RNC’s New “Daisy” Ad

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009


Obama made it clear in his speech that he will close Guantanamo and he’s tired of the fear-mongering. It’s interesting watching the Republicans play the Democrats by arguing about the terrorist supervillians with secret powers that can only be contained in Cuba. Does anyone remember there wasn’t even a prison there when we started holding people at Guantanamo? The Bush administration put the detainees there because they were hoping to keep them in some kind of legal limbo by arguing the detainees weren’t on U.S. soil. Even uberconservative judges didn’t buy that argument.

About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. They could at least use a child that isn’t a possible grandparent. Hardly anyone under 50 would understand the comparison. The concept is good, but originality would have been more powerful.

    BTW was Johnson using a little girl as a human shield DV?

  2. I agree with David. A lot of young people seeing this won’t even get it. For a party that wants to attract young people (the Republicans), this probably isn’t the right way to do it.