Archive for May, 2009

UPDATED: Vote Today! Kim Williams and Eric Randolph for Red Clay School Board

Filed in Delaware by on May 12, 2009 1 Comment

School Board Elections are POLLS OPEN until 8PM.  No need to be a registered voter.   ………………………………………………………………………………………… I was going to write a post about why Kim Williams and Eric Randolph deserve every Red Clay residents’ support, but then someone went ahead and did it for me. Please go read Mike Matthews’ post, and then […]

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Deep Bizzaro World Thought

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009 6 Comments
Deep Bizzaro World Thought

In the “down is up” bizzaro world that wingnuts live in Nancy Pelosi needs a lawyer.  

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Save the Date: Delaware Libations Summer Concert August 15th

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009 14 Comments

Save the date people you aren’t going to want to miss this event. August 15th 2009 2-6pm at Twin Lakes Brewery is going to be the next location of what will be an annual event.  I think it is safe to say that the event we put on in January was pretty successful and pretty […]

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Markell on ESPN Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on May 12, 2009 4 Comments

From the press release: Gov. Jack Markell will discuss his proposal to re-authorize a sports lottery in Delaware and give Delaware taxpayers a fairer share of gaming revenue on ESPN’s news magazine show E:60. The shows airs tonight at 7 on ESPN.

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Conservatives Win!

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009 8 Comments

It’s official.  Cheney kicks Colin Powell to the curb, while Steele exposes the truth about the base. Cheney first: Asked about recent verbal broadsides between Limbaugh and Powell, Cheney said: “If I had to choose in terms of being a Republican, I’d go with Rush Limbaugh. My take on it was Colin had already left […]

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Mission to Repair the Hubble Telescope Launched!

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009 0 Comments
Mission to Repair the Hubble Telescope Launched!

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Notre Dame, Obama and The Gipper

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009 9 Comments

Back at the end of March, we had a little post about some trouble brewing at Notre Dame and its invitation to the President of the United States to be its commencement speaker. You see among the conservative Catholics — the 21 percenters — they cry that this invitation flies in the face of a […]

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Deep Thought

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009 6 Comments

Breaking the law is ok if it means protecting people from lawbreakers

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Torture Architect Yoo to Write Column for Inquirer

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009 8 Comments

Some things El Somnambulo just cannot make up. At a time when newspapers are at death’s door, the Philadelphia Inquirer has hired Bush’s point man on torture to write a monthly column. Philly Daily News’ Attytood columnist Will Bunch is not too thrilled with the move. The Inquirer thus handed Yoo a loud megaphone on […]

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Lofink Will Not Seek His Former Seat in 2010

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009 0 Comments

Former Rep. Vince Lofink and his family have moved out of the 27th RD, which means that Earl Jaques will not face a rematch in 2010. The couple has relocated to Hockessin. Come to think of it, that brings up something that Al Mascitti wrote here awhile back. Al was effusive in his praise of […]

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Late Night Oddity: Star Trek OG

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009 1 Comment

h/t Where’s My Jetpack for digging this gem up

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My BLFC entry

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009 5 Comments

There is the outer space that contains moons, stars, planets, black holes and such that we are all familiar with from watching TV, but there is also an outer space of the soul, with its own collection of emotional COMSATs and frozen cosmonaut urine in decaying orbit around our superego planets, and it was into […]

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Filed in Delaware by on May 11, 2009 23 Comments

Whether you have children or not, you must VOTE.  School Boards effect a lot more than what happens inside a classroom.  Decisions they make can also effect your property values and the quality of life in your community. For the past several days we have posted the responses we’ve received from school board candidates who […]

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