Protack Flies Into The Future

Filed in Delaware by on April 27, 2009

The Community News had a piece about Mike Protack and his attempts to try and rebuild Delaware’s Republican Party through the use of web technologies.

Protack says:

I think the electorate sees the Republican Party as elitist or out of touch in a lot of ways. It’s up to us to change that, and any kind of social networking we can do to engage people is going to be a big help.

Facts would also be helpful.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    A router that doesn’t go renegade on you would help too.

  2. jason330 says:

    Beat me to it.

    Fast Forward to the Protack address to the DE Republican convention:

    I have over 2,000 people following me on Twitter and many of them are not me calling myself something else.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, spamming DL with Republican talking points is the way to bring back the DE GOP. 🙄

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Protack’s goal is to pilot the Hindenburg one day.

  5. RSmitty says:

    Was there anything mentioned about desire to isolate and character-assassinate any opposing views or political opponents, whether it be on the surface or through multiple anonymous driveway-router attacks?

  6. Rsmitty, total loser, coward and whiner. Stay at your keyboard and pontificate about things you know nothing about. You are as important as the piece of dried up gum on the bottom of my shoe.

    Typical idiotic liberal attacks. Your policies are a killing the country and the state.

    Sorry guys but the effort is going well. Witness the Wilmington Tea Party which with some others great efforts was a huge success.

    See ya,

    Mike Protack

  7. jason330 says:

    Witness the Wilmington Tea Party …

    Yep. You really stuck it to the man. By uh…sticking up for the state, I mean Charlie Copeland’s children inheritance.

  8. a. price says:

    i think we should send mike’s comment to the NJ opinion section. people should see what an egomaniacal prick he is to fellow republicans

  9. a. price says:

    i mean really, he sounds like a damn mad scientist “I’LL SHOW YOU ALL!!!!!”

  10. pandora says:

    If I were Smitty I’d take Mike P’s disdain as a HUGE compliment.

  11. a. price says:

    but mike protack is the MOST IMPORTANT person in delaware

  12. The comment stands and so does the success of the Tea Party in Wilmington.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    It is unseemly for you, of all people, Protack to call out Smitty as being either a loser, coward or whiner.

    When your house is in order — and you are not persistently and cowardly lying your ass off here (and your router is under control)– you will have some room to judge anyone here.

  14. R Smitty says:

    Totally electable! WOO!!! Mike Schmotack for Vice Chair from the floor of the convention! WOO! Speak to me!

    Wait. Was that really you or the router? I’d hate to get all whooped up for nothing.

    I can’t believe you EVER, wait, I mean E.V.E.R. tried to pass yourself off as the alternative to the elitist. When you play “my way or the highway” or “my shit doesn’t stink, yours does,” that’s called being an elitist.


  15. R Smitty says:

    If I were Smitty I’d take Mike P’s disdain as a HUGE compliment.

    Nothing from his mouth or his router is a compliment, but I do take note that in his grand political career, he takes a time-out to smash, yet again, someone from a base of voters he critically needs. Then again, I’d sooner vote for John Atkins Thurman Adams Harris McDowell Mark Schaeffer than I would Protack. Damn it. I won’t vote for him, leave it at that. I think he’s quite aware, too. Maybe a little aware.

  16. a. price says:

    Mr P, how did the wilmington tea party succeed? people .. showed up? did you change the world mikey? is that evil warlord obama gone? you cant just claim victory because you live in a fantasy world. i cant believe you run for office. it chills the blood to think people like you want to be in charge of shit…. oh wait we had GW for 8 years…. you are a petty ignoramus… i mean so am i, but i don’t pretend i would make a good politician. you mike, aren’t fit to govern a Burger King.

  17. rhubard says:

    Yo, time out. You don’t get to just be a Burger King unless you’re a Burger Prince first.

  18. pandora says:

    I think Mike’s more suited for court jester – remember Jack in the Box?

  19. R Smitty says:

    BTW, can any of you inter-tube specialists tell me if those Protack comments, #6 and/or #12, are the real deal? Whereas I expect hyper-reflexive responses from the PILOTICIAN, I have to admit, that, from someone who is rumored to be seeking a floor-nomination for State Vice Chair, that was rather shocking…and stupid (#6). So, the favor is, can you see if it looks real?


    That dried up gum on the bottom of my shoe Smitty

  20. anonone says:


    You know, I figured it out. Repubs work to create and maintain enemies so that they have common hatred that they can unite around. It is both how they get elected and how they govern.

    But the problem is that instead of keeping the enemy in the minority, they grew it until the enemy was the majority. It is hard to win against your enemy when you’re a minority no matter how united you are.

    So now we’ll watch the repubs eat their own starting with tasty so-called moderate repubs like you. Hence, the Protackian posts.

    When repubs can’t make new enemies outside the party cause everybody already hates them, they need to make them within the party.

    Makin’ enemies is the repub DNA.