would make Emanuel good? 😉

    I’ll assume your “big whoop” comment is a joke as I’m guessing that you do know how import the Chief of Staff is.

  13. G Rex says:

    In the Army, a general officer’s aide de camp is referred to colloquially as his dog robber, meaning that he will employ whatever means necessary to meet the general’s needs, including stealing someone’s dog. Come to think of it, that will probably be Emanuel’s first job. Better lock up your Border Collies tonight, Chicagoans!

  14. pandora says:

    Not certain, but think the Obamas will rescue a dog from a shelter.

  15. nemski says:

    From Obama’s presser today:

    With respect to the dog, this is a major issue. I think it’s generated more interest on our Web site than just about anything.

    We have — we have two criteria that have to be reconciled. One is that Malia is allergic, so it has to be hypoallergenic. There are a number of breeds that are hypoallergenic.

    On the other hand, our preference would be to get a shelter dog, but, obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me. So — so whether we’re going to be able to balance those two things I think is a pressing issue on the Obama household.

  16. pandora says:

    I knew it! Thanks, nemski.

  17. Duffy says:

    He’s not Rove’s evil twin, he’s Rove’s Bearded Spock. (by reading this your nerd cred has increased by 1 point)

  18. G Rex says:

    Ooh ooh, I know this one! It’s like when David Hasselhof has a mustache?

  19. pandora says:

    Sometimes I really worry about you guys. 😉

  20. Truth Teller says:

    Remember the economy always done better under the Dem’s than the Repuk’s . So it was Clinton who balanced the budget and left a surplus for his successor name one Repuk President that has done that. And Pandora the fact that he is picking Clinton’s people is that he recognizes that they know how to get the economy rolling again . And Pandora it’s not a rant it’s a fact that you folks wouldn’t give the Clinton’s any credit during the primaries thank god that Obama sees talent. in Bills choice of advisers.

  21. Dominique says:

    My biggest concern with Obama was (and is) that he has very little experience in Washington and, while he’s certainly an eloquent speaker, he doesn’t exactly strike me as the kind of guy who could charm people into doing what he wants (a la Bill Clinton). I think he needs someone like Emanuel to get things done.

    BTW, Duffy, ’round here it’s only a sin for a Republican to make $18 million in two years. Dems can do no wrong.

    Excellent post, nemski.

  22. nemski says:

    Thanks Dom.

    TT, FYI Bill was President from ’92 to ’00, not Hillary. What credit should she have been given? Is it Laura Bush’s fault that her husband has brought the United States to the brink of second-world status?

  23. Truth Teller says:

    All you Clinton haters who beat up on anyone who has something nice to say about them should read, Colbert King’s column in today Washington Post. At least he gives credit where credit is do. No Nemski Hillary made it on her own all Laura did was kill an x boyfriend in a car crash.

  24. Independent says:

    I do not get it! What that Syrian tank was doing in Arby’s, where Rahm’s severed the middle finger on his right hand in a meat-slicing machine? :)))

    I guess Obama felt he needed a pit-bull to keep in line those racist conservatives. Hope he is tough enough to know how to keep him on leash and when to let him off!