‘Moderate’ Mike Castle Votes to Investigate Nancy Pelosi

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009

After eight years of idly sitting by while Dubya, Cheney and the Rethugs shredded the Constitution, Mike “I Like Puppies and Kids” Castle has returned to his days as a crusader by voting for an investigation into what the CIA may or may not have said to Nancy Pelosi. The Greenville gentleman hasn’t been this gosh-darn fired-up since he voted to impeach Bill Clinton. For the doubters out there, see for yourself:


So, the next time Celia Cohen tells you just how charming Castle is, and how his bon mots set the Vicmead Hunt Club crowd all atwitter,  tell her that he supports investigations into those who oppose torture, he supports disgraced former speaker Newt Gingrich’s attacks on his successor,  he supported impeaching Bill Clinton, and he continues to  support Rethuglican shredding of the Constitution. 

Let her know that he is the biggest phony in Delaware politics, just edging out her equally-beloved Tom “I Like Puppies and Kids” Carper.

Then tell her that her fluffball valentines masquerading as reporting have aided and abetted their ultimately inconsequential political careers. Then tell her they’ve now gotten what they paid for.

And so has she: the crumbling of what once was her reputation as an honest reporter.

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  1. Hey, I’m all for an investigation of who knew what, who ordered what and who did what. I think this is a trap of the Republicans own making. There’s no way you can investigate what Pelosi “knew” without investigating what happened.

    I’ve been highly amused at the recent Republican embrace of the CIA (I remember their attacks on Valerie Plame). Even a tame journalist like Diane Sawyer was able to trip up Newt Gingrich. Plus, there’s been a lot of new revelations that show that the CIA briefing notes are mostly fictional.

  2. RSmitty says:

    This is exactly why national-level politics are a huge turn OFF for me. Everything that matters in DC all depends on the flow of the tide, they couldn’t really give a rat’s ass about you or me (the constituency). They are physically too far removed for the daily reminders they truly need from us.

    In my view, Pelosi is an opportunist whose stories are more inconsistent than some pilotician’s alibis, but…BUT…as much as I think she is an opporunistic lying sack of crap, I fail to see what law she violated to warrant a congressional investigation. Do I think she is in full CYA mode and made an easy scapegoat of the CIA? Sure, I do, buuuuuut, other than her botox-inflated reputation, again, I don’t see the real damage here, just real effed up dumbassery. However, if her CYA comments in turn caused an investigation against the CIA, then that’s different. Then the VALIDITY should be investigated, not her involvement. The latter would come later if evidence proved it pertinent. All this crap is way premature and COSTLY.

    Really, btw, how painful is it to pinch your nose while defending her in any circumstance?

  3. I think the period of late 2001-2006 is not a time when many people covered themselves with glory. The Bush administration did the deeds, the Republican Congress cheerleaded them and the Democrats were enablers.

  4. Is the CIA lying to members of Congress? This is not the first allegation. It is either true or not. The costs are already paid for. We pay for the members, the staff, and the CIA. It may cost us for the copies made.

    It was a nothing issue, but she made it something. If she is lying to the American people and defaming the CIA, then we have a right to know that as well.

    This is no longer about her, but about confidence in our intelligence agency and the veracity of our Speaker who is 3rd in line for the Presidency.

    As for Mr. Castle, were you against his vote to allow Delay to be investigated?

    What does it matter anyway? The Democrats run things. The vote was 250 to 172 in their favor. You guys even whine when you win.

  5. Silly post again and again.

    Mr Castle has a National Taxpayer rating of 35%, he sponsored Stem Cell research, he supported much of the Dem ready list with the new administration and was rated by the National Journal as 53% conservative and 47% liberal.

    You guys need a new whipping boy, you make no sense at all.

    Mike Protack

  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/21/cheneys-speech-obama-dese_n_206165.html

    I would think VP Cheney would disagree U. I. It was a proud period in American history.

  7. John Manifold says:

    Has anyone noticed the Delaware angle on today’s news? Blue Rock Manor’s Chip Reid protecting Cheney:


  8. RSmitty says:

    David, if the CIA is investigated because of Pelosi, then I think the door is wide open to the validity of her claims. However, she was under no oath when she did her CYA claim. The only thing to be accomplished by this investigation is an “I told you so,” along side more wasted money and ignored debating on tangible issues in front of us right now.

    I do think, however, ANY investigation of that period, she should not be on a panel. She’s already compromised any image, in the least, to be a partial juror.

  9. That is not valid? If the speaker of the house is undermining the national security agencies for no particular reason, I think the house members who elected her should know that. Conversely if the CIA is undermining and smearing the elected leader of the Congress, they should know that. This is not some side show issue. It goes to the heart of governing.

    I don’t think we need an investigation of the period. Some big special commission would be the waste of money that you and I despise. We had several already. They can read over the files and reports that have already been made including by the intelligence committees of both houses then redact them for the public.

    I do not favor any criminal or special prosecutor for Pelosi. There was no underlying crime nor was the statement under oath. I think this talk of her resigning is over blown and counter productive. If we believe the actions were appropriate, than knowing about them certainly shouldn’t be an issue. As I said it was a non-issue until she made it an issue.

  10. An examination of the public statements and parsing of all the words says:
    Pelosi’s Probably Right

  11. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t think we need an investigation of the period.

    Indeed. And a wide-ranging investigation is exactly what repubs can’t take on this. If you ignore the cable new bullshit, Pelosi is looking for this investifation. Because this becomes the investigation that no one wants — how we got to Iraq. The folks following this — including Josh Marshall, Huffington Post and FDL — have been pretty clear for a couple of weeks that all of the threads so far point to Dick Cheney deciding to torture in order to get his dramatic reason to invade Iraq. That is why repubs have risen up en masse over the pst few weeks — they are looking for some old school misdirection on this thing (which would be your cable) in hopes of searing a Democrat before they are ever brought out in the light. No one wants to know how the information was vetted and reviewed to go to Iraq. No one wants to get to the bottom of who ordered torture. Well, investigate Pelosi and you get all of it. ALL OF IT. repubs don’t want this and neither does Obama, but investigating what she knew may be the only way to get the books open on all of it.

  12. Defaming the CIA! That’s rich! Maybe I should do it too. The CIA lies, it has lied a lot. And, oh yeah, the CIA missed the boat on some pretty important things, like the collapse of the Soviet Union.

  13. pandora says:

    Defaming the CIA? What a joke. BTW, where was your outrage for this?

  14. Stealth Progressive says:

    Just an observation from David’s post. Dunno why I read this one, I usually scroll on by anything he writes, but this morning I read and caught this . . .

    As for Mr. Castle, were you against his vote to allow Delay to be investigated?

    See the Republican frame? “ALLOW” Delay to be investigated. Not “call for an investigation” of Delay’s sorry, no-good, lying ass. Oh noez, they allowed it to happen. Mighty magnanimous of them.

  15. Frieda Beryhill says:

    UI “the CIA lies and lies a lot”
    How quickly we forget. There was Mr.Powell, at the UN twisting a little vial between his fingers, saying this is proof that Sadam is enganged on the production of WMD’s. Only problem was, he refused to do that without CIA’s Mr. Tennet sitting right there on Camera WITH HIM.
    I watched every moment, thinking is anybody buying this crap ?

  16. Jason Z says:

    Sorry to skip back to UI’s first post, but Obama is doing Plame just the same as Bush:
    20 May 2009 // Washington, D.C. – Earlier today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) learned that the Obama administration is opposing our request that the Supreme Court reconsider the dismissal of the lawsuit, Wilson v. Libby, et al. In that case, the district court had dismissed the claims of Joe and Valerie Wilson against former Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and Richard Armitage for their gross violations of the Wilsons’ constitutional rights.