Filed in National by on February 10, 2009

Why aren’t baseball players allowed to lie to Congress if our own Attorney General and basically the entire DOJ can and do?

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hiding in the open

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  1. nemski says:

    Because steroid use is more important than torturing Arabs.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Overpaid athletes, entertainers and business executives have the right to lie to Congress — it says so in the first round of BushCo tax cuts.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Why is it easier to beat up an 80 pound weakling instead of his much larger friend?

    They do it because they can!

    Just like that asshole sheriff going after Phelps. Justice is not a consideration; it’s about appearances and the easy kill.

  4. can they really go after him if he doesn’t test positive?

  5. flutecake says:

    Was Canseco right, AGAIN?

  6. David says:

    Congress shouldn’t waste time on this issue. Some people made fun of McGuire for not answering the questions, but it is the stupid ones who lie instead of staying quiet who need their heads examined.

    They can afford lawyers. If they don’t listen to them, whose fault is it?

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Who, DV? Phelps or A-rod?

    And yes, Canseco is smelling like roses…he might be able to parlay this into another book deal. 🙂

  8. Miscreant says:

    “Just like that asshole sheriff going after Phelps.”

    Sheriff Lott is a Democrat. I would have expected more compassion and tolerance.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    An asshole is still an asshole, asshole. 😉