Poll: What should happen if Texas were to secede from the Union?

Filed in National by on April 17, 2009

Texas Gov Rick Perry, and a great many teabggers, think that Texas has the right to break away from the United States because we elected a Democratic President.

As, the burnt Orange Report points out, we fought a war back in the 1800’s (and we have a 5-3 Supreme Court decision) that settled that question. So, what should happen if Texas (or any other sore loser state for that matter) quits the Union?

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (41)

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  1. pandora says:

    Georgia is playing the secession game as well.

    This is so ridiculous. I say, let them go – if nothing else, it would be interesting. Overnight Texas would become an armed theocracy.

  2. Rebecca says:

    I remember going through this exercise from the other side when I lived in Massachusetts and we were the only state to vote for McGovern. We were so sure we were going to win, we’d been in our echo chamber ya see. And then when the landslide happened we went into delirium. It lasted until the following summer when the beaches opened.

    My guess is that this is all the anger part of mourning. If gas prices don’t spike again this summer it should go away.

  3. anon says:

    “I’m starting to become pretty convinced at this point that “socialist” is a some kind of code word for “ni**er”.

    h/t Jill Tubman

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think this is a lot of hot air and I’m pretty certain that the vast majority of Texans do not support secession. In fact, I think Perry is doing Texas Republicans a favor by giving them a clear distinction between himself and KBH. Texas Republicans can stand beside teabaggers and secessionist or boring mainstream Republican KBH.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Eugene Robinson has something smart to say this morning at the Washington Post . . .


  6. pandora says:

    The problem with all of this is that it’s so transparent. All this outrage has nothing to do with taxes, spending, etc. and everything to do with Obama.

    I’ve stayed away from the “r” word, but I’m rapidly seeing no other reason for conservative vapors. It’s so over the top. There was absolutely no build up to the outrage.

    The secessionist talk is disturbing as well – mainly because it’s a cheap political stunt designed to put Perry into a government office. Worse, Perry is tapping into a group he won’t be able to control.

    Republicans have learned nothing. Talk about secession! Why do they keep giving away power (think pro-life, religious right) to groups who don’t understand compromise?

    No wonder they’re leaderless. The patients are running the asylum.

  7. anonone says:

    No more Eagles – Cowboys games?

  8. anon says:

    If gas prices don’t spike again this summer it should go away.

    If oil prices don’t spike Texas can’t afford to secede.

    Texas is an oil state… Obama is pushing hard for alternative energy… apart from the ignorant yahoo factor, there is a lot of money on the line to drive all this hate.

  9. mikeb302000 says:

    Some of the best and worst people I know are from Texas. I’m talking about internet acquaintances. If any of them happen to read this, I’ll let them guess which category they should be in.

    As far as secession goes, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. That would have to come from the “worst” that Texas has to offer.

  10. PBaumbach says:

    If Texas secedes, can we officially White-Out the 8 year W administration from our history books… Please?

    While we’re at it, can we eliminate W’s Supreme Court nominees?

  11. I can’t even imagine a governor is even entertaining it. See what happens when you give the fringes power.

  12. a. price says:

    let them go. the hard line conservatives flee to texas, the sane people come to America, and suddenly we have a 1000 mile long vast buffer with mexican drug wars.

  13. RSmitty says:

    Look, we all know there are only two things from Texas…

    On a more serious note, legally speaking (not knee-jerk), would an attempt at succession constitute treason in this age? I don’t know the answer, but it’s a thought I have.

  14. anon says:

    Can we let Texas go, and admit Cuba?

  15. a. price says:

    even if it is, can we have a vote? Im being serious here. if the uber-nutcase conservatives want to leave the union and have their own texas sized hate filled theocracy, won’t that be better for all of us?

  16. anon says:

    Our response to the faux secessionists should be the same response we give our kids when they threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue.

  17. a. price says:

    Sarah Palin for head deacon of Texas

  18. a. price says:

    I’m pretty sure texas wouldn’t turn blue……HA HA HA……anyone?

  19. RSmitty says:

    @ #15: On that thought process, you’d also be condemning the sane residents of Texas to a virtual hell. There are a few!

  20. anon says:

    I’m pretty sure texas wouldn’t turn blue

    Once the retirees figure out they will lose Social Security and Medicare…

  21. a. price says:

    oh, i thought that through… they will be welcome to come here and claim political asylum. there would be a migration of all the cool people from Austin and S Padre Island…to.. dunno New Orleans and south Fla.

  22. a. price says:

    anon, it wont matter. they will be another nation and have to petition their God-appointed leaders to fix it.

  23. RSmitty says:

    Of course, I’d be OK with letting them go and then subsequently invading them and forcibly taking them back and applying our policies. I mean, that’s what W liked to do, so why not?

  24. anon says:

    If Texas seceded the first thing they would do is have a civil war.

  25. pandora says:

    If Texas seceded the first thing they would do is have a civil war.

    And I’d have to reconsider my position on that border fence! 😉

  26. RSmitty says:

    The whole thing of losing S Padre Island really gets me. Can we annex it first? I mean, really, we are already saying “EFF ‘EM” over the succession talk, so let’s really EFF EM and take S Padre Island beforehand. Sound doable?

  27. a. price says:

    it can be like berlin. we get the topless beaches and the bars, they get the trailer parks and the churches.

  28. RSmitty says:


    Let whomever that says Democrats and Republicans (or Liberals and Republicans) can’t come to terms look at this and be forever banished in the Country of Texas, while we bask in S Padre Is, territory of USA.

  29. Unstable Isotope says:

    Texas still has good things to offer us, so let’s not let it go. I Rick Perry and George Bush want to secede, let them go. Remember Texas also gave us Molly Ivins, Ann Richards, Kinky Friedman and Jim Hightower.

  30. anonone says:

    You might want to investigate Kinky Friedman a bit more before you include him with the others in your list.

  31. Von Cracker says:

    Let’s build that Red River fence!

    Most Texans see the stupidity – Doesn’t Perry have a 30-something % approval rating?

  32. Phantom says:

    I say let them go b/c then the republithugs will never again have any shot in hell at wresting any form of power. They can’t win the presidency when they would give up that many electoral votes and the loss in the House would make it a democratic majority for all time. And it would no longer take 60 senators for a filibuster so we would have that as well. Then when that state falls into a drug induced overdose b/c the Mexican drug lords want somewhere to establish we can all enjoy the show without having to invade.

  33. Geezer says:

    “I’d have to reconsider my position on that border fence”

    My position has never wavered: We should build it on Texas’ NORTHERN border.

  34. delacrat says:

    No problemo. If Mexico wants Texas back.

  35. jason330 says:

    I was for going into Texas to string up Rick Perry prior to reading these comments.

    Now I’m thinking that Texas should be ejected from the union.

  36. Rebecca says:

    Brilliant Jason — let’s hold a rally!

  37. Dorian Gray says:

    quote of the day.

    “it can be like berlin. we get the topless beaches and the bars, they get the trailer parks and the churches.”

    -a. price

  38. go for it texas says:

    I believe there is about to be another civil war. im in alabama and i hope us and our texan brothers are allies again and then when us rednecks win we’ll be allied countries rather than states

  39. jason330 says:

    Good lord you are stupid.

  40. RSmitty says:

    Got a hunch someone was hankerin’ for some snark in #38, J…or at least I hope so. If not, pretty sad, but would earn a YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAW!!!!

  41. a. price says:

    yay for hoping for americans to die…. terrorist