Archive for May, 2009

The Other Side of the Biden/Castle Coin

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 3 Comments

I was pissed last night. Reading the Delaware Business Ledger’s take on a very early poll and then reading the “Delaware Way” thread put me in the Slough of Despond. This morning, I’m feeling good though. Think about it. Mike Castle running against Beau Biden would be the best thing that could ever happen to […]

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FOX Busted!

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 5 Comments

This is not fair and balanced any which way you cut it: [youtube][/youtube] And for all of the Democrats who rush to talk to these propagandists, you won’t be in much of a position to yell about how they treat you when you know up front that they won’t be honest about their reporting. (another […]

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What’s The Point of Having Cake If You Can’t Eat It?

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 7 Comments

(Via From Pine View Farm) That is my favorite saying from the Muppets’ Miss Piggy in response to someone who was silly enough to recite the tired cliche that she could not have her cake and eat it too. Apparently Blue Dog Democrats think this way too: Overall, Blue Dogs submitted more than 2,500 individual […]

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Fatal Attraction – Republican Style

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 23 Comments

Rule #1 when having an affair is to never let the wife find out about the mistress.  Silly, because it rarely works out that way – especially if your mistress is a crazy person intent on destroying your marriage.  That said, shame on you for juggling love interests, and shame on you for whispering sweet, […]

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It’s time to be lied to

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 4 Comments

Tired of hearing the grim truth about their economic future, Americans demanded that the bald-faced lies resume immediately, particularly whenever politicians feel the need to divulge another terrifying problem with Wall Street, the housing market, or any one of a hundred other ticking time bombs everyone was better off not knowing about. In addition, citizens […]

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Showdown at the D(elaware) W(ay) Corral

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 21 Comments

Classic western. The stoic sheriff up against the outlaws who ‘run this town’. Score one for the outlaws. Nothing says Delaware Way more than former State Democratic Party Chair (He’s a duPont! He’s our duPont! Let’s make him chair! He can raise almost as much money as the Republican duPonts!) Rick Bayard openly lobbying on […]

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Specter Busted!

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 5 Comments

I’ll admit to having a mini-obsession with the Arlen Specter party switch story. It has drama. One thing that has really shown through is Specter’s arrogant sense of entitlement. He believes he’s entitled to his Senate seat and he’ll do what it takes to keep it. He’s been rubbing loyal Democrats’s nerves raw with some […]

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Do you like great blogging?

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 1 Comment

If so, Click here.

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Point and Laugh

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 2 Comments

More Republican performance art. Do national Republicans only exist anymore to say “no” and to amuse me? I love the idea of a Palin/Romney feud! [youtube][/youtube]

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Newton’s Law

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 35 Comments
Newton’s Law

Newton’s Law states that conservatives can make any kind of comical or serious threat against the state or fellow Americans that happen to be liberal and it is no big deal.     No Bag Limit – Tagging Not Required. May be used while under the influence of alcohol. May be used to Hunt Liberals […]

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Late Night Oddity: At The Red House

Filed in National by on May 5, 2009 1 Comment

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Todd Beeton Calls Senate Election for Castle

Filed in National by on May 5, 2009 12 Comments

Check it out. MYDD’s Todd Beeton has gone “all in” for Mike Castle based on one poll: DE-Sen: Delaware Voters Prefer Republicanism To Nepotism by Todd Beeton A new Susquehanna poll shows that if Republicans can recruit Delaware At-Large Congressman Mike Castle to run for Joe Biden’s former Senate seat, he would destroy the presumptive […]

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Obama-Biden Grab Lunch

Filed in National by on May 5, 2009 13 Comments

A burger with no ketchup???? That is un-American. Dijon Mustard??? Damn Communist. Seriously, I have never ordered a burger with only mustard before? I can’t imagine that it tastes good.

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