Summer Concert Charity needed…

Filed in Delaware by on June 5, 2009

We need a charity for the concert DL is putting on 8/15.

I would like to throw it out to you the readers.  I don’t want recommendations or you to suggest that we contact someone.  I’m not looking for leads at this point.  I want you the reader to get me in touch with a charity that you feel would like to receive a few thousand dollars (hopefully).  Someone local.  I’m thinking cancer, but I’m open to anything.   We just need them to spread the word that money raised during this event will be going to them and for them to spread the word about our event.  That’s it.

Feel free to Contact me at donviti at yahoo and/or have the Charity contact me.  As I have said before.  This is not a political event.  It is a charity event with beer and a band….and Delaware’s first hottest blogger.

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hiding in the open

Comments (8)

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  1. oh hai says:

    March of Dimes! They have a great local chapter and its a great cause.

  2. arthur says:

    Find a charity that puts the money directly back into the community or establish a program at a charity that all your contributions benefit that particular program.

  3. AnnieMack says:

    The food banks are being cleaned out these days, they could use a buck or two.

  4. MJ says:

    AIDS Delaware.

  5. edisonkitty says:

    Autism Delaware

  6. nooneimportant says:

    Kelly Heinz-Grunder Brain Tumor foundation. It’s the only foundation of its kind in the nation, and Chris Grunder, the Founder, is from Delaware and the foundation is based here in DE too.

  7. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I have no particular group in mind. May I suggest you select one that will participate with you on the fundraiser…..notify its members to join in the fun and, maybe, get some free p.r. via the group’s non profit status (newpaper, radio, tv, blogs ads). That way you can significantly increase your ‘take’. That is all.

  8. a. price says:

    the mike protack for dog catcher fund.