Trouble for Tom Carper

Filed in National by on February 26, 2009

Outside of Delaware it is widely known that Tom Carper is the WORST blue state Dem in the Senate.

This is bad news for Carper unless he cleans up his act and starts acting like a Democrat.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m glad we’re starting to do this. There has been no organized push from the left so lawmakers paid little if any price for voting with Republicans. I hope we can make the Progressive Caucus more influential on legislation than the Blue Dogs.

  2. liz says:

    Dont think he doesnt know it. Why do you think he’s spending all the money on MSNBC, (Rachel and Keiths show) in advertisement. He wants us to call him to “thank HIM” for childrens insurance! Thank him! How arrogant, the citizens should thank him for doing what should have been done years ago….and where is that single payer health care reform Tom, for all our citizens? He is too busy filling his campaign coffers from the banksters, credit card companies, big pharma and nuclear industry….he has no time for us. Have you ever heard this guy call for a Town Hall meeting, to talk to us! He has to go.

  3. edisonkitty says:

    He lost me forever when he voted for torture.

  4. i'm anonymous too says:

    Liz- Tom Carper isn’t paying for those ads, I think this was covered in a post last week regarding the mailers that were sent out… SEIU and a few other Union/PACS paid for the ads–that includes the ones airing on Cable.

    Senator Carper, while more of a DINO then most of us would like him to be, has been responsive to constituents- he may not give us the answer that we want (and often doesn’t) but he responds, which is more than I can say for other Congressional offices in Delaware.

  5. nemski says:

    If you mean by getting my son hooked on drugs and alcohol, sleeping with my wife and forcing me to marry another man, then, yes, I’m all for Tom Carper to start acting more like a Democrat.

    For the wingnuts reading, that was what we in the business call satire.

  6. xstryker says:

    He lost me forever when he voted for torture.


  7. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Ditto III. That an the fact that he voted to send our sons into battle but saved his own flesh from having to serve (as cannon fodder….).

  8. Sen. Carper does not care what you think.

  9. anon says:

    Sen. Carper does not care what you think.

    That’s the way we want it for now.

  10. jason330 says:

    Hell just froze over. Protack and I are on the same page on something.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, but Protack is a footnote on that page.

  12. xstryker says:

    Sen. Carper does not care what you think.

    Careful, Protack, if you start telling the truth more often it could become a habit.

  13. liz says:

    Torturin Tom, we can not let him forget that! The closer it gets to his election, the more democratic he will be….thats the game these politricksters use. How does this guy still get elected if no one likes him?

    John Tobin: where has he been responsive to the citizens? Date, time and place, please.

  14. Telling the truth is always the way I operate, you folks simply prefer make believe too often.

    I have spoken about why the Death Penalty is wrong, how we can address Universal Health Care and the need to protect retirment savings/pensions to name a few.

  15. John Manifold says:

    Carper cringing b/c Jason’s angry at him. Might hold Tom to 68 percent next time.

  16. jason330 says:

    JM –

    Your contempt would be on point if not for the fact that the post is about an organized and well funded attempt to identify and remove Democrats that suck.

    Anyone compiling such a list would put Carper on top. Anyone with money compiling such a list should worry Don Carper.

  17. John Manifold says:

    This is clip and save material. Democrats are about winning seats. I would be interested in learning of anyone who bathes more than twice a week who is ready to take on Carper.

  18. jason330 says:

    Point granted.