Senate Recovery Bill Text

Filed in National by on February 7, 2009

PDF of the Senate Version — S. 336.

The Huffington Post has an embeddable copy of the bill (via docstoc) at their site, and they are asking for volunteers to compare the Senate Bill and HB1 as passed to begin a full scale search for the differences. If you have time and the inclination, go over and signup.

Provided to make sure that readers here know how to access this Bill to read it for themselves — and compare their own reading against the GOP talking points that are probably on the transom now.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (2)

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  1. I’m busy picking the dingleberries

  2. Perry says:

    As an adder to comparing the GOP talking points, here is a reference cited by Rachel Maddow that gives an analysis showing the “bang for the buck” for different categories of stimulus spending:

    Check out Table 2, from which a couple of examples are:
    1. $1.00 tax cut = $1.01 economic activity
    2. $1.00 infrastructure = $1.53 economic activity
    3. $1.00 food stamps = $1.74 economic activity

    Why then do the Repubs want to cut food stamps and infrastructure and load up with tax cuts?

    It’s all Reaganesque ideological garbage with little to nothing dealing with reality. Yet this is what this nation still has to deal with in order to effectively attack this most serious crisis facing us and the globe, all of which started right here at home. In my view, the Dems have already compromised too much! Hopefully the House-Senate reconcilation will restore some of the serious Senate cuts.