Thwart Rethug Delaying Tactics By…Speed Reading?

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009

Henry Waxman has come up with a novel way to speed up consideration of climate change legislation currently being slow-walked to death by the Rethugs…a speed reader:


According to the Wall Street Journal, here’s why he might be needed:

Committee Republicans, who largely oppose the measure, have said they may force the reading of the entire 946-page bill, as well as major amendments totaling several hundred pages. So far, Republicans have decided not to use the procedural maneuver, but ChairmanHenry Waxman of California is prepared.

The bill aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80% over the next half-century, and is a top priority of President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats.

A committee spokeswoman said the young man, who’s doing door duty at the hearing as he awaits his possible call to the microphone, was hired to help career staff. After years of practice, the panel’s clerks can certainly read rapidly, but she says the speed reader is a lot faster.

“Judging by the size of the amendments, I can read a page about every 34 seconds,” said the newly hired “staff assistant” who declined to give his name. Based on that count, it would take around nine hours to read the entire bill.

Waxman has said he still hopes to finish the bill by Thursday, meeting a long stated goal of moving the climate bill out of committee by Memorial Day.

“He’s dreaming. It ain’t going to happen,” said ranking Republican Rep. Joe Barton of Texas. Republicans “have 400 amendments that we could offer, but there are at least 75 to 80 that we almost have to offer,” Barton said. He acknowledged that Waxman can call for a final vote before Republicans have offered all their amendments, but that “hasn’t happened in the 35 years I’ve been on the committee.”

Wonder what ‘Moderate Mike’ is doing to speed the process along? Just imagine him in the Senate when he really does have a chance to gum up the works.

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  1. rep barton from texas is trying to make light of it. but it is his stupid ass that brought Waxman to this ridiculous end.

    What a crock of shit and I’m embarrassed for my country this close to Memorial Day that we have to do this shit with a powerless party still pulling the strings.

  2. I think this is hilarious. At least some Democrats aren’t led around by the nose by Republicans.

  3. Why should legislation that is going to fundamentally affect the lives and prosperity of every American be rushed without reading?

  4. Von Cracker says:
