Filed in National by on May 5, 2009

Should people with more money get better health care?

bonus:  Remember that torture thing a week or so ago?

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hiding in the open

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  1. PBaumbach says:

    I’m missing the point–I don’t see why someone shouldn’t be able to get better healthcare if they pay more–I thought that the point is that everyone, regardless of means, gets quality health care (I call it Medicare for All).

    If someone wants to build their own hospital wing, and reserve an entire floor for when they have a cataract removed, why should anyone stop them?

  2. Tom S. says:

    Hey Don, where do you send your kids to school?

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think PB is right that this is the wrong question. Everyone should have access to quality healthcare. If you can pay more, you’ll get more.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    No DV–but people w/ more money shouldn’t get less healthcare–and right now I would lick my chops to have that gold card called Medicaid for my family. Well, I would even be able to quit that second job I work, for health care, and free up that job for someone else. So you know what Hef, sometimes it’s not the money we want–it’s the healthcare. So why can’t I have a bite of the apple, I bought?

  5. anon says:

    Should people with more money get better health care?

    Yes, of course, but only after everyone else has adequate health care.

  6. kavips says:

    Here is how it will work. It may take politics a while to get there, but here is how it will work.

    We will shift to a preventative health care system funded by our government. Catastrophic health care will be funded by private insurers.

    The government role will be defined to give everyone an equal opportunity towards living healthy. The precident is set with our vaccination policies as well as our new push of healthy foods in schools…

    That is their role. Prolonging the inevitable, ie death, will be the individuals responsibility, one they will have to fund on their own.

    The good news is, that with preventative healthcare, and here is where the door is wide open, ( it can include cancer screenings, colonoscopies, prostate exams, orgasm control, free dental, and everything else) there will be less chance of medical problems occurring down the road.

    We have evidence. It is in our veternary policies sponsored by the huge corporate food producers, that show a systemic approach to preventative health care is one fifth the cost of treating illnesses after they show up.

    Since the risk of dying will be lower, (free screenning will catch problems earlier before they become lethal) the private cost of insuring that you have all options available at death’s door, should (as long as Republicans remain a non entity) be cheaper….


  7. Hey Tom? Why?

    and you won’t win this argument, but why don’t you try to get me in a gotcha question…

    1 goes to Conrad (mandate school)
    1 goes to Cab (mandate school)
    1 goes to Brandywine

    all three went to St. Hedwig’s before it was closed down.

  8. JC,

    just leave that meal ticket of a husband and live on your own and that can be all yours…


  9. cassandra_m says:

    While the French system gives health care to everyone, you can still buy extra insurance for stuff that the government-funded insurance doesn’t and that is largely focused around cosmetic procedures. That seems fair.

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    Well good luck with that one kavips. Americans being Americans then say “oh great you paid to keep me well, but now that I am catastrophically sick, I am too sick to work, and secure catastrophic insurance….it’s not fair!”

    I’m sure you intend for these policies, to be a more delayed usage plan, much like our social security system? Some never get to use it, some get to use it longer than they paid into it, and some get the peripheral benefit of being a dependent or surviving spouse?

    Why not a cafeteria plan for citizens? Throw it all out there, and pick what you anticipate the need in the coming year–heck, I don’t need the 8K first homebuyer’s credit, but could I please have some help w/ my healthcare premiums? I don’t need childcare deductions–but a nursing home stay is breaking me. I don’t want catastrophic healthcare at 98, but geez, can I get good compassionate end of life care at Sleepy Heaven Home near my grandchildren? We have computers now–file your changes, with your taxes! So many discretionary dollars per person. Then it’s on you. Catastrophic can be one of the options.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Hef-But I would still be working 2 jobs-for income AND healthcare–because without the kids, I probably can’t get the darn insurance. And if I leave, I have always said he gets the kids–and I’ll send the check!!! Guess that’s why he’s so nice and helpful to me, and I stay.

    It’s just not easy, is it DV?

  12. not AT all JC, not at all

  13. Tom S. says:

    “all three went to St. Hedwig’s before it was closed down.”

    And why was that Don? Should the children of people with more money get better education?

  14. Von Cracker says:


  15. cassandra_m says:

    What is wrong with paying money for a religious education? You certainly won’t get that in public school.

  16. Tom S. says:

    “What is wrong with paying money for a religious education?”

    The last I recalled, Don isn’t a huge fan of mother Church. I suspect other reasons motivated this decision.

  17. pandora says:

    Not to mention that DV still paid school taxes in addition to tuition. As to health insurance… people with more money (and connections) get better health care in the US now. You’re just looking for a fight, Tom. How novel.

  18. Tom S. says:

    “Not to mention that DV still paid school taxes in addition to tuition.”

    People with private health insurance still pay Medicare and Medicaid.

    “people with more money (and connections) get better health care in the US now.”

    And they get better schooling too…

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Not necessarily….they just pay more, but a “better education” is certainly debatable.

    People with your mindset get sucked into the American Way of thinking….if it’s more expensive, it must be better.

    The point is that there are millions of citizens who cannot even get access to health care, let alone proper treatment due to lack of funds…

    Maybe our “christian” soldiers should preach about that fundamental difference?

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Not always. Just because you go to private school does not mean are getting a better education or that you are taking advantage of said education. (cf, George W. Bush) There are other things you get from certain private schools that is worth the premium.

    In any event, paying extra for schools doesn’t have much to do with how you get healthcare unless you want to argue that you can be healthy only if you have money.

  21. Joanne Christian says:

    But, I’m not looking for a fight Pandora. And I paid taxes, and I sent kids to public and private school, and I can’t get afford the quality of healthcare that is provided by government programs for free or reduced fee.
    Right now I’m in it for a manageable monthly premium, but a 6K yearly family deductible. Copays for pharmacy between 10-50 dollars per script. And that’s not dental–I “barter” for that. tee hee. Can’t I just have healthcare please? I’ll still gladly pay my taxes–it’s just I have a bit more buy-in when I see it affecting me more directly in this family’s needs vs. the just expected roads, public education, border patrol etc..

  22. And why was that Don? Should the children of people with more money get better education?

    yes Tom, other reasons did motivate this decision(s).

    Ignorance and naivete mainly.

  23. Isn’t basic education provided to all? The same cant be said for Healthcare.

    “people with more money (and connections) get better health care in the US now.”

    And they get better schooling too…

    apples to oranges my Christian Hypocrite. Jesus would be proud of you though, making sure everyone isn’t treated fairly and isn’t deserving as you.

    But nice try Tom. Go build a nuke to protect unborn zygotes.

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    And Hef, you forgot that one day promise held to see her thru to “May Queen”–you ol’ softy….

  25. pandora says:

    Keep fighting, Joanne. Your situation is one of the best examples of how our system is broken and how desperately it needs to be fixed.

  26. Tom S. says:

    “People with your mindset get sucked into the American Way of thinking….if it’s more expensive, it must be better.”

    So if you had the choice to send your children to a state school or an Ivy where would they go?

    “Maybe our “christian” soldiers should preach about that fundamental difference?”

    I think they’re a little pre-occupied…

    “Just because you go to private school does not mean are getting a better education or that you are taking advantage of said education. (cf, George W. Bush)”

    Because God knows he didn’t do anything with his life.

    “Isn’t basic education provided to all? The same cant be said for Healthcare. ”

    Define “basic”.

    “apples to oranges my Christian Hypocrite. Jesus would be proud of you though, making sure everyone isn’t treated fairly and isn’t deserving as you.

    But nice try Tom. Go build a nuke to protect unborn zygotes.”

    A little testy are we?

  27. We are talking about HEALTH CARE Tom. You want education, wait for that QOD to come another day.

    You are trying to say that more money = better education and that isn’t true at all. It equals better access.

    On to your next comment about troops being pre-occupied. Did you watch the Youtube video we linked to today and yesterday? I can answer that for you. NO, why bother to educate yourself (heh-heh educate)

    Define basic? NO. If you don’t know by now me telling you isn’t going to change anything. Assuming you actually read the answer of course.

    Testy? No. You just support the typical right wing conservative Stereotype. Nothing to say, change the subject. Argue minutia and move away from the real argument.

    Thanks for playing Tom.

  28. Tom S. says:

    “We are talking about HEALTH CARE Tom. You want education, wait for that QOD to come another day. ”

    Medicaid my friend, Medicaid.

    “You are trying to say that more money = better education and that isn’t true at all. It equals better access.”

    So why doesn’t the same go for Healthcare?

    “Define basic? NO. If you don’t know by now me telling you isn’t going to change anything. Assuming you actually read the answer of course.”

    I read all the answers, love, and I suspect you haven’t got one that hold water.

    You espouse the public sector as an equitable, reliable provider of basic needs but then when it comes to fruition it isn’t good enough for your family.

    “Testy? No. You just support the typical right wing conservative Stereotype.”

    Thank you.

  29. You espouse the public sector as an equitable, reliable provider of basic needs but then when it comes to fruition it isn’t good enough for your family.

    Huh? dumb it down for me will ya.

  30. pandora says:

    I think Tom just darted back to the education point, DV. Which is telling.

  31. either way he makes no sense. My kids are in public school and baby sqyuishy will be attending public when he is old enough.

    I recall this being a question on health care though seems to me Tom had nothing to add. Shocking