The Obama Generation?

Filed in National by on January 2, 2009


This is an advertisment in BART, the public tranportation system in the San Francisco area. h/t The Boston Globe political blog, Political Intelligence. (Note they published this photo without any attribution.)

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. G Rex says:

    Is this connected to the Obama in any way, or is somebody just cashing in on Obama-mania? It seemed like everyone in Times Square was wearing a scarf with this logo, but it’s not the same “O” design as was used in the campaign.

  2. G Rex says:

    No wait, it’s Pepsi.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    It seems from the article that Pepsi is undergoing a major rebranding. This design blog has pics of the bottles and cans redone.

    It does look like Pepsi is trying to capitalize off of the Obama logo….

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    They’re just trying to cash in on what’s popular. I read that Obama merchandise is flying off the shelf right now. I notice they’re also using Daily Kos orange – coincidence?

  5. Rebecca says:

    There may be some plagarism going on here, but it can’t hurt to have an international brand reinforcing the Obama message. I like it.