On Being a Wingnut Meme

Filed in National by on March 8, 2009

I can’t say that I’m happy about becoming a wingnut meme as non-readers link to this blog from around the country, because wingnuts are, you know…nuts.

Anyway, Hube has banned me – so here is the response to his post that I would have left in the comment section if he were not so terrified of the truth.


Instapundouche linked your post with a huffington post which made mine seem like I was calling your tea party treasonous – when in fact I think the tea parties are merely asinine. I was calling armed revolt against the government treason. What do you call it?

Also, with regard to my “arguments” get torn to shreds by new — and reasoned — visitors” You should read the comments that got caught in the spam filter. If by “reasoned” you mean “vile” you have a point.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Hell, you don’t have to read the filtered stuff — the stuff that got spewed onto that thread is idiotic. The usual revisionist silliness, the usual sidestepping of the real topic, the usual disinformation and the usual failure of both rhetoric and logic. Just alot of hot air that insists that it is the air itself making the point. They wouldn’t know reason or fact if it walked up to them and smacked them with a copy of Atlas Shrugged.

    Oh wait.

  2. pandora says:

    I honestly couldn’t keep it all straight, and I’m of half a mind to vote to free the moderated comments. They are obviously from one group, and of one mind so maybe exposing them in their entirety is the way to go.

    They sure hit every batshit crazy talking point. Obama’s birth certificate, Rev. Wright, and my personal favorite – you can’t get health care in a socialized country even if you pay for it yourself.

    Oh my.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I noticed a lot of activity in that one post but after reading a few comments I just left it alone. I figured someone must have linked to you.

  4. DaTechGuy says:

    I would think that if your opinions are solid you would welcome the chance to attempt to change minds. Remember that old line from the Move The Buccaneer: “if your offer is good it will stand up under fire.”

    If you think however that anyone who disagrees with you is a nut then you need to get out more and widen your circle of friends.

    I love the phrasing of the poll question btw.

  5. Memo to Da Tech Guy: Much of the stuff that got canned was hate speech. Vile n-word stuff, jungle references, the most racist stereotypes, etc.

    This is not about disagreement, this is about stuff that any reasonable person would agree should be banned.

    The other stuff about ‘anyone who disagrees with you’, well, that’s what makes the Board interesting. Those comments aren’t going anywhere. You’re just gonna have to take the moderators’ word for it that this was a different situation entirely.

  6. Hube says:

    If I “banned” you, how in the world did you manage to leave a comment, then?

    The answer is simple: You lied.

    Par for the course, here.

    Oh, and complaining about “vile” comments? HERE? That’s like Mike Matthews complaining about food! (No offense to Mike meant at all, as I know he’ll take none.)

  7. jason330 says:


    Now that I know that my comments are not banned, but probably going into some moderation filter I probably will be keeping a closer on on your lying ass.

  8. Hube says:

    I lied about not a thing. Maybe you ought to apologize to Burris for likening HIS post to “domestic terrorist wannabes.” THAT’S the lie, son.

    Glenn Reynolds isn’t in the habit of linking to posts that “lie.” You just make it soooooo easy for us “wingnuts!”

  9. Independent says:

    jason330: I agree that the comment on Instapundit linking to your initial post was misleading.

    But for a guy who’s so concerned about poisoning the well of civil discourse, you should keep in mind that your initial post about Bush “wiping his ass with the Constitution” was not exactly William Jennings Bryan. And of course those who disagree with you must be crazy, idiot, lying ass, moron, chickenshit wingnuts, as you so eloquently put it in your various follow-up comments. Maybe if you set a more civil tone as the original poster, the people who came over from Instapundit (“Instadouche” according to you) would have been more polite.

    Remember, a mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is open.

  10. jason330 says:

    Glenn Reynolds isn’t in the habit of linking to posts that “lie.”

    He clearly did in this case.


    I know from bitter experience that when liberals try to climb out of the trenches they get thier asses shot off.

  11. Independent says:


    “I know from bitter experience that when liberals try to climb out of the trenches they get thier asses shot off.”

    OK, then keep up with the trash talk. It’s your website, you can set whatever tone you want. Just don’t be surprised when you get trash talk in return.

    But keep in mind that there are plenty of liberals — including President Obama — who are capable of having a reasoned debate without getting down in the gutter.

  12. anon says:

    your initial post about Bush “wiping his ass with the Constitution” was not exactly William Jennings Bryan.

    It is a perfectly useful and accurate shorthand for what really happened. It is an oversimplification, like saying “the sun came up this morning.” The posts detailing why it is accurate have been written years ago.

  13. Geezer says:

    I’m wondering if there’s a market for toilet paper with the Constitution written on it. Probably not as big as the market for TP with W’s portrait on it, I guess.

  14. all that and not ONE spelling erro!

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Please make a post solely comprising of the posts that were in moderation from yesterday…or at least the greatest hits!

    I’m sure it’s a laugh!

  16. anonone says:

    TP with W’s portrait


  17. a. price says:

    How many Americans were abducted by Bush? How many news papers were shut down? How many dissenting american voices were thrown in jail?
    i know that is a little different for me, but the truth is, while he DID violate the laws, and people WERE tortured for no reason, and people’s private conversations were listened to all under the guise of urgent threat, now we are seeing it could have been worse.
    Memos from the DOJ are showing any one of us could have been plucked from our homes and killed for questioning Bush’s war, but as far as i know, the only ones who rights were violated were a few non-americans. not that i am condoning it all. The point is, and i hate to say this… he showed restraint. He was given,.. by Rove’s people and Dick’s people, and Rumy’s people, a terrifying amount of power. dictatorial power even.. and George W Bush, for all of his faults (and there are more than can be counted) didn’t use most of it. Now, for anyone who thinks i have gone over to the other side, dont worry im still the same soap box socialist I’ve always been. I just think we need to stop arguing things that Bush COULD have done, and didn’t do.

    Did he grind out standing in the world down? yes

    Did he send Americans to die for questionable reasons? yes

    Did he violate the constitution? possibly

    Will he be remembered as the worst president ever? as far as i’m concerned, he was.

    Is he gone now? YES!

  18. Dana says:

    [snort!] You link to a couple of articles, and then, when someone notices you linked to them — WordPress does send out pings, and people who choose to look can see them — you get a bunch of comments from people, you get upset?

    Perhaps I was wrong about this site. Could it be that you only want people who agree with you to read and comment?

  19. kavips says:

    (ignore this one until the beers become too many….)

    It’s good for a laugh at any blogger’s kegger.

    If wingnuts were in a can, … would you eat them?

    WTF? Sounds like a Donviti QOD….

    If you don’t get it, you need another beer… lol.