Tom Carper’s Moderate (sic) Caucus

Filed in National by on March 28, 2009

Is Carper’s Senate Dem “moderate” caucus really moderate?

When it comes to taking care of banking industry sugar daddies it seems zealous.  Some may even speak the unspeakable word, “extremist.”  

Here is David Waldman as quoted in a MYDD post by Todd Beeton: 

Again, nearly 2/3 of the American public supports giving assistance to homeowners struggling with their mortgage payments and facing foreclosure. Two-thirds. 

So obviously, the Senators who oppose 2/3 of the electorate are… “moderates.” […]

The compromise has already been hammered out in the House. The banks got the fairest deal they could get without gutting the bill entirely.

But Evan Bayh and Tom Carper oppose the mortgage cram down as a matter of policy, bcecause, you know…they are…uh…moderates.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Proof #1,631,299 of how deeply f’ed up our political discourse has become.

    In fact, I don’t even understand why the banks are against the mortgage cramdown. Would they prefer to get nothing out of the mortgage, rather than something a little less than the inflated prices? To me, it’s another example of the short-sightedness of our financial system, just like the “bankruptcy reform.”

  2. John Manifold says:

    Jason – Can you cite any source indicating that Tom Carper himself opposes cram-down relief?

  3. jason330 says:

    The group to watch as Congress and the President work through the budget process: Senate Democratic centrists. “President Barack Obama and Democratic congressional leaders always knew they would face Republican opposition to their agenda on Capitol Hill. Now they face another hurdle: a newly formed coalition of 16 moderate Democratic senators led by Indiana’s Evan Bayh,” report the Wall Street Journal’s Naftali Bendavid and Greg Hitt.

    “Mr. Bayh and his group are well positioned to force changes in the president’s budget and on other contentious issues such as health care and climate change. Their stated goal is to rein in deficits and to protect business interests.

    So let me get you right.

    Carper signed onto that letter four days ago.

    But now you are saying that Carper is already breaking w/ Bayh and his caucus . A caucus which called itself into being TO PROTECT BUSINESS INTEREST.

    Do I have that right?

    My take: No comment from Carper = agreement w/ Mr. Bayh on Cram Down


  4. Susan Regis Collins says:

    JM….all these years and you haven’t noticed that Craper only kisses the boots of the well heeled?
    As to ‘proof’ are you too lazy to research the matter yourself? No wonder you need ‘proof’.

  5. I have the same link in queue from Eschaton…moderates are “seeking a more “lender-friendly” bill”.
    It is a disgrace that we have a fucking corporate sock puppet as defacto leader of DE DEMs.

  6. Would they prefer to get nothing out of the mortgage, rather than something a little less than the inflated prices?
    Are they waiting for our (tax payer) money to buy these bad deals at top dollar instead? Corporates seeking ‘welfare’ – nothing new here.

  7. John Manifold says:

    As I figured, none of his pajama-clad critics can find a comment from TRC or his office indicating that he stands in the way of cram-down relief.

  8. jason330 says:

    Are you kidding me? Seriously. Are you joking?

  9. John Manifold says:

    Not kidding at all, Jason. You quoted from the generic WP op-ed that he co-authored with the lovely Landrieu and the execrable Bayh, which did not discuss cram-down.

    If you look over the doings of the last 60 days, you’ll see a number of cases when Ben Nelson or Mary or Bayh will be flapping their wings on an issue where Carper is standing with the Senate liberals. No evidence yet that this issue is any different.

  10. jason330 says:

    Well shit. Silly of me to consider the letter which stated that the caucus was FORMED TO PROTECT BUSINESS INTERESTS as evidence that Carper and Bayh are of one mind on cram down, especially when you consider the fact that Carper was one of the “pro-business” zealots who pushed personal banrcrupcy reform on us.

    How could I be so silly? I should just drink some Carper kool-aid and think that his take on cram down is no doubt 180 degrees from what his record predicts it is going to be.

    Then I’d be smart like you.

    Listen: Here is what you are going to do. Start coming up with some reasons why cram down is terrible and would hurt…nay…RAPE Mom and apple pie if not removed from the legislation.

    That way you can be on the same side as Carper when he does say something about this.

  11. Geezer says:

    “As I figured, none of his pajama-clad critics can find a comment from TRC or his office indicating that he stands in the way of cram-down relief.”

    As any of the rest of us could have predicted, Carper’s fake-named asslicker is here to try to protect him. Has he stopped slapping his wife yet, John?

  12. John Manifold says:

    Geezer [his christened name], who often regales us with what he heard in a bar, loses his bearings early this Saturday.

    My crime? Asking if Tom Carper has a position at odds with any of ours on the cram-down bill. To ask such a question is to be like a GOP operative venturing a criticism of Rush Limbo. Except that I’m not about to apologize. Lord knows, I’ve had intermittent occasion to be disappointed with various TRC votes or signings over the last 26 years. But a bit of show-me skepticism over Internet flame-outs over imagined Carper heresy is in order, especially when the flamers lose connection with literacy after a few keystrokes.

  13. BooMan has a few good posts up about our Tommy and his cabal.

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think it’s a good idea to see if someone can get Carper’s office to clarify his position on mortgage cramdown.

  15. Geezer says:

    Nice try, Johnny, but I haven’t been in a bar in years. Show me the post where you haven’t kissed your boy’s ass, and I’ll start caring what you have to say in his defense.

    And what’s with the “loss of literacy” stuff? Are you now claiming he didn’t slap his wife around? Good luck with that.

  16. John Manifold says:

    The real Geezer was smiling last night:

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Carper did vote against an amendment to include mortgage cram-downs in last year’s H.R. 3221, the Foreclosure Prevention Act. He won’t yet commit to a position on the current version (as of a month and a half ago. My own observations of the man’s behavior is that the mealy mouthed “study the issue” is typically the signal that he will vote in accordance with his industry funders.