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Filed in National by on March 1, 2009

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is


Democrats aren’t all sheep and Republicans say baaa when Radio Hosts tell them too

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    …is that Republicans watch more porn.

  2. power.

    Y’all are the same in my eyes, with different agendas. Every few years the pendulum swings the other way and they other constituency gets served, then it goes to far and the pendulum swings the other way and that constituency gets served.

    It’s always polarizing, it’s rarely moderate, and needs to be changed the most.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    UI — stop stealing my upcoming posts!

    I thought I would let that post after noon today…..

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I can’t wait to see what you say about it, Cassandra.

  5. edisonkitty says:

    Democrats believe that we should harness the power of government to improve the lot of everyone. Republicans believe that big government doesn’t work, and when they get themselves elected, they prove it.

  6. a. price says:

    democrat’s crazy militant groups accept people of all races, religions, etc.
    Republicans only want inbred “christian” white southerners or MILFy wolf huntresses

  7. Suzanne says:

    ..that Democrats care about all people and Republicans only about themselves (and now don’t tell me that Republicans give more to charity – In my opinion, that is only for tax write offs and to look good, not because they feel it’s their duty)

  8. Miscreant says:

    Bullshit. It’s widely known that conservatives donate more. Liberals, on the other hand, are probably likely to be a recipeint of their charity. Kind of ironic, isn’t it Suzanne?

    “Arthur Brooks, the author of “Who Really Cares,” says that “when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more.” He adds, “And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money.”

  9. pandora says:

    Actually, all that’s known is Republicans claim their donations on their taxes.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    And the dollar value seems to narrow once you factor out donations to church.

    But what interests me is this: And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money — families that conservative leaders have sold on the idea of defending low taxes on their somewhat wealthier liberal counterparts.

  11. anon says:

    “when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more.”

    That is probably the effect of televangelism, which makes non-stop TV pitches for dollars.

    Did they factor out donations to TV mega-churches with gay meth-snorting pastors?

  12. Miscreant says:

    Sure, Sparky, blame it on a God, or use whatever other rationalization it is that makes you feel more adequate, but the fact remains… liberals just can’t step up when it counts.

    BTW, my grandfather gave liberally to numerous televangelists. He claimed it was less hassle than actually going to church. He was a hard-core Democrat.

  13. how is it a fact? still missing that one

  14. anon says:

    BTW, my grandfather gave liberally to numerous televangelists. He claimed it was less hassle than actually going to church. He was a hard-core Democrat.

    Yes, but was he a conservative. Remember we were talking about liberals vs. conservatives, not Dems vs. Repubs.

    or was he one of those Reagan Democrats who was fed by FDR as a child but then pulled the ladder up after himself in his fifties?