Complete this sentence

Filed in National by on April 9, 2009

You know you are getting old when

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hiding in the open

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  1. Kilroy says:

    When you forget where you left your spouse!

  2. Kilroy says:

    This only applies to Liberals! When you forget to wipe your ass!

  3. Kilroy says:

    This only applies to conservatives! When you wipe your ass before you shit!

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Why would you wipe before? Those whacky conservatives.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    ….when you hear your favorite song in high school converted to Muzak in the elevator, or if it is now considered “Classic Rock” on 102.9.

  6. John Tobin says:

    what was the question again?

  7. Mark H says:

    When you realize you’re almost as old as the current president

  8. R Smitty says:

    When farts have lumps (of course, that’s any over-drinking night…maybe).

  9. jason330 says:

    When you work with people who were not born when you graduated from HS.

    Also – when you don’t know any of the songs or singers nominated for Grammy awards.

  10. Smitty,

    have you seen “The Bucket List”

    Never trust a fart
    Never pass up a bathroom
    and never take a boner for granted

  11. cassandra_m says:

    …when bands that you loved play in Atlantic City.

    …when you no longer give a damn about answering questions about being old.

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    …when the hot new actor/actress just looks like a baby to you.

    …when the clothes you wore in high school come back into fashion.

    …when you think that pants with elastic waistbands are just darn comfortable.

  13. pandora says:

    … when you go to bed before your kids, and

    … when you wake up before them!

  14. R Smitty says:

    and CHECK!!!

  15. R Smitty says:

    Overheard at Jason’s house:
    When your ass has more hair than your back which has more than your head.

    When you finish building your deck.

  16. a. price says:

    you say “damn teenagers” and aren’t intentionally being ironic

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    When Readers’ Digest makes that anthology of songs from your era, and Reo Speedwagon hosts the infomercial on it.

    When you know absolutely no one in PEOPLE magazine

  18. a. price says:

    the teenagers you work with think if they whisper to each other about getting baked in the back room, you wont hear them…. and you find out most of the time they have been right.

  19. anon says:

    When the President is younger than you.

  20. Unstable Isotope says:

    LOL Joanne. I definitely relate to the People magazine problem.

  21. edisonkitty says:

    When you have to explain to your entire staff what the Cold War was, and they look at you like they think you’re just making it up.

  22. when your music is no longer offensive.

  23. Truth Teller says:

    When you get discounts at resturants and the don’t ask for proof of age