Great Question

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009

[youtube][/youtube]Obama’s bullshit reason to not release more photo’s is not only crap it is put against another policy Obama is trying to avoid which is Don’t Ask don’t tell. If you don’t know another Arab Linquist from WestPoint is being let go because he is gay.

So isn’t the country and the troops less safe because we have one less person able to translate possible terrorist attacks?

It really is bullshit and very disappointing and I hope it is not an indication of what is yet to come.

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hiding in the open

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  1. I don’t understand his decision at all. Obama could save Lt. Choi’s career if he wanted, but he won’t intervene. What a great shame.

  2. Art Downs says:

    “Don’t ask, don’t tell” has worked rather well.

    If we were regularly experience sexual witch hunts, it might be another matter.

    Perhaps the problem is the ‘in your face’ activism that demands celebration rather than toleration?

    Why be concerned about the private behavior of consenting adults? The the decision that threw out the Texas sodomy law was proper. An idiot neighbor filed a false report of gunshots from the residence of a gay neighbor. When Officer Bubba and his partner forced their way in, they found two men doing what they enjoyed. Instead of apologizing for ruining their experience, they reported the two ‘preverts’ and there was a conviction and a series of appeals.

    In many states, acts that are commonly enjoyed by happily married couples are deemed felonies. Arrests are seldom made. Why are these laws on the books?

  3. nemski says:

    DV don’t be such a Debbie Downer.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Agree. Those two decisions were horrible for the President.

  5. h. says:

    I’m sure there will be much more disappointment from the white house in the next 3.5 years. It’s just getting started.

  6. delacrat says:

    If all the heterosexuals were kicked out of the military, we could actually have a military that was too small to actually do any damage.

  7. Perry says:

    It’s not just the photos and don’t ask don’t tell, unfortunately.

    Obama is allowing renditions, military commissions, escalation in Afghanistan, is against single payer, and is unwilling to pursue prosecution of the Cheney/Bush alleged criminals.

    His recovery priorities favor Wall Street as Main Street disintegrates before our eyes with the demise of the American auto industry and the hundreds of thousands of jobs that go down with it.

    Perhaps he fears that this nation will disintegrate into a heap of the ashes of civil conflict initiated by the secessionist radical right who care only about themselves and their so-called principles over and above the future of this nation. It’s probably worse out there than any of us really understand. I wonder!

    All that said, Obama is hugely better than the eight years through which we’ve just suffered. I hope he is not too late on the scene. I wonder!

    I wonder if reality is squeezing me into such a pessimistic mindset, or is it only my reality? I wonder!

  8. mikeb302000 says:

    Yes, Obama is on quite a disappointing roll- in changing his mind and refusing to carry out campaign promises. I’m still hanging in as a supporter but I swear if he caves into the consevatives tomorrow at Notre Dame and retreats in his pro-choice position, I’m outa here.