
Filed in National by on November 21, 2008

[youtube][/youtube]I don’t know if you will laugh at this or not. My mouth was agape as I watched the background…

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Anyone know if the turkey she pardoned is the one getting slaughtered behind her? Photo op massive fail!

  2. xstryker says:

    Talking about how much fun and levity she’s having in front of mangled turkey guts is pretty much the perfect metaphor for why she freaks American the fuck out.

  3. Disbelief says:

    If she came to Delaware she could drive a chicken truck into a bridge abutment. That would be entertaining for both her AND us.

  4. jason330 says:

    It almost seems staged. Can she really be this stupid?

  5. liberalgeek says:

    This just made my day. But are we the turkey? Or is John McCain the turkey? I’m so confused…

  6. Unstable Isotope says:


    I think she really is that stupid.

  7. June says:

    She makes me nervous — talking so fast she can hardly get a breath in. Everytime I hear her, I think of Al Mascetti saying his wife (who used to be involved in publicizing Miss America type contests) saying that’s how they coach the contestants –just to keep talking, talking, talking. As far as the other turkeys, I kept my eyes closed.

  8. David says:

    I don’t understand your point. It was cool. I have no issue with farming.

    It is the President who pardons the Turkey. The Gov. of Alaska eats them. I can’t wait until she is President. You guys will go crazy–I guess I mean even crazier.

  9. jason330 says:


    We all know that the point of modern conservatism is to annoy liberals – but please try to find someone who annoys liberals and is also not an idiot.

    That would seem to be the more rational and I dare say, patriotic course of action.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m with June. I was almost distracted from the turkey slaughter by the blizzard of words from Palin. She’s speaking English and all the words are understandable but it somehow all comes together to form gibberish. I think it should be obvious by now that Palin’s disastrous Couric interview had nothing to do with being “overprepared” or having too many talking points.

    As far as the photo-op, she did do a turkey pardon and then gave an interview (she can’t get enough of being on TV). In fact, I read that the news team asked her if she had any hesitation about doing the interview with that background and she said it was o.k. So, apparently she wanted that in the background.

    I agree Jason. It is unpatriotic to put an unqualified idiot in the president’s spot. We have that now and look at the disaster that has become!

  11. Joe M says:

    I hate to ask, but I can’t release focus from the turkey slaughter thing…

    How is that funnel killing the turkeys?

  12. notice the guy pulling the head underneath…he puts the turkey in head first, reaches up, grabs and pulls the head/neck through and through the wonder of technology, kerplunk…

  13. Disbelief says:

    Don’t they use the same device for a briss? I remember requiring an extra-large funnel.

  14. meatball says:

    The throat is slit and they are bled to death.

  15. Dorian Gray says:

    I actually purchase all my meats from a sustainable farm in MD. Poultry is “processed” this way there too. You slide the chicken or turkey into the cone to expose its neck. Then a vein is cut to kill it. You don’t take the head completely off.

    At least this isn’t a factory type situation.

  16. pandora says:

    Of course, there are other ways to kill turkeys.

  17. Joe M says:

    Ah, I get it now. Thanks DV and meatball!

  18. cassandra m says:

    What is the name of this place in MD, DG? Is the poultry free range?

  19. truth teller says:

    Run this clip just before you sit down for your Thanksgiving Dinner the kids will enjoy it

  20. edisonkitty says:

    I have read that domestic turkeys have been bred for their physical attributes for so long, that they are incredibly stupid animals; the classic example being that if left out in the rain, they will look up to see what is happening until they drown.

    I always thought this level of stupidity was impossible to top.

    The video proves me wrong.

  21. Dorian Gray says:

    As a big animal rights guy, going back to eating meat was actually a very difficuly choice. But after some pretty intense research I can echo edisonkitty; most poultry – chickens, turkeys, etc. are incredibly dim. They have been compared to walking plants. Pigs and hogs on the other hand are actually very bright. They have the brain activity of 4 or 5 year old human beings… or 40 something governors. 🙂 That’s why I haven’t eatten pork in two years and won’t.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    Americablog documents the MSNBC news scroll while Palin was giving this press conference. You have to click on the image there to be able to read them all. Hilarious!

  23. liz says:

    What was sickening was the hillbilly performing the slaughter! He kept looking back grinning at the camera to make sure he was in the shot. Palin obviously has no qualms about killing animals, or blood letting. Guess we will be having a vegetarian Thanksgiving !

  24. Orca says:


    About damn time you rose-smelling fartknockers got a lesson in where your food comes from!

    Palin RULES!

  25. wait? you mean it doesn’t come in a neat package straight from god’s hands? wtf?

  26. Von Cracker says:

    I didn’t need the lesson, moron.

    You wingnutz sure take pride in such silly things. Usually, very inconsequential things too, I may add.

  27. a. price says:

    I heard about this video. I was kind of hoping to see it’s head get chopped off and see it run around, maybe spraying blood all over Sarah…. but alas. It was a nice humane death-funnel.
    also, did anyone catch the question about the “financial chopping block” it was an irony-gasm.

  28. Unstable Isotope says:

    OMG, the MSNBC chirons are hilarious! Someone was obviously having fun during this one.

  29. Geezer says:

    For David: The reason we’re mocking Palin is that she brags in this video about how she’s just there to help out a small business — which she did by filming a feel-good feature “pardoning” a turkey.

    She then proceeded to completely undo that by yapping away while the birds were slaughtered in the same frame.

    So let’s judge her by the outcome. Which video is being shown coast to coast — the feel-good one in which the turkey is pardoned, or the one that reminds everyone that death is involved?

    I hate to agree with Liz, but I wonder how many people will see this and resolve to have a vegetarian feast this year?

  30. h. says:

    You won’t eat pork because the pigs are more intelligent. Comical.

  31. Joanne Christian says:

    Can’t do anything about the turkey thing this year–but I do want to know is THAT a Burberry scarf she’s wearing around her neck, that probably should have been returned to the RNC for the big auction?

  32. nemski says:

    $300 for a scarf! Are you kidding me?

  33. She bought the scarf with her average joe $1 million net worth, dontcha know.

  34. pandora says:

    I noticed the scarf as well.

  35. Dorian Gray says:

    h. – What is comical about not eating pork? I have a moral issue with slaughtering a sentient being that very likely is conscious of its own existence, feels pain, etc. If that is comical, I guess I don’t understand the definition of comical.

    Read Peter Singer and Michael Pollan and get back to me.

  36. nemski says:

    DG, “very likely”? Sounds like faith to me. 😉

  37. Dorian Gray says:

    It’s based on overwhelming scientific evidence. Nice try you weirdo.

  38. meatball says:

    As the owner of a small flock of heritage breed chickens, I am often amazed at how intelligent they actually are.

  39. liberalgeek says:

    I laughed at the pork thing, too. But I kept thinking about Pulp Fiction.

    I don’t eat anything too dumb to disregard their own feces.

    But bacon is good, Pork chops taste good.

    Sewer rat might taste like punkin pie, but I wouldn’t know cause I wouldn’t eat the filthy mfer.

    Love that scene.

  40. Suzanne says:

    Just posted about this on my blog before I saw it here – I honestly can’t believe that after all this trouble she got into with interviews, I can’t believe she is still so fucking unaware of what is going on around here…that hurts….
    Then again, I can believe it – because she is STUPID

  41. Miscreant says:

    ” wait ? you mean it doesn’t come in a neat package straight from god’s hands? wtf?”

    First… Happy Thanksgiving!

    Listen up, Sparky. I wasn’t always the obscenely wealthy CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I worked my ass off (that’s right) at menial jobs for a while until I could get my legs. For a period of time I worked at a slaughterhouse in the Midwest. My first job was herding the cattle into the chutes so they could be methodically killed by a weird, cross-eyed, smiling, toothless gentleman who had a slight glimmer in his eye when he hit the button on the pneumatic device that shot a hardened steel plunger through the forehead and into the brain of a cow.

    Cows were first, then the bulls. In a bizarre twist of fate, the first bull almost always mounted the last cow for that last piece of ass. Even more bizarre was the reaction it set off…bulls would get the scent, and start mounting each other. It was a tad surrealistic as their eyes rolled back in their heads in bliss. They were oblivious to their impending fate. At one point in time, I counted eight bulls humping away in an unnatural linear Daisy Chain. (This could explain why I get nostalgic when I visit this blog).

    Like you guys, they were so focused on this unnatural activity that the only way to separate them was with a cattle prod straight in the asshole. That was part of my job. It was the only thing that got their attention.

    By 11:30 am there was about 2 inches of congealed blood on the floor. It was the consistency of Jello, only it was opaque and didn’t smell at all like strawberrys.

    After they sent in a crew of Puerto Ricans to pressure was and steam the blood off the floor, and directly into the city’s sewage treatment system.

    After lunch, it was time for the swine. They were hosed down with cold water, and unceremoniously electrocuted. Because they were a bit smarted than cattle, they knew what was about to happen, so there was no humping, only deafening screams until they got hit with enough voltage to dim all the lights on the killing floor. They also shit themselves just before electrocution. The noise and smell was unbelievable.

    – How I got promoted.
    – What pet food is really made of.

    I still like a good cheeseburger, but I stay away from ham.

    Enjoy your turkeys.

  42. Puzzler says:

    You can’t parody this. This IS a Saturday Night Live skit.

  43. pandora says:

    Miscreant shall now be known as Clarice Starling.

  44. Unstable Isotope says:


  45. cassandra_m says:

    Completely brilliant, Pandora!

  46. OceanBien says:

    Though it wasn’t another bright moment in Sara Palin’s political career, I’m glad to know that many people will see the video to help them understand where their food comes from. The form of harvesting turkeys used here is much more humane than the normal “factory” setting that most large turkey farms use. It would be good if more people understood where their food comes from.

  47. Miscreant says:

    And you, my darling Pandora, I shall always think of you as my ‘last cow’.

    Anyway, my big promotion:
    You wouldn’t believe how hard the head of a Charolais Bull is. The skin on their foreheads alone is over a half inch thick. Sometimes this would proved to be a bit problematic for the toothless guy who operated the pneumatic gun. When lobotomized with this little marvel of lethal technology, most bulls would go down faster than a Republican Senator in a public restroom. Not so the Charolais, because often it would only briefly stun them. After he hit them he would raise the gate, the bull would roll out on the floor and the operator would hook a chain around the left ankle so it could be winched up to the first position on the line where its throat was slit.

    One day this dentally challenged genius got too complacent around a stunned Charolais. Whilst he was hooking up the chain, the bull’s hind legs had a violent spasm, sending him airborne into a concrete block wall. When I was dragging him to safety through the bloody Jello, I realized he wasn’t wearing his hard hat that day. It also dawned on me why he was missing most of his teeth. I understand he recovered, somewhat, but he never came back. Back then, Yo hablo Espanol, so all the Puerto Rican girls adored me.

    I learned some lessons from his misfortune:
    – Be sure of the kill.
    – Always wear a hard hat.
    – Never end up as second bull.

  48. donviti says:

    what seems to get lost is not the fact that people are skieved out by seeing a turkey being killed.

    10 MINUTES EARLIER SHE PARDONED A TURKEY….so while she was showing mercy and pardoning one animal in the span of 3 minutes 3 more were killed.

    Politics at it’s best.

  49. Miscreant says:

    I already knew your full name, and you’re right, it proves nothing. And, your point is…

  50. It must prove something in your myopic mind, because you have gone out of your way to use it 2x’s in the past 2 days….

    and your last name is tough guy?

  51. Von Cracker says:

    Maybe he has a hankering for some Italian Sausage, DV.


  52. Miscreant says:

    “… , because you have gone out of your way to use it 2x’s in the past 2 days….”

    Actually, I didn’t go out of my way at all. It was effortless. However, I can see it got you all in a snit, so I will try to refrain from using it. I offer my profound apologies, as I didn’t realize you were that sensitive.

    “and your last name is tough guy?”

    No, it’s not , but you can call me that if you wish.

    “Maybe he has a hankering for some Italian Sausage, DV.”

    The real question comes to mind, Nemsky… What on earth compelled you to think of “Italian Sausage” during prime time on a Saturday night?
    Don’t get out much?