A View From The Lofty Perch of Sanity

Filed in National by on April 16, 2009

The Wilmington Delaware Riverfront was host to one of the four “TEA” Parties going on in the state. It was nothing more than a two and a half hour therapy session that had Republican speaker after Republican speaker yap and complain about spending, socialism and pork. One after another they proved they know nothing about economics and have the memory of a gnat. The incoherent ramblings poked fun at Obama, mocked the Democrats and cried about the end of the world now that socialism was at hand. All this has been diagnosed in just over 90 days. The past 8 years never happened and the past 90 days confirmed what they already know and the rest of the world doesn’t: Obama is a Socialist. The Democrats are crooks too. Congress should be impeached and we should “Legalize the Constitution” (whatever the heck that means). Democrats also spend money like a sailor on leave. Oh and don’t forget that Socialism is scary and it’s coming (or is already here and has already destroyed the republic even though the republic must still stand since I am protesting to save it). Yes indeed, this was therapy at its best. Bitter and clinging every step of the way.

The one problem with this therapy session is there was no counselor to pat them on the knee and tell them their phobias are illegitimate. The nattering naybobs of negativity found their home today and couldn’t have been happier to be mired in their own cult of misinformation. Overwhelmingly white and bitter they clutched dozens of signs which simply denounced everything from abortion to congress without offering any possible avenues that their pain could be eased except through more complaining.

The bright part of the show came when a College Republican said that at this rate of spending there would be no Social Security for him. The “harrumphing” and “here! here’ing” quickly followed that statement. But, then as you looked around the crowd you couldn’t help but laugh at the Social Security recipients holding up their signs in support of capitalism and damning socialism. The hypocritical statements flew out of their mouths’ faster than the $5 “Pork Sandwiches” they were selling at the door.

If that wasn’t enough our own minor league version of Rush Limbaugh took roll call and asked people to identify if they were an Republicans or Democrats. “Don’t be afraid to say what party you are. Don’t be embarrassed!” As they laughed they started chanting some vacuous battle cry that the radio host was leading. As he ended his speech he asked them to not stop. “Keep at it!” he begged. “This is just the beginning. We have to keep on them.” The heads bobbed up and down like three years olds watching the Teletubbies. Keep at what? Who knew. Just keep at it.

All in all, in Delaware, it was just a way for the losing team to vent and invent new conspiracies and network with other rudderless dingies. But the symbolism of the day was completely lost on these people. The “TEA” Party was held in an abandoned, unrented former retail space that has been empty since the November elections. Oh? Who last rented out the space? The winning Democratic candidate for Governor, Jack Markell.

Note: donviti wrote this and I posted it while he was away from a computer.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    network with other rudderless dingies

    Not that is exactly what yesterday was about. The GOP has no alternative plan to present America. All they have are their screams of NO. There is no vision for America. There is no direction for their party. They are rudderless.

  2. anonone says:

    nattering naybobs of negativity

    They were also “an effete corps of impudent snobs” because one great Agnewism deserves another.

    BTW, my favorite teabagger sign seen around the Internets today:

    “No representation without taxation”

    You da man, JS.

  3. Andy says:

    these wingnuts would be the first to bitch if when they turned 65 Medicare was eliminated

  4. jason330 says:

    Can’t take credit I meant to put the authorship note on prior to it going live, but didn’t get to it.

  5. anonone says:

    Dude, I just like it that somebody else still remembers that great stuff!

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    The Republican party is rapidly moving from the party of no to the party of who cares.

  7. Hey Don, I remember seeing you there, hiding in the corner whining to your friends here on your cell phone because we told the crowd not to accept interviews from anyone without credentials. I remember you leaving about halfway through.. Why don’t you attend an event and debate me mister? Our names are out there, now step up to my challenge.

  8. Jason,

    Total falsehood as usual.

    First, every party in Delaware was invited, only two replied. They spoke. No censorship.

    Second, the first part of event I worked was not Republican speaker after Speaker.

    Let me give you an accurate run down.

    I had three Republicans, two libertarians, three Independents, one Constitution Party member.

    You guys need some facts before you ‘report’.

    Sorry, but the Dems are rudderless as the things they propose will indeed pile on trillions in debt, widen the deficit and increase taxes.

    The mere fact someone opposes you sonehow makes them 100% wrong?

  9. Evan,

    I wasn’t hiding contrary to what you may think. I was staying in the back so as not to disturb anyone and I politely asked people for pictures and if they wanted to answer a few questions. No one objected and people weren’t told not to do interviews they were just warned.

    Name the event and if there is enough time in my schedule I may just come. I know my name is out there. I’m also here for debate any time too.

    Sorry you didn’t introduce yourself. I was there until 6pm when they started the dancing. So that wasn’t half way more like almost till the end.

  10. C.R. says:

    Who last rented out the space? The winning Democratic candidate for Governor, Jack Markell.

    I was wondering what that smell was when they unlocked the doors!

    All kidding aside, it was a “tax day” tea party. It was mainly republicans because most repubs are fiscally conservative and want a smaller government. Go organize a “pro-choice” tea party and see how many dems show up vs. repubs.

    The UD student also said this has been going on for years and there are multiple people to blame, just not the current administration.

    This wasn’t a pity party. This was people upset with how much money our government (at all levels – fed, state, county) is spending/wasting and how much more debt is being created.

    Here is the text to the petition:

    We, the undersigned, do hereby petition our political leaders to heed the will of the people and reverse the fiscal and tax malfeasance which is jeopardizing the economic future of the State of Delaware and the United States of America. We, the people DO NOT approve of, nor condone the outrageous and out of control spending that is currently characterizing our governmental fiscal policies!

    Specifically, we call on our leaders in Dover and Washington to stop all wasteful spending, stop ill-conceived tax increases, and cease and repeal the unprecedented transfer of the economy and wealth from taxpayers and businesses to the government and government controlled companies.

    We call on our leaders in Washington to reduce the current and future national debt that mortgages the economic future of the next two generations of Americans. Further, the continued reliance on foreign countries purchasing our debt jeopardizes our independence.

    We respectfully ask you to join us in our quest for governments that spend and tax wisely and prudently.

    We respectfully ask you to join us in embracing the genius, creativity, independence and entrepreneurship of Americans that has created the greatest economy in the history of the world.

    God bless America and the great State of Delaware!

    And here’s the video with the petition being read as well as some overview shots and the “Tea” toss. The video of Mike Matthews looking over the railing for lost tea or dead ducks was pretty funny but it didn’t make the cut:


  11. C.R. says:

    Who last rented out the space? The winning Democratic candidate for Governor, Jack Markell.

    I was wondering what that smell was when they unlocked the doors!

    All kidding aside, it was a “tax day” tea party. It was mainly republicans because most repubs are fiscally conservative and want a smaller government. Go organize a “pro-choice” tea party and see how many dems show up vs. repubs.

    The UD student also said this has been going on for years and there are multiple people to blame, just not the current administration.

    This wasn’t a pity party. This was people upset with how much money our government (at all levels – fed, state, county) is spending/wasting and how much more debt is being created.

    Here is the text to the petition:

    We, the undersigned, do hereby petition our political leaders to heed the will of the people and reverse the fiscal and tax malfeasance which is jeopardizing the economic future of the State of Delaware and the United States of America. We, the people DO NOT approve of, nor condone the outrageous and out of control spending that is currently characterizing our governmental fiscal policies!

    Specifically, we call on our leaders in Dover and Washington to stop all wasteful spending, stop ill-conceived tax increases, and cease and repeal the unprecedented transfer of the economy and wealth from taxpayers and businesses to the government and government controlled companies.

    We call on our leaders in Washington to reduce the current and future national debt that mortgages the economic future of the next two generations of Americans. Further, the continued reliance on foreign countries purchasing our debt jeopardizes our independence.

    We respectfully ask you to join us in our quest for governments that spend and tax wisely and prudently.

    We respectfully ask you to join us in embracing the genius, creativity, independence and entrepreneurship of Americans that has created the greatest economy in the history of the world.

    God bless America and the great State of Delaware!

  12. C.R. says:

    And here’s the video with the petition being read as well as some overview shots and the “Tea” toss. The video of Mike Matthews looking over the railing for lost tea or dead ducks was pretty funny but it didn’t make the cut:


  13. RSmitty says:

    Go organize a “pro-choice” tea party and see how many dems show up vs. repubs

    I dunno, CR, I think you’d actually see quite a few more Repubs than you imply. Sure, I’d expect more Dems, but don’t discount these views from the Repub party.

  14. jason330 says:


    “It was mainly republicans because most repubs are fiscally conservative and want a smaller government.”

    Did you vote for Bush twice and his budget crushing wars, his surplus draining spending? Yes. Okay STFU

    This wasn’t a pity party.

    Yes it was.

  15. C.R. says:

    sorry RSmitty, poor example. I wasn’t trying to pick on any pro-choice repubs. just trying to think of an issue where more dems would come out.