The Other Side of the Biden/Castle Coin

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009

I was pissed last night. Reading the Delaware Business Ledger’s take on a very early poll and then reading the “Delaware Way” thread put me in the Slough of Despond.

This morning, I’m feeling good though. Think about it. Mike Castle running against Beau Biden would be the best thing that could ever happen to Biden.

Biden would have to beat the crap out of Castle to win, and I long to see Castle getting the crap beat out of him. (Justice at last!) Biden would have to demonstrate that he is a real Democrat. Running against the wishy-washy Castle would mean that Biden would need to forcefully articulate the Democratic case for governance. Biden could not “out milqtoast” Castle into office.

Biden would also have to show that he has real campaign chops. Running a great campaign and knocking off Castle would put to rest any murmurs about Biden’s callowness forever. Sure he’d get help from DC – but retail politics still rule in Delaware. It would be Beau’s race to win or lose.

Yes. I’m getting giddy thinking about the bloody bar fight between youth and experience. And moreover, I have to think that when Beau returns from Iraq he might find himself getting giddy as well.

If he wants a career in politics and would like to get out from under the impression that he’s had things given to him – you can damn well bet that he would be giddy about getting in the ring with the GOP’s overthehill champion.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Yes. Or Matt Denn could run. (Run, Matt, Run!)

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Interesting take. It is the only take that makes it plausible that Biden will run. Add to your pep talk the fact that his father started out this way too, in an impossible race against an entrenched incumbent who everyone thought would win.

  3. jason330 says:


    If Beau has any of Joe’s blood in his veins, the Castle chest thumping that is going on now will only serve to fire him up.