Cantor Sees Into The Future and Decides The Future is Cantor

Filed in National by on February 17, 2009

Is it possible to wait until President Obama unveils his housing plan before coming out against it?

If Republicans want to know why most Americans aren’t taking them seriously then they need look no further than Eric Cantor. Cantor’s ambition to be the new voice of the GOP is transparent, deeply lacking in both patience and poise. He’s jumping the gun, fighting against what, as of yet, doesn’t exist. And by valuing being the first to come out against a housing plan that technically doesn’t exist he only succeeds in devaluing any substantive criticism concerning the plan.

Unless… anyone truly believes that after the plan is released people will be shocked that Cantor is against it.  I think the more appropriate reaction will be…

American #1:  “Eric Cantor is against the Housing Plan.”

American #2:  “Duh.”

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Wow. The talking points are brutal.

    In his remarks Cantor noted that ACORN is going to get $5 billion put on homosexual clinics in elementary schools and install abortion booths in Churches under the direction of a Socialists Nazi Health Czar if the Obama plan goes through.

    This is me guessing at the talking points, but I’m getting pretty good at making these predictions.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    LOL! I think that’s probably pretty close. Did you hear about crazy Michele Bachmann’s latest interview? Link

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Cantor is the gift that keeps and will keep on giving! He’s not a box of rocks….just an empty box.

    What’s up with GOP voters? Don’t they realize that Teh Stoopid eventually fails due to being, well, stupid?

  4. pandora says:

    Cantor is in this for Cantor. Obviously the Republican party has a leadership void. Cantor has nominated himself.

    He also needs to work on his timing. This latest stunt only shows Cantor stepping on his own future message.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    I guess not, VC. My favorite stupid Republican is Lynn Westmoreland, the guy who sponsored 10 Commandments legislation but couldn’t name most of them.

    Cantor has been a mountain of stupid lately. First he sends out the off-color AFSCME video to reporters, then he totally messes up on his Churchill comparison and now he’s against a plan that hasn’t even been announced. This is the guy the GOP is so proud of?

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Well, that’s what you get for electing ideologues….incapable of thinking on the fly, inadaptable, and intellectually stiff.

    Times change and they’re still bitching about something from the 1930s – like the Scopes Monkey Trial! 😆

  7. cassandra_m says:

    On top of which how stupid can Cantor be to be talking about what is in a bill that he claims to have not read? It isn’t as though the bill is a Shakespeare First Folio locked behind glass — it is up on the web. No excuse for not sending your aides to go get it and digest it into powerpoint bullets for him (which, is the only way he will read the bill). If he has time to be on TV, he has time to read the bill, I think….

  8. Truth Teller says:

    Look Cantor is against all public spending except for TARP where he was instrumental in obtaining Billions for his wife’s bank in new York.

    and besides that he’s a hick from Va. and doesn’t care for Blacks