Deep Thought

Filed in National by on April 7, 2009

I think I’d like to start a revolution.  Would you care to join me?  Oh…but if you go killing people I’m out.  I didn’t really mean a revolution in the literal sense, I just sorta meant something else that wasn’t in anyway violent.  Sure I wanted it to sound violent and passionate, but well, when you decided to actually make it violent I didn’t want any part of that.

People are crazy.  Me?  I’m sane.

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hiding in the open

Comments (6)

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  1. nemski says:

    Dude, I’m in for whatever you’re selling.

    Power to the People . . . . oops, I mean Power to the Oligarchy.

  2. a. price says:

    if ya go talkin about distruction…
    doncha know that you can

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Woooo…. I think Donviti just hit on something, and this time it wasn’t a woman. 😉

    Right wingers love to sound violent, passionate and tough! But they run for the hills whenever there is any real action. There is a term for that.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:



    I think you’re talking more about a cult. Will we have to give up all our worldly possessions and run around naked? I burn easily, so I hope you stock up on sunscreen.

  5. if you run around naked I will stock up on something

  6. edisonkitty says:

    And if ya go carrying pictures of Chairman Steele, yer not gonna make it with anyone for really real.