Deep Thought

Filed in National by on March 12, 2009

If I have to hear one more time about billionaires losing their wealth and how if they aren’t doing well then the rest of the world isn’t either I think I might come through the television at someone.

“These billionaires prop up tons of charities around the world” Is what I heard this morning on ABC and because they aren’t multi billionaires, well, they just aren’t going to want to give away their money.

Also this morning I heard that when billionaires lose their billions and are only multi millionaires then, well, they go threw a “huge lifestyle change” that really “effects” them. WTF??

Then last night I heard something along the lines of that we NEED the rich to do well, we need them to be making billions because they are what drives the economy and make people work. That was CBS Evening News last night

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Watch last night’s Colbert Report where the WORD segment was called ‘Rand Illusion’.

    Rips the whole Going Galt bullshit to shreds. Also makes that snake-faced C, Malkin, look like the looney she is.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Hear an interview on the BBC World Service this morning. FT editor and BBC commentator discussing the Russian tycoons who lost billions when the commodities market dried up (nickel, iron, oil, phosphorus). I think Abramovich lost 18 B USD… still has Chelsea FC though. 🙂

    BBC guy asked which is worse; losing $18 of $40 billion or losing your last five grand. He thought it was the latter… I must agree…

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    The TV millionaires are telling us how important millionaires are? I’m sure there’s no self-interest there. Cry me a river for the billionaires are now merely multi-millionaires. What lifestyle changes are they facing – can they only afford cold water for their bidets?

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Millions of baby-boomers have lost the majority of their 401k’s and their homes have lost 40% of their value. Oh yeah, I’m terrified to hear how Bill Gates is going to scrape by.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    I do feel bad that charities and arts organizations are suffering. They do important work and I don’t want to see them disappear. However, I do think there is a proliferation of vanity charities that are very specialized and I think some will disappear and some will consolidate with others. I hope that increased science funding, for example, can help cover the gap for some underfunded disease research and that a better healthcare system can catch more people before they fall through the cracks.

  6. Rebecca says:

    UI, cold water in their bidets? That would be the sign of an early spring.

  7. Dana says:

    Which means you aren’t bothered by this story:

    Orchestra cutting staff and pay
    By Peter Dobrin, Philadelphia Inquirer Music Critic

    In what is only the first step in averting or minimizing a deficit this season, the Philadelphia Orchestra Association yesterday shed 20 percent of its administrative staff and said other cost-cutting moves were on the way.

    Twelve staffers were let go, and six other positions will go unfilled, leaving the orchestra with 72 administrators.

    “This is an exceedingly sad day for us,” said Frank P. Slattery Jr., acting executive director and CEO since the January departure of orchestra president James Undercofler.

    Remaining staff members earning more than $50,000 annually will take a 10 percent pay cut for the portion of salary above $50,000, and vice presidents will take additional compensation reductions.

    While the cuts, made across a range of departments, are a clear consequence of the economy, they add to an arguably self-inflicted institutional crisis greater than any since the 64-day strike of 1996.

    Personally, I’m not bothered by it, either, but there are real consequences when wealthy people lose money.

  8. pandora says:

    Come on, Dana. Everybody is cutting back. I would be astounded if the Arts were insulated from this economy. And there are real consequences when all people lose money. Let’s spread the concern around.

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    Thanks, Dana, for missing the point completely.