Archive for November, 2008

Props to Tom Carper

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 4 Comments

As Much as I think Tom Carper sucks as a Democrat, nobody can dispute that fact that he is a great politician. He has instincts and guts. Two things that John Carney came up short on. Carper wasn’t a shoe in to beat Bill Roth (prior to Roth falling down on the campaign trail) but […]

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On ‘On The Origin of Species’

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 12 Comments

Richard Dawkins said that Charles Darwin had a big idea, Stephen Jay Gould wondered why Darwin was so hard to grasp, and Jerry Falwell said that evolutionary teachings have turned countless minds against the Gospel and the authority of the Scripture. It was this date in 1859 that Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species. […]

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Woody Guthrie – This Land Is Your Land

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 4 Comments

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John Carney was not dissed today.

Filed in Delaware by on November 24, 2008 24 Comments

It was always my opinion that forcing John to be a placeholder would be the height of disrespect, even if he was willing to do it as reported.    John Carney is no placeholder.    He is a man who has served Delaware for decades, who is a capable and qualified public servant and who was enormously […]

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There Are 2 Ways to Look At This Ted Kaufman Thing

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 20 Comments

1) You can say that Ted Kaufman is qualified to serve two years in the Senate, that he will (like LBJ) serve out his predecessor’s term in honor of the man whose shoe (he will state) he has no hopes of filling. And you can say that with this pick Ruth Ann Minner has done […]

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How Come Nobody Told Me Today Was Going To Be Joke Day?

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 7 Comments

Team Moves Forward With McNabb One day after removing Donovan McNabb as the quarterback at halftime of the loss in Baltimore, head coach Andy Reid couldn’t have been more emphatic about this decision to go back to his veteran against the Cardinals on Thanksgiving night. “Donovan McNabb is the starting quarterback,” said Reid, adding that […]

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RAM on WDEL Live

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 45 Comments

A plodding address poorly delivered as usual. Guided by …what is best for Delaware… Qualified. Interest of Delaware First. Shares Delware’s Values… Shares Biden’s values… Will be a placeholder… not thinking of re-election. Not Beau Biden. Ted Kaufman.

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It has come to this…

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 81 Comments

If you want an inside scoop as to what is happening at Dellib, well let me be the first to peel back the curtain enough to see the perv in the corner masterbating frantically. Delaware liberal cares about you the reader. We care about what you think. In fact we care A LOT ABOUT WHAT […]

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Nicolo Machiavelli Predicts Beau Biden Will Be Muched Loved By The People

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 0 Comments

Nobody disputes that fact that Nicolo Machiavelli knew a little bit about life. CHAPTER II Concerning Hereditary Principalities I WILL leave out all discussion on republics, inasmuch as in another place I have written of them at length, 1 and will address myself only to principalities. In doing so I will keep to the order […]

Continue Reading » Takes “matter of fact” Tone RE: Future Senator Beau Biden

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 8 Comments

The royal succession is on. Biden replacement – announcement today By Aaron Blake Posted: 11/24/08 12:26 PM [ET] Delaware’s governor will make an announcement on Vice-President-elect Joe Biden’s Senate seat this afternoon, with speculation swirling that a placeholder will be chosen to warm the seat for Biden’s son. A release from Gov. Ruth Ann Minner’s […]

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More Funny About Citicorp

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 5 Comments
More Funny About Citicorp

From SD Watch, If We Give Citi the Bailout, Make Sure to Call Them at Dinner Asking When They Can Repay. I guess it is good to have a sense of humor as the America of our childhood goes the way of the Pet Rock, Pong and Perms for men.

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Here is a Thought…

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 8 Comments

…doesn’t Biden have to resign the Senate first before RAM can appoint someone to it?   We are being punked by Burris.

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Are you done? NOT EVEN CLOSE….BUD!

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 6 Comments

feel free to bury your head in the sand and think that this financial mess is over or that we have turned a corner. We haven’t and aren’t even close to being out of the woods. A key piece to pick up on during this 6 minute clip is what is going to happen to […]

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