Quiz Time

Filed in National by on December 18, 2008

Let’s see how well you know your Economics….

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hiding in the open

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  1. 60%, and a massive headache.

    I honestly don’t know how I pulled that off.

  2. Truth Teller says:

    I am with you brian 63% and please don’t ask me to repeat.

    My head is still splitting. I would be lying if i said when i looked at my answere I understood each of them

  3. Bob McWilliams says:

    50% and now I know why our economy is in the toilet……..

  4. that stuff is first year Econ stuff too…

  5. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    If you havn`t taken the test don`t waste your time, it`s a wonkish pile of steaming bullshit totally irrelevent at this point in time. One example to ask a question about trade defiects when both the amount of imports and exports is literally falling of a cliff is a joke. This is just someone trying to impress you by plagerisng a economics text book.

    heres a test which will help you find out how to really get our economy on track.

    1. what has caused consumer credit card debt to soar to record unsustainable levels.

    2 what is meant by Maldistribution of wealth and how did it cause the great depression and is it a factor now.

    3. How is our current health care system lowering our overall standard of living and what can be done about it.

    4. What two ironclade pieces of republican data caused the last great depression and are on the verge of doing it again.

    5. What did Adam Smith say generates real wealth in capitilism.

    6. Why does buying at wal- mart steal money from your children and grandchildren

    7. What is a feed back loop and why will it cause you to lose your job.

    8. What`s a liqudity trap and are we in one.

    9. How is the world economy fairing and how will it effect us.

    10. A double question , what is the percentage of union membership in non goverment jobs now compared to 1975, and what does the term rite to work really mean and what effect does it have on ULC`s.

  6. hey dipshit

    he’s an Econ Profesor and those were actual test questions he submitted to his students…

    what a shocker, you did’t read the link it sent you too. So while you think he is trying to impress you and he is plagirising you have made yourself look like a fool. Or I should say, more foolish. pathetic and typical all at once.

  7. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    It`s a steming load of bullshit and you know it your lack of real economic knowledge is exposed, that has you upset, so go get your bankie and answer my quiz.

  8. uh no actually dumb ass.

    You went over to a Professor of Economics website that was giving his readers 10 questions from an actual test he gives.

    So in your infinte brilliance you then said:

    This is just someone trying to impress you by plagerisng a economics text book

    you sir are a steaming load of bullshit and were just exposed.

    I mean really how better does it get you called it plagirism from a textbook and they are question from an Econ Prof test….

    god your assholishness is craptacular

  9. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    The very post here yesterday renders the M3 and M1 question totally irrelavent, the fed ignors both when it says they are going to throw all the money they can out there to solve the problem, taking that test does not give you any information about what our problems are, right our wrong.
    I`ll put this out to the rest of the commenters, What did you learn by taking that test that will help us stop losing jobs at the highest rate in 28 years?

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    70%–but the M1 M3 question should be thrown out, because I forgot which was which OK?

  11. pandora says:

    I solemnly promise to always click on DV’s links.

    I know nothing about economics. What I do know… Macy’s is selling cashmere sweaters for 49.00 – marked down from 160.00. That can’t be good. (I bought two.)

  12. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Pandora; Your post is a 100 times more useful than the test, that`s an example of world wide deflation of asset prices that has economist really worried, it`s usual only seen in this magnitude prior to world wide depression.

  13. I already knew from failing four macroeconomic classes (due to a medical condition, I swear) that I barely knew economics.

    The questions I did get right I would have to assume it was because I logically eliminated answers that didn’t seem to make sense.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t have been surprised to get a 30.

  14. is it me or is snowthrower sounding a lot like that kid in school that says, “I don’t need to know this, I’m never going to need it”

    I stand by my opinion. You are a dipshit.

    All I did was ask to see how well you know economics. The leaps and bounds you have made in the comments of this post are short of astounding.

    1. making up your own questions, 2. accusing the professor of GASP using a TEXT BOOK and 3. then asking how it will get jobs is 4. not shocking at all. It only shows you obviously know nothing about economics as well as your assholery.

    Man what I have learned about you from this quiz was priceless.

  15. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    What anyone learned from that quiz is worthless, the dry shir index fell 93% last month meaning there are hundreds of ships at anchor with no where to go. Bush and company stopped computig the M3 numbers a year ago, your supporting ivory tower bullshit that has been rendered obsolete by current events. Stop behaving like a child and start fact checking what I say.
    I was in Viet-Nam with the Marines for 13 months in 67& 68 the last thing we needed was a annapolis graduate who was convinced he had all the pertanent knowledge he needed in country because he had studied it in class room, this is the same thing. that`s accurate information but most of it has been rendered irrelevent at this time a place by the facts on the ground.
    take my test, look up the answers you don`t know and you will be able to help get us out of this mess that we are in financially.
    Your anger is based on foolish pride, you need to learn you need to counter argue with facts not childish name calling and pouting, you make yourself look the fool.

  16. liz says:

    I stand with Shoe Throwing Instructor. Asking any “economics professor’ an economics question while the ship is sinking…is dumb. Text books don’t apply to the financial 911 we are facing today.

  17. Lee Ann says:

    Does it bother anyone other than me that for all STI’s purported mastery of economics he can’t spell worth a lick? It kind of undermines your holy-er than thow screed, dude. Maybe I’m expecting too much.

    I’m headed to Macy’s.

  18. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Lee ann; they are mostly typo`s but I`ve noticed when I comment on economic sites they are never mentioned but people on this sight use it in place of an intelligent retort, because that`s all they have got.

  19. Lee Ann says:

    I admit it, that’s all I’ve got tonight.

  20. liz says:

    Shoe Thrower #3 of your questions. If we had a single payer system in this country, people would have had raises . In 1998 it cost an employer $3817 to insure an employee with a family. 2006 which is the most updated figure I could find, it cost the employer $8153 for an average employee with a familty. Thats more than double. Basically 2007, 2008, 2009, will all be higher. These real numbers are not being released because they are so high they are embarassing to the health care industry, at a point when health care is the #2 issue in the country.

    Imagine if we had single payer health care as Hilary tried to give us, all that money would have come to the employee in the form of a raise thereby giving families the extra income with more purchasing power.

    We are having the largest unemployment rates since 1978. It will only get worse. Those who continue to supp0rt the for profit health care system, will begin to understand the need for single payer, when they can’t pay the extremely high Cobra costs, and have no health care coverage.

  21. I like the fact that STI is trying to redeem himself and trying like hell to sound intelligent after he made himself look like an ass.

    Oh and having Liz back you up doesn’t help bolster your case.

  22. I posted a simple quiz just as a way to have a little fun with readers. The fact that Liz and STI are on the same page is delightful

  23. JohnnyX says:

    STI – an acronym that can stand for:

    Shoe Throwing Instructor


    Sexually Transmitted Infection

    Coincidence? You be the judge…

  24. Maybe asking Economics Professors might actually help. I seem to remember 3 years ago an economics professor at DelTech saying we were going to have the next depression if we don’t get our heads out of our asses.

    Now how does a 5 figure salaried schmuck from Delaware (Sorry Mr. B) know the economy is on the edge of failure, and not the knuckleheads driving this trainwreck?!?

    I might not know much about economics, but I do know this: if the system is rigged, and it’s failing.. then more rigging of the system is just going to mess it up worse.

    In the end you’re better off setting everything back to their defaults and waiting for everything to equalize, and start over. Yes, I know this means economic times not seen since our grandparents were children, but if that’s the eventuality, why mess with the system and prolong it, let’s just get it over with.

  25. jason330 says:

    I love me some Lee Ann #19!

  26. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Feel free to call me all the names you can think, you will not come up with anything I have not been called by republicans on economic web sites when I give the detailed answer to question number 4 on my quiz. It totally puts the blame for all our present and future and past economic problems, and lacking any intelligent retort they resort to virbage most foul. Which borders on insanity because my posts are anonomous as are everyones.
    But in the coming year as hardships pile up and start to toach you personally it`s important to know who is responsable.

  27. jason330 says:

    I love me some STI.

    But in the coming year as hardships pile up and start to toach you personally it`s important to know who is responsible.

    I’m not the least bit confused about why I am sooooo pissed off these days.

    We. Are. Screwed.

    I find it hard to imagine how Obama’s economonic team can fend off an outright economic depression with unemployment in the 20%’s.

    I’m like that kid from that Bruce Willis movie.

    “I see laid off people.”

  28. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Jason; question 7&8 we are caught in both and the way out is not even really being discussed. we are so screwed I will be commenting from another country in the near future, Port au Prince Haiti has better economic prospects than we do.

  29. Dana says:

    90%: I misinterpreted the graph on question 6. However, I didn’t care for the wording in question #2.

  30. Dana says:

    The Inspector asked:

    what does the term rite to work really mean

    It means a ceremony through which one must go in order to have a job. In many cases, this means signing a union card.

    Now, the right to work, as in a right to work law, means that you cannot be fired for refusing to join a union. 🙂

  31. Smarter Than Donviti says:

    Wow, Donviti puts up a lame economic post and gets called out by Shoe Throwing Instructor. And what does Donviti resort to, calling STI names like
    dumb ass
    a steaming load of bullshit
    dipshit . . . again
    an ass

    To quote Donviti, DV has made himself look like a fool. Or I should say, more foolish. pathetic and typical all at once.

    And, now, the Nelson Laugh.

  32. I put up a quiz. that was all. I didn’t comment on the quiz. I didn’t elaborate. It is a basic econ 101 Macro test. I suggested readers take it.

    STI went all holier than thou and came up with his own test. NOT sure why he did.

    I called him a dumb ass and laid out my reasons. and continued to tell the readers why he is a dumbass.

    it was a quiz. STI reacted like a baby, attacked the guy that made up the quiz and then put up a quiz over here.

    not sure why he thought what he was doing was relevant, but it amused me to see him spaz out.

    Keep trying to take me off my pedestal SMD. I LIKE IT! The more you try the higher I climb.

  33. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Dana; technically correct answer so must give you an A, but it also serves to dilute the bargaining power of the workers and in most cases destroys the union in time. The real purpose of right to work is to give total control of wages and working conditions back to the employer.

  34. Suzanne says:

    STI is so smart and intelligent, it can’t even post under his real name…we need a DL poll on who we things STI is…