Carney Campaign Asking for $53 from You

Filed in Delaware by on May 21, 2009

I love teh social media. Yesterday I received an email on my Facebook from the Fan of John Carney for Congress page. The gist of the email (which is below the fold) was to ask John Carney supporters to donate $53 dollars to his campaign for congress at John Carney for Congress. Why $53? Because John recently celebrated his 53rd birthday. Great hook.

If your currently not sure about who your voting for Carney or Scott Spencer, why not donate $53 to both. And if you are a Republican, I have no idea of who you should send money to. Maybe Protack?


It’s been just over a month since John Carney announced his campaign for Congress, but the response has been unbelievable. It’s clear that Delawareans are ready for a strong leader who can bring people together to address the challenges we face.

That’s not the only news today though. John is celebrating his 53rd birthday, and we’re asking everyone to help mark the occasion by contributing $53 to his campaign (of course, you can give any amount you wish).

John’s campaign has generated a lot of buzz among Democrats in Washington as well as an outpouring of support in his home state of Delaware. He views public service as one of the most fulfilling endeavors he has been involved with in his life, and although these are challenging times, he is excited to work for the people of Delaware and our country as a Member of Congress. Let’s show him just how deep his support is.

Please go to our website, www.johncarneyforcongress.

com, to make a contribution.

And remember, if you wait until next year, you’ll have to make it $54!

As always, thank you for your continued support, and check back soon for more campaign updates.


Gail Seitz
Finance Chair

Contributions or gifts to John Carney for Congress are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

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About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (4)

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  1. nemski says:

    If you donate, let us know here. Thanks.

    BTW, I did.

  2. I will later, when I’m at home.

  3. BTW,

    I think Carney may make use of social media pretty effectively. He is on Twitter, too, though I haven’t seen him use it much. I’ll be curious on how to use something like Twitter to campaign.