V: The Allegory

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009

When V: The Original Miniseries premiered, it was an excellent smack them over the head allegory about fascism, in the form of classic science fiction. And then it got all crazy when it returned as a regular series.

Here is a clip demonstrating that allegory:

V is now being reimagined just like Battlestar Galactica was reimagined. I was and am still excited to see this new series, but see if you can’t pick out the smack them over the head allegory this go-round.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    There are two massive differences I see between the two series already. First, in the original, the protagonists and the persecuted were scientists, because the Visitors knew that the scientists could expose what they really were. In the new series, it would appear that the religious are, ironically, the skeptics and thus the persecuted now.

    Second, the “V” in the original series stood for the resistance, for the slogan “V for victory.” In the new series, the “V” seems to stand for the Visitors themselves, as they are referred to as the V’s. And instead of spray painting V to protest the occupation, they are spray painting V to celebrate it.

    So, can you guess what the new V is an allegory for yet?

  2. Their weapon is devotion. They are using hope and change. They develop a fawning media. No, you tell me.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Hehehe. I love conservatives and their persecution complex.

  4. jason330 says:

    What a subtle message. I wonder if wingnuts not named Republican David will be able to pick it up.

  5. Nancy says:

    Oh dear. Oh no.The whole point last time was that they persecuted scientists as they were the ones who could expose them. And here the priests can expose them? Puh-lease. The only thing a priest can expose is – himself – to an 8 y/o boy.