How you tackle the Palins and their BS

Filed in National by on June 11, 2009


From the Huffington Post article.

(Edit:   Fixed, I think, for DV)


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  1. June says:

    If this is about his show where he made the horrible comments about Palin’s daughter, I think he should be ashamed of himself. The jokes were not funny and they were in the worst of bad taste. He’s a jerk in my book, after that.

  2. miscreant says:

    “The jokes were not funny and they were in the worst of bad taste. He’s a jerk in my book, after that.”

    Indeed, he is. But taking cheap shots at the Palins makes him kind of a hero to most left wing miscreants. Rather pathetic, isn’t it?

  3. They were funny, taken out of context, and you should watch the clip. He explains it pretty well.

    It is not far fetched to make a joke about knocking up a daughter that had been, once, knocked up.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    This is another poor Palin attempt of “look at me!!!!!!!!!!” victimization.

    She’s just making shit up about Letterman talking about her 14 yr old, when she knows all the while he was referring to her abstinence-poster daughter. Same ol shit, just like when Obama called her a pig with lipstick…..oh poor moi.

  5. callerRick says:

    I’m sure he meant to allude to the older daughter….but, he didn’t.

    To my archaic way of thinking, 14-year-olds should be off limits.

  6. miscreant says:

    “It is not far fetched to make a joke about knocking up a daughter that had been, once, knocked up.”

    Bullshit, Mr. Sheilds. While, I acknowledge your attempts to stay in the good graces of the ethically challenged who post over here in Liberal Land, The only daughter that was in New York was the 14 year old one. You can rationalize Letterman’s tasteless behavior until your nose bleeds, but it doesn’t excuse his blatant asshattery.

    I guess the libs would rather jizz their panties over Mrs. Obama’s superbly toned arms, or whatever she’s wearing on a shopping junket in Europe , or continue to bash the Palin FAMILY than address any substantive issues.

    Another sobering observation: I really shouldn’t engage people who make moronic statements during happy hour.

  7. shocking that the Palin’s took something out of context.

    As usual, the normal defenders of all Republican didn’t take the time to watch the clip or listen…

    HE DID allude…after all one of her many children was the one that got knocked up at 17 while she was a junior in highschool. Anyone and everyone watching and listening to the joke knows that.

    Why would he talk about her 14 year old daughter when she has a 17 that has had sex and has the baby to prove it.

    you people are pathetic

  8. I thought Letterman’s remarks were pretty disgusting, myself. He should have apologized.

    Palin overplayed her hand as well. In her search for perpetual victimhood, she implied that Letterman was some kind of pedophile. She could have taken the high road and made a statement of disappointment at Letterman’s attacks, instead she made it into some kind of feud.

  9. Bob says:

    Just another example of us being distracted by bright shiny things.

  10. Miscreant, I do not tailor my comments to kiss ass on this blog. If I disagree, I say so. I do, if you have noticed, pick my battles wisely. I am not going to jump in the bonfire just because the opportunity presents itself.

    On this topic: It is common knowledge that her older daughter is promiscuous. It was not common knowledge that her youngest daughter was in NYC. Comedy works off of common knowledge, or it is part of the set up. It it wasn’t in the setup to the punchline, it was referring to common knowledge.

    Bad taste? Yeah. Most humor is.

  11. anon says:

    nope Brian, he set it up by saying “in town with their daughter” UNNAMED. That means Dave needed to clarify the intened target (Bristol), in the absence of clarification, he meant Willow..EVEN ifpeople found out it was Willow AFTER the joke.

    Sarah and Todd are a-holes for sure, but Dave needed to serve up an apology, instead he whore-ishly asked for an appearance to extend this Neilsen windfall moment more than he has already.

  12. jason330 says:

    Everyone knows he was talking about the slut who got knocked up. No apology required.

    Next topic.

  13. Brian,

    I don’t think it’s true at all that “everyone knows” the oldest daughter is promiscuous. Pregnancy does not necessarily = promiscuity. I think all we know is that Bristol and Levi had unprotected sex at least once.

  14. anon says:

    jason, if by everyone you mean you, then you’re right. based on widespread reaction and Letterman’s “need” to discuss it, it is clear that “not everyone” knew….you can diagree that it should matter, but to deny that many people didn’t know is you ving in another reality.

    Next topic.

  15. oh please….

    Levi said they had sex numerous times and the one time they didn’t she got pregnant. spare me….

  16. We don’t know anything about Bristol and Levi’s sex life, and I don’t really want to.

    Having sex numerous times with one person doesn’t make you “promiscuous” or a “slut.” It makes you human.

  17. jason330 says:



    I was trying to push buttons with the slut thing but forgot about the feminist police.

  18. anonone says:

    Men can be sluts, too. Why should girls have all the fun?

  19. Miscreant says:

    OK, Brian, I was obviously wrong about you ingratiating yourself to these mental midgets. In fact, I’m willing to concede that you merely have a tactless, boorish sense of humor.

  20. Meh. Letterman has been visibly stepping it up this week to compete with Conan. I wouldn’t put it past both of them to set up this whole ordeal for publicity.

  21. In fact, I’m willing to concede that you merely have a tactless, boorish sense of humor.

    That, sir, you and I are in agreement with. My sense of humor is about as tasteless as an inappropriate chuckle at a funeral.

    Not being sarcastic. I have a weird sense of humor.

  22. Geezer says:

    Since a few here are so interested in parsing the original joke, should we note that the joke’s actual victim was Alex Rodriguez? The Palin daughter, whichever one was intended, was merely the prop.

    It doesn’t make the joke any more tasteful, but then I doubt the guy would have stayed on the air long with the tasteful, cultivated sort of humor Miscreant apparently prefers.

  23. Olbermann had an interesting segment last night on the Palin/Letterman feud. He and his guest were both flabbergasted that the Palins were elevating it so much by calling Letterman a pedophile. Olbermann was surprised that Letterman apologized. You have to give it to the Palins though, they have to be one of the few couples that turn an extremely tasteless joke about their teenage daughter into a loss for them. I think Palin must have a pathological need to be in the spotlight. I feel sorry for her kids being dragged in the spotlight all the time by her.

  24. Jason,

    I don’t like double standards, that’s all. I think it is a huge double standard to call someone a “slut” for fooling around as a 16-17 year old, since the vast majority of people do the same thing. It’s no big surprise that someone who isn’t taught much about birth control didn’t use it consistently.

    I’ll admit that I find the evangelical elevation of Bristol Palin strange and creepy. I don’t think Bristol should feel ashamed, but I also don’t think she’s a role model.