The 15 minute State

Filed in National by on March 17, 2009

Back in my college days, it was always joked to me that you could blink while driving through Delaware and miss it. True, I-95 crosses the most narrow portion of the state, but I just found this video on YouTube that does a nice job of illustrating driving across the state in 15 minutes:

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    There’s somebody with time on his hands.

    On the other hand, I’ve made the trip from MLK exit to the Philly Airport Garage in 16 minutes (around 4-5AM!).

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Looks familiar! I get on at Exit 3 and off at Exit 8 every weekday morning. I kept watching to see if the car would pass me.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    That’s nothing Cassandra. I can make it from Exit 4 on 495 to the Broad Street Exit on the Vine Street Expressway in 25 minutes.

  4. R Smitty says:

    Wait, no, this is a fraudulent video. I know that curve from De Ave up to Concord Pike/Ave exit all too well. You can tell this is doctored. You want to know how? There is no #$%^&* accident clogging up the right lane coming on from DE AVE (due to the idiots who don’t know what a yield sign at the end of a ramp means or the idiots slamming over into the exit lane from the left lane).

    Surely if this videographer was really there, you’d have a minimum 30 minute delay in that stretch due to a fender bender and the obligatory stares and ooohs and aaahs.

    Hmm, I have made it from Edgemoor (Exit 4 on I-95) to the old Vet stadium in 20 minutes…of course that was pre-kids and responsibility. I could do it in 15 now! Kidding on that last part…