White Trash and Proud.

Filed in National by on April 4, 2009

Exhibit A: Former potential son-in-law and grandbaby daddy Levi Johnston went on Tyra Banks’ show to proclaim that he and Bristol had safe sex “most of the time,” and baby Trip must have been the result of a “wardrobe malfunction.” LOL. Sarah Palin whipped out a response:

“Bristol did not even know Levi was going on the show. We’re disappointed that Levi and his family, in a quest for fame, attention, and fortune, are engaging in flat-out lies, gross exaggeration, and even distortion of their relationship. Bristol’s focus will remain on raising Tripp, completing her education, and advocating abstinence. It is unfortunate that Levi finds it more appealing to exploit his previous relationship with Bristol than to contribute to the well being of the child. Bristol realizes now that she made a mistake in her relationship and is the one taking responsibility for their actions.”

Hahahaha. First, the Governor, as a smart politician, should learn that sometimes it is best just not to comment. Does it befit the Republican frontrunner for the Presidency to respond personally to every stupid comment Levi makes? If you ignore it, the comments fade into ether. Indeed, the public already knows Bristol had sex with Levi. That cat is out of the bag. Second, your daughter, as a mother in her own right now, can really speak for herself. If she wants to advocate for abstinence, then she can do so with her own voice, and not have her mother speak for her. In fact, it is really her that should respond to Levi’s comments, not her Governor mother. Third, in responding with such venom towards Levi and his family, by calling Levi an irresponsible father, you have just escalated a battle that should have just faded into ether.

This whole back and forth has gives Sarah Palin the image of a middle aged white trash mother with her hair in curlers and in a housecoat running from the trailer after the boyfriend.

Exhibit B: Sarah Palin’s sister in law was just arrested and charged with two counts of felony burglary and misdemeanor counts of criminal trespass and theft, for allegedly breaking into the same home twice to steal approximately $400.

I continue to pray every night that the Republican Party nominates Sarah Palin in 2012. Manna from heaven.

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  1. jason330 says:

    That cat is out of the bag.

    Levi: Here pussy, pussy, pussy….here pussy. That’s a good pussy.


    Thanks for posting that. I needed a laugh.

  2. Tom S. says:

    So what racial slurs have you been using to describe Obama’s family?

  3. anon idiot says:

    I figure this is as good a thread as any to try to get picked up for a comment rescue on…

    Was anyone not even a little curious about the NJ’s treatment of the Markell-threat story? It was one person allegedly making the threat comments, yet the headline and coverline make (a) it sound like there were many threats and (b) that Markell is some sort of superhero for not backing down in the face of mortal danger. Backing down from what, we don’t know.

    Undermentioned, IMHO, was the fact that the suspect in the case is a state employee whose pay would be substantially cut under Markell’s proposal, and completely left out (because the cops wouldn’t provide the details) was the nature of his comments. If he was pissed about the pay cuts, that’s pretty incredibly important. He wouldn’t exactly be alone in that sentiment.

    IMHO, the NJ’s editors clearly have a lovefest with Markell, and it really came through with this story.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL. “White Trash” is not a racial slur. It is a stereotype, which I will confess to using here, but only because the Palin family so magnificently reinforces it.

  5. Tom S. says:

    Fine, call it what you want. What stereotypes do you feel would be appropriate to describe the president’s half brother who is in jail for drugs and his illegal immigrant aunt. Just throw a few of them out there.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Anon idiot…

    Are you excusing threats being made towards the Governor? Since you are an idiot, I will clarify a basic rule: it is never ok to threaten anyone with physical harm, let alone the Governor.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    It would be appropriate to call Obama’s half brother a drug addict or drug dealer (since he is not an American and this all happened in Kenya, I am not up on the details), and his aunt an illegal immigrant.

  8. Tom S. says:

    “It would be appropriate to call Obama’s half brother a drug addict or drug dealer (since he is not an American and this all happened in Kenya, I am not up on the details), and his aunt an illegal immigrant.”

    And it would be appropriate to call Sarah Palin’s daughter a single mother but you missed the boat on that one so I’ll ask the question again. What string of stereotypes do you feel would be a good fit for characterizing the president’s family?

  9. a. price says:

    how about you use some. we’ll see. are you defending robbery? or “baby-daddyness”? you are so in love with palin than you are even willing to (probably) let Levi’s meth-cookin momma off the hook.
    but seriously. let’s hear some stereotypes. only a real man just throws em out there.

  10. a. price says:

    stop asking people to write your posts for you.

  11. Tom S. says:

    “are you defending robbery? or “baby-daddyness”?”

    I’m attempting to make a stand for dignity and good taste.

    “you are so in love with palin than you are even willing to (probably) let Levi’s meth-cookin momma off the hook.”

    I’ve never met Mrs. Johnson, I don’t know what leads you to assume she is a drug dealer and I don’t see why her affairs would necessitate the use of racially offensive terms by an adult to describe Governor Palin and her family.

    “but seriously. let’s hear some stereotypes. only a real man just throws em out there.”

    If that is the measure of manhood than I’m more than content to hold it cheap.

  12. a. price says:

    well this http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/crime/story/628010.html makes me think she is a drug dealer.

    and since we ARE white we can use “white trash.” but please continue on your tirade of white power.

  13. Tom S. says:

    “since we ARE white we can use “white trash.””


    “but please continue on your tirade of white power.”

    I don’t like what I’m being accused of and challenge you to produce any evidence to support this slander.

  14. a. price says:

    sooo palin, who claims to be a good moral american.. has so little control over her own family that her daughter got knocked up. the father does talk shows, his mom is a drug dealer.. Palin’s husband belonged to an Alaskan independence movement, he is in contempt of court, his sister is a burglar….. tom this is not a fight you can win…. Palin may win a Jerry Springer popularity contest for “epitome of white trash” but that is it.

  15. a. price says:

    you are offended that we are calling palin white trash, and are asking if you can make racial stereotypes about obama. nuff said. c’mon Tom out with the racial slurs about black people. i personally find racism a hoot.
    btw didja read my link snookems?

  16. Tom S. says:

    “sooo palin, who claims to be a good moral american.. has so little control over her own family that her daughter got knocked up. the father does talk shows, his mom is a drug dealer.. Palin’s husband belonged to an Alaskan independence movement, he is in contempt of court, his sister is a burglar”

    Forgive me is I am wrong but has the president not claimed to be a good moral American? Has he not repeatedly stressed his Christianity? Hasn’t he written two books vaguely on the subject? And yet…..

    “you are offended that we are calling palin white trash,”


    “and are asking if you can make racial stereotypes about obama.”


    “btw didja read my link snookems?”

    Yes. I still don’t see why Mrs. Johnson situation necessitates the use of highly offensive language to describe Governor Palin but the use of such language to describe President Obama’s family situation would remain unacceptable.

  17. a. price says:

    you still arent making an argument or submitting your racial slurs for approval

  18. jason330 says:

    So to Tom, S, the Palin’s are some sort of paragon of decent behavior?

    I get it. Uhm….No I don’t.

    They are white trash. End of story.

  19. a. price says:

    and is “white trash” really THAT offensive? it just describes white people who have proven trashy

  20. jason330 says:

    Wait…now I get it.

    Everyone should talk about abstinence as a legitimate birth control method, and then get knocked up.

    That must be what he is getting at.

  21. Tom S. says:

    “you still arent making an argument or submitting your racial slurs for approval”

    Your use of speech is hypocritical and lacks the decency necessary for public discourse.

    “So to Tom, S, the Palin’s are some sort of paragon of decent behavior?”


    “They are white trash. End of story.”

    And the Obamas are….

    “and is “white trash” really THAT offensive?”

    Does it matter?

    “That must be what he is getting at.”


  22. jason330 says:

    Haha loser. Now I really do get it.

    I feel for you. You are forced to admit that Palin’s are white trash, but have to rub some balm on your wingnut feelings by bringing up Obama, and pretend objecting to the shocking phrase “white trash.”

    zut alors! I hope you make it to your fainting couch.

  23. So, you would have no objection to the use of the phrase “black trash” to refer to certain prominent African-Americans — say John Conyers and his wife Monica? The couple, especially Mrs. Conyers), are certainly known for their trashy (not to mention unethical) behavior.

    What about “Hispanic trash” for the knocked-up out of wedlock Rep. Linda Sanchez?

  24. jason330 says:

    Poor thing. That’s all you’ve got?

  25. Rebecca says:

    If the Palin clan wasn’t so “holier than thou” there might be some willingness to forgive, or at least try to understand. But, when she blames her poor performance on the McCain campaign’s failure to provide a prayer buddy it certainly looks like hypocrasy at best, and whining inadequacy at worst. Lots of people make mistakes and bad choices but they don’t go out and run for Vice President of the United States on the “Christian” platform. That is what makes all this so offensive. And the fact that Sarah Palin is still being talked about as a possible contender for President is simply off the reality meter.
    We have learned that elections have consequences and having the Palins in the running for 2012 is tragic statement on our country’s values.

    Of course, part of this is that we no longer have to go out to the grocery store to buy The Star, The Globe and The National Enquirer. We can simply sit in our Lazy-Boy and push the button for Fox, CNN, MSNBC, et. al. and have this garbage wash over us. 24/7.

  26. wow, white trash is racist….that’s what I’ve learned here.

  27. Unstable Isotope says:

    Palin just reinforces the stereotype by saying intemperate things in public, on record. She just can’t play it cool and let things slide. My personal feeling is that what you say reflects on you, and not on others. If Levi just said those things, well it tells you something about Levi (who is very young, mind you). When Sarah Palin says things (and laughingly says Bristol is going to “advocate abstinence”) then it doesn’t come across as classy. Remember, she has a huge profile thanks to her VP bid, which she entered into knowing her daughter was pregnant.

  28. Frieda Beryhill says:

    Thanks Rebecca…
    If the Palin clan wasn’t so “holier than thou” there might be some willingness to forgive, or at least try to understand.
    I can find no condemnation of a sad family affair, It’s the “Spin” that is so offensive

  29. anon idiot says:

    Delaware Dem,

    What did I say that made you even think that I am excusing threats?

    I was simply curious what everyone thought about the way the story was positioned – (1) implying that there were lots of threats; (2) implying that Markell was being incredibly brave in not “backing down,” while not mentioning what he was supposed to be backing down from; and (3) underplaying the fact that the suspect was a state employee.

    I think if anything, the fact that the suspect was a trained law enforcement officer makes it that much more important and VERY important that it not be excused.

  30. anon says:

    Everyone should talk about abstinence as a legitimate birth control method, and then get knocked up.

    That is why Catholics have large families.

    I once heard an interview with an Irish author (can’t remember who) who said he came from seven brothers and sisters, “each of whom was the product of a different method of contraception.”

    Happy Palm Sunday.

  31. anon idiot says:

    rebecca and Frieda,

    Palin’s holier-than-thou attitude was key in gaining her that high profile. I mean, we didn’t see the VP nod going to Olympia Snowe or Kay Bailey Hutchison.

    And it’s not just a Palin thing. That entire approach is emblematic (symptomatic?) of quite a few people in the conservative Christian movement. Preach out of one side of your mouth, but behind closed doors act an entirely different way. Have affairs, unsafe sex, gay relationships, abuse your spouse or children – it’s all part of the game for people for whom power is the ultimate goal.

  32. pandora says:

    It’s all part of the game, anon idiot? Then. let me say, that Sarah Palin stinks at the game. She should have shut up, and it makes me wonder exactly what her handlers do.

    Injecting herself into this argument with Levi does nothing to help her daughter or her political career. But I’m starting to realize that Palin can’t shut up.

    It always comes back to hypocrisy. Palin not only holds herself up as some paragon of virtue she’s also the first one pointing fingers at others’ behavior. She set the bar – a bar she’s not even close to meeting.

  33. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m with you pandora, I don’t think Palin knows when to shut up. I’m actually quite amazed that McCain’s campaign team was able to keep her quiet for so long. At the time I thought it was a bad move but subsequent events show it’s probably the smartest thing they did.

  34. Rebecca says:

    You are so right!

    You might want to go read “The End of Christian America” from Newsweek, 4-13-09. Here’s the site:


  35. pandora says:

    I love this line:

    It is unfortunate that Levi finds it more appealing to exploit his previous relationship with Bristol than to contribute to the well being of the child.

    Exploit? Remind me again of who it was that exploited this situation first? Oh yeah, I remember. It was Sarah Palin and John McCain at the Republican convention. Had they not used these kids as political props they wouldn’t be in this situation now – or, even if they were, they would have been entitled to the moral high ground.

    People only have the right to discuss this situation because Palin gave them the right when she trotted them out onto the national stage and held these two kids up as the perfect example of how to handle teen pregnancy. Anyone with a brain knew this situation wasn’t headed for a happily ever after.

  36. anon says:

    Palin not only holds herself up as some paragon of virtue she’s also the first one pointing fingers at others’ behavior.

    Actually, Palin (and Christianist wingnuts) don’t hold themselves up as paragons. Their schtick is “I am a sinner…” and everyone nods, which of course proves that Christianity works. Redemption stories are kind of appealing not only to Christians, but to human nature in general. That is how Bush got a pass.

    For social conservatives, the usefulness of Christianity is that you don’t have to be personally virtuous.

    They don’t even point fingers directly – they don’t call out individuals for moral lapses. What they do is build entire stereotypes of “immoral” behavior – which are essentially unfounded slurs – and use them as the basis for legislation, or for campaigns:

    – Restrictions on abortion and contraception to control immoral women
    – Restrictions on gay marriage to control immoral gays
    – Deadbeat homeowners
    – Welfare queens
    – etc…

    Scapegoating at its finest.

  37. pandora says:

    True anon, it is sweeping, but the message is clear to real Americans. There is no subtly.

  38. Unstable Isotope says:

    One image of Palin that always sticks with me (because it encapsulates her so perfectly) is the image of Palin blathering away while turkeys are being slaughtered behind her.

  39. Truth Teller says:

    Tom S
    I agree that we should identify Junkies for what they are DOPE HEADS. But now that makes me wounder why so many of those who bash OBAMA take their info from that JUNKIE RUSH. Please tell me your not a ditto head even though your comments seem to indicate that you are.

  40. Tom S. says:

    “If the Palin clan wasn’t so “holier than thou” there might be some willingness to forgive, or at least try to understand.”

    When has Sarah Palin said she is holier than you?

    “When Sarah Palin says things (and laughingly says Bristol is going to “advocate abstinence”) then it doesn’t come across as classy.”

    Don’t former alcoholics lecture students on why they shouldn’t drink?

    “That is why Catholics have large families.”

    Or maybe we’re doing on purpose…..dun dun dunnnn

    “Palin not only holds herself up as some paragon of virtue she’s also the first one pointing fingers at others’ behavior. She set the bar – a bar she’s not even close to meeting.”

    That is what you have built her up to be. When did she seek that out?

  41. jason330 says:

    When did she seek that out?

    Tom S has thrown in the towel.

  42. pandora says:

    Tom’s losing on all fronts today.

    If you wear your morality/religion on your sleeve (abstinence only, no one good enough to pray with, real Americans, etc.) don’t be surprised when people notice when you slip up. It’s human nature.

    If you can’t live it, stop preaching it.

  43. Rebecca says:


    Having your own daughter prove that “abstinence only” doesn’t work and then continuing to preach a-a for teens is either very, very stupid or serves some other hidden agenda. Like, lots of poor and uneducated kids end up enlisting in the military. It’s a good philosophy if your goal is to keep shoveling Americans into wars around the globe. Umm, kinda like the old popes who needed lots of soldiers so they banned birth control. It’s always either money or military. Come to think of it, it’s always money because the military enables folks to go out and pillage.

  44. Mark H says:

    “Are you excusing threats being made towards the Governor? Since you are an idiot, I will clarify a basic rule: it is never ok to threaten anyone with physical harm, let alone the Governor”

    Of course, I’d love to see a couple of those emails as proof. At present, we are just going by what the GOv’s staff says about the emails.

  45. I figure this is as good a thread as any to try to get picked up for a comment rescue on…
    sounds like there is some kind of competition or something

  46. Mark H.
    I too would like to see what was written.
    I figure this is as good a thread as any to try to get picked up for a comment rescue on

    – Fuck that, I would also like to have access to everyone’s good ideas that were sent in so we can do our own analysis.
    Off topic – Markell’s call for quarter symbols brought in a lot of great ideas. How did his staff end up picking the venerable but limited-DE-symbol Red Clay’s steam railroad as the BEST?
    It may have had the best write in campaign, but geez, he has an entire dept of professionals to judge what is the best symbol of our state.

  47. anon idiot says:

    “At present, we are just going by what the GOv’s staff says about the emails.”

    … and the state police, whom I trust would remove any politics from the equation.

  48. delacrat says:

    Why an otherwise nobody, like Levi, rates any air time at all, is beyond me.

  49. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I’m w/Pandora & Rebecca on the issue(s) here but I do think it’s time to end this thread. So, here goes: The Palin Clan are not ‘white trash’. Their behavior is just plain trashy!

    (I don’t know that there is an equivalent in ebonics for ‘white trash’ because I think African Americans invented the ‘trash’ term to describe a certain kind of white person.)

  50. Joanne Christian says:

    “Republican frontrunner for presidency”, you lost me at that….and then raised my urgency again to better communicate the pragmatic Republican, and not these sound bytes of sensationalism, all of America, one way or another, fell for in 2008.

  51. Actually, Rebecca, Bristol Palin didn’t prove that abstinence doesn’t work. She proved that failure to practice abstinence results in pregnancy.

  52. Geezer says:

    “Actually, Rebecca, Bristol Palin didn’t prove that abstinence doesn’t work. She proved that failure to practice abstinence results in pregnancy.”

    In other words, it’s a wonderfully practical plan for some species other than human beings. Sort of like communism.

  53. No, abstinence works great — if you practice it, you don’t get pregnant.

    The problem is that Bristol Palin didn’t practice it — and it may come as a shock to you, but people who have sexual intercourse get pregnant