A DelawareLiberal Movie

Filed in National by on January 29, 2009

For your viewing pleasure.

I’m the guy in the hat and Republicans are the bald guys.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (30)

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  1. John Feroce says:

    “I’m the guy in the hat and Republicans are the bald guys. ”

    Jason, you’d actually have to sign up and agree to defend our country in order to be the guy in the hat.

    See Jason, I know that guy in the hat, I served with that guy in the hat, that guy in the hat was a friend of mine…and you Jason, you are no Marine.

  2. FSP says:


  3. Jason, you’d actually have to sign up and agree to defend our country in order to be the guy in the hat.

    See Jason, I know that guy in the hat, I served with that guy in the hat, that guy in the hat was a friend of mine…and you Jason, you are no Marine.

    or you can go with the shorter version:

    grrrrr, I’m tough, I served.

  4. jason,

    just because you pay taxes doesn’t make you a real American.

    You have to be a former veteran that moves from Rhode Island where you were a politician there then move to another state and try to be a politician there.

    shorter version:

    a carpetbagger

  5. Mark H says:

    I served, but I’m not so tough 🙂

  6. yes, but were you a disgraced angry hotheaded politician from another state? Have you attempted running for office in the state you now reside in?

    if so, you just may be tough enough

  7. jason330 says:


    It was a metaphor you stupid asswipe. I’m not literally the guy in the hat. The guy in the hat is an actor you named Lee Ermey.

    Honestly. I’m talking to 5 year olds here.

  8. anon2700 says:

    If you’re gonna do embedded videos, at least do a nutshell explanation so those of us who can’t play them know what we’re supposed to be seeing, please…

  9. Joanne Christian says:

    And with engagement like that you will be an Army of one (yes, before the invectives, I know it’s the Marines). Now what? You going to order a Red Dog? I may be five, but I am beginning to understand right from wrong.

  10. jason330 says:

    It was the barracks scene from “Full Metal Jacket” in which the drill sergeant gives out the nicknames and welcomes the recruits to the Marine Corps.

    Dave Buris is the fat guy. (metaphorically speaking)

  11. jason330 says:

    Dang it! You had to go and comment now didn’t your JC?

    Well this is horrible timing because certain dumb asswipes are going to take credit – but I was going to post Friday on giving up cussing.

    As you know I went for two years without an obscenity, but I’ve been on a cussing bender since November. I figure I’m up to about average obscenities about now.

    Anyway, when I quit cussing it does not mean that I think Republicans stopped being a source of moral and social decay. And it really does not mean that I stopped thinking that Dave Buris is a low life asswipe and a peice of human garbage.

  12. You miss the point of what the DI is doing, I have some experience with their thoughts and actions.

    It is not a welcoming, it is an announcement that their former life is over.

    It does not welcome to the Marine Corps either. They are not Marines until 12 weeks later.

    Carpetbagger? Moving locales is part of what keeps America moving.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    FSP – Do you even know where “pwned” came from?



  14. Tom S. says:

    “I’m the guy in the hat and Republicans are the bald guys. ”

    Jason, how much of that movie did you see? Do you remember what happens to the guy in the hat?

  15. Joanne Christian says:

    Thank you Tom S.–I’m still doing dinner.

  16. i know the fat guy kills himself b/c he cant take it

  17. jason330 says:

    Also we lost the war because dirty hippies and rock music.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    I think they both end up on the slab. How apropos.

  19. R Smitty says:

    The guy in the hat is an actor you named Lee Ermey…
    …and an ex-marine – Vietnam Vet!

    Although, I seriously don’t think John meant he literally served with Lee Ermey, but the type of person he portrayed.

  20. R Smitty says:


    Thanks, P!

    Now, how did I know she had fixed my comment AFTER I thanked her for already fixing my comment??? Spooky! 😯

  21. pandora says:

    I rescued you! 😉

  22. MJ says:

    Let’s see – Protack was a Marine, is a pilot, thinks he’s the savior of the GOP, is an idiot, a windbag. Did I leave anything out?

  23. liz says:

    The brain washing, the degradation of a human being. Taking a young impressionable kid and turning them into a brainwashed baby killer. Is there any wonder why we are so hated everywhere. This is why so many Marines died in the swamps trying to escape the horror and fear imposed on them by a crazed genocidal maniac. Once they breakdown their humanity, its easy to then demonize their “enemy” so the killing fields run red with the blood of innocents.

    Proud to be a hippie who tried to expose and end these wars for corporate america.

  24. G Rex says:

    “This is why so many Marines died in the swamps trying to escape the horror and fear imposed on them by a crazed genocidal maniac.”

    You mean Lyndon Johnson?

    True story, I had a platoon sergeant named Eugene Hasford -he said his older brother Gustav had written a book based on his experiences in Vietnam, that it was being made into a movie, and that we should all go see it when it came out. The book was called The Short Timers…

  25. Joanne Christian says:

    OK Jason–back to the original post–and your subsequent comments. Now would Obama want you to talk that way? He just spent the last 8 months of his campaign trying to unify–could you at least hold the wrath on random Republican call-outs–and at least course your trajectory curse to persons of relevance? Current, voting members of Congress may be fair game–but to invoke John Feroce’s name gratuitously, with malice is beneath cheap–you sucker punch. Whatever history you and Burris have is just that right now. He’s moved on in his life, and his pursuits, so it’s just poor form not to engage him, but instigate and insinuate as you go. It’s a new year Jason, and a new administration. Let’s see what’s floating in this punch bowl, because face it, the last one has been flushed. Don’t go down in the sewer to bring it out. Be the liberal, and progressive that you are, to prevent moral and social decay, not a default Democrat that in this state translated to stagnant and witnessed decay.
    Oh and Mark H., Hef aka Donviti, and John Feroce and all you others who have served militarily–I am the biggest chicken there is about all that stuff, and always say NO NO NO about anyone going to combat; but THANK YOU for preserving my right to complain, and blame in any adulterated version I choose, and attempting to opportune elsewhere.
    In closing Jason, just think of JC as Jiminy Cricket, if the R thing is too overwhelming right now–and make OUR President Barack Obama proud.

  26. TPN says:

    Ermey was a real-life DI at both Parris and San Diego “back in the day” (pretty much the milieu of Full Metal Jacket).

    For those who know how much the military has changed in 40 years, or even just in the 20 years since I first enlisted, Ermey is the real deal. (2 of my 4 Infantry Drill Sergeants at Sand Hill in Ft. Benning in ’90 were just like Ermey’s DI in the movie, if not worse in some ways.)

    Back then they could (and some would) literally just beat the crap out of a wayward trainee, if that was what the situation called for in that brutal training environment. Not injure them, but definitely “handle” them.

    This was in addition to all other manner of mind-f***ing, long-since banned and of the type that makes today’s Initial Entry Training in any service look like co-ed summer camp in comparison.

  27. TPN says:

    When I say “back then” I meant the Nam era, not when I was at Sand Hill. The freedom to ‘manhandle’ trainees was (thankfully) long-gone when I joined up. Also, it was never “technically” permitted, but it nonetheless happened back then even if infrequently.

  28. Lee Ann says:

    I’m with Joanne. It got really old, really fast. Someone like R Smitty tries to make a reasonable argument (elsewhere today) and gets blasted. Guess I am not orthodox enough to hate at full bore, 24/7. And in fact, hatred never accomplished anything great (unless you’re a fan of the holocaust). Neither did ridicule. Or cynicism.

    So what’s the point. Life’s too short. Signing off.

  29. liberalgeek says:

    Sounds like you’ve had a harder day than the rest of us Lee Ann.