Archive for April, 2009

Vice President Biden on 60 Minutes Tonight.

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 0 Comments

Set your DVRs, or watch it the old fashioned way … live. Vice President Biden gave “60 Minutes” the chance to shadow him for a few days, and the result will be shown tonight, along with the interview, at 7 p.m. on CBS.

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The Courage of Your Convictions.

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 2 Comments

Anti-American Governor Rick Perry of Texas wants his state to secede from the Union. Yet today he wants America’s help. Gov. Rick Perry today in a precautionary measure requested the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide 37,430 courses of antiviral medications from the Strategic National Stockpile to Texas to prevent the spread of […]

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Swine Flu: US Declares A Public Health Emergency

Filed in International, National by on April 26, 2009 3 Comments

Via HuffPo: WASHINGTON — The U.S. is declaring a public health emergency to deal with the emerging new swine flu. The precautionary step doesn’t signal a greater threat to Americans. But it allows the federal and state governments easier access to flu tests and medications. It has also been confirmed that the eight NYC students […]

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Just so I understand…

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 12 Comments

….according to President Obama’s Republican critics, what the United States did during the Bush years was not torture. But torture is necessary. Ok. Aren’t the Republicans, in their cowardice of not wanting to admit that they tortured when we all know they did, admitting to an even greater sin in their minds: that they did […]

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Maybe We Shouldn’t Be Laughing At Texas

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 13 Comments
Maybe We Shouldn’t Be Laughing At Texas

The Texas secessionist talk is growing.  To liberals, myself included, it’s the joke that keeps on giving, but, to a certain segment of Texans, secession is serious business.  Once again, the talk is escalating, and it’s not funny – especially if you’re a liberal, minority, or non-christian living in Texas. From Free Republic Threads on […]

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Commenter QOD

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 8 Comments

Unstable Isotope:  Who do you see as a candidate to watch at local, state and national levels?

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-April 26 Edition

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 8 Comments

LEAD STORY-The (UK) Independent: US Major Claims US Torture Has Caused More American Deaths than 9-11 Patrick Cockburn, winner of the 2009 Orwell Prize for Journalism, shows the counterproductivity of torture through the experienced lens of US Major Matthew Alexander. Alexander’s interrogation team located the hideout of al-Zarqawi without the use of torture. The use […]

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Poll: Are You A Delaware Native?

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 18 Comments


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WRong Williams Says Delaware’s Most Famous Bush Enabler Considering Senate

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 37 Comments

There will be no place for Mike Castle to hide if he runs for the Senate. It will not be a couple of angry state bloggers picking over his record and throwing his Bush loving 8 years in his face every time he tries to claim to be this great moderate. It will be the […]

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Oklahoma Teabagger Arrested for Twitter Threats

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 20 Comments

Via Wired. Daniel Knight Hayden, 52, was arrested by FBI agents who identified him as the Twitter user CitizenQuasar. In a series of tweets beginning April 11, CitizenQuasar vowed to start a “war” against the government on the steps of the Oklahoma City Capitol building, the site of that city’s version of the national “Tea […]

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Late Night Music Video: Regina Spektor – Bobbing For Apples

Filed in National by on April 25, 2009 0 Comments

This is a live performance from Tuscon, AZ. There is no studio-recorded version of this song yet. [youtube][/youtube] lovely people, lovely places, i can’t remember names and i can’t remember faces; someone next door’s f***ing to one of my songs.

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Late Night Oddity: Bohemian Rhapsody (Computer)

Filed in National by on April 25, 2009 4 Comments

h/t The Presurfer

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Deep Culture Thought

Filed in National by on April 25, 2009 13 Comments

I can’t wait to see the new Star Trek Movie. I hear it taps into the upbeat and optimistic mood of the country brought about by the election of Barack Obama in the same way the last movie sucked ass as a metaphor for how much Bush sucked.

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