Filed in National by on April 5, 2009

Do you have a Sunday morning ritual?  Something you find yourself doing every Sunday Morning without fail?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    I am probably about the worst example of a Christian you could find.

    My Sunday ritual involves thinking about not going to Church and acting on that thought about 50% of the time.

  2. Rebecca says:

    I like to hang out here with the rest of you Godless liberals.

  3. Mark H says:

    Cutting coupons, reading the NY Daily News, and annoying my wife (and with the last, that’s not necessarily limited to Sundays)

  4. jason330 says:

    Tom S.

    Try listening today!

  5. Hanging out on Eschaton. But I lurve my Dellies too, believe it or not!

  6. pandora says:

    We don’t believe in rituals. 😉

  7. Lately? Writing “Read All About It in the Sunday Papers”. Highly-recommended! The Beast Who Slumbers just cracks He Who Dares Not Speak His Name (you thought he’d slip, didn’tcha?) up.

  8. Waking up. So far.

  9. PI says:

    breakfast and the Sunday morning news shows…sort of like every other day.

  10. a. price says:

    making lattes for grumpy christians

  11. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I watch ‘Sunday Morning’ (9am/CBS), surf around to see what the talking heads are talking about (usually of no interest), make a cup of tea, read the paper, check the blogs, and then begin my day. 😉

  12. Who may not have caught C-SPAN2 this afternoon, catch it tomorrow early (6:30). The Nation hosts a panel to talk about the economic meltdown.

  13. Dana says:

    Getting up, using the head, brushing my teeth, taking a shower . . . oh, wait, that’s a ritual for every morning, not just Sunday.

    For Sundays we can add yelling at the younger Miss Pico to get in the shower so we can get to Mass on time, and actually going to Mass. I don’t think we’ve missed church more than two or three times in a year.