The Delaware Blogging Community to Shrink

Filed in Delaware by on June 22, 2009

It looks like in the next few weeks, Delaware blogging will lose two of its longest running blogs.

Mike Matthews over at Down With Absolutes has been pretty clear that he is planning to go to an all-twitter format.  He has gone so far as to look for someone to take over for him.

Today, Dave Burris put up a post announcing that DelawarePolitics will stop publishing their swill (I kid) at the end of the Legislative session which ends in just over a week.

Personally, I’ll miss both blogs.  For all of the jokes about bloggers and their work habits, this stuff is hard to do well.  And to continue to do it with no pay and the ever present risk of losing your livlihood because of it… well, it takes its toll.

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  1. pandora says:

    I find this incredibly sad.

  2. So, is everyone going to come over here then?

  3. Rebuild the Delaware GOP says:

    Go to for info.

    Stay tuned.

    Mike Protack

  4. nemski says:

    I’m all broken up over this . . . not.

    I do like what Burris is doing with his Delaware Beaches thing. I wish him the best of luck with that.

  5. RSmitty says:

    I’m all broken up over this . . . not.

    I will cast a spell of Jason’s Amish ways upon you.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Can someone tell me WTF Protack would have to say about this when he was in on nothing over it? I can only wonder what info his super router managed to net.

  7. jason330 says:

    There is no mention on Protack’s blog. Just click-trolling?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Obviously, Dave is closing up shop because he is afraid of being sued.

    Or perhaps the State Republican Party has asked Dave to stop so that Michael D. Protack, leader of the Delaware Republican Party can be the only voice of Republicans in Delaware.

  9. RSmitty says:

    I’m telling you, collect five-cents for each link he drops and you all can quit your day jobs!

  10. jason330 says:

    In light of today’s news, I just have to say that Delaware Liberal kicks ass!

    The team now is like one of those bank heist teams put together in movies. We’ve got all the bases covered from explosives expert to the Chinese acrobat. We have the right balance of swagger, intellectual curiosity and whimsy.

    This past year we’ve been loud, proud and drawing a crowd. If a bitch needs a smack we apply the pimp hand*. If someone interested in good government needs to rally the troops, we are on it. As the next election season begins to break over the horizon, I have three words: It. Is. On.

  11. Smitty,

    That’s a great idea.
    5 cents for each link span
    10 cents for each time he calls someone “stupid”

  12. anon says:

    i am sad, both will be misses even of often wrong or vulgar. Love both blogs, as well as DL.

  13. anon says:

    i am sad, both will be missed even of often wrong or vulgar. Love both blogs, as well as DL.

  14. RSmitty says:

    This past year we’ve been loud, proud and drawing a crowd. If a bitch needs a smack we apply the pimp hand*.

    *Smitty is proud to accept the nod of applying the pimp hand to Jason on an as-needed basis. Smitty accepts this award humbly, while reminding fans of his looming free agency.

  15. Joanne Christian says:

    Aw c’mon, you guys are making “Sunrise Sunset” play thru my head…2 of my favorite boys are catching a train, and I’m left with memories…and Smitty….and DL….will it be enough? You leave a large burden on Smitty. Smitty, we’re talking calloused hands, with a fairly significant bling ring.
    DL, I worry for the in-fighting now.

  16. jason330 says:

    DL, I worry for the in-fighting now.

    That’s how is going to fall apart. UI is Yoko Ono.

  17. RSmitty says:

    I’m not done, but DP is (will be). I have no pan on the burner, but I’m not going away. I’ll probably be an unaffiliated commenter for a while. I really don’t have any interest on having a single-contributor blog, either. I did that once and it’s rough.

  18. My singing is better than Yoko Ono’s. However, I do expect pictures of the DLers naked for peace to appear any day now.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    Please just keep them out of bed. I hated that time.

  20. bwwwwwwahhhhahhahahahahahahahaaaaaahaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaaaaaa

    cough cough cough


  21. I almost forgot:



    (picture me dancing)





    oh and Fuck you hube

  22. liberalgeek says:

    He knows how to stay classy.

  23. Art Downs says:

    Is playing ‘cute’ with Hobson’s choice ‘polls’ and excursions into gratuitous vulgarity really ‘hot blogging’?

    I do invite those with an inquisitive and open mind to try the link to Mr. Dana Pico’s delightful blog “Common Sense Political Thought”. All are welcome to participate and there is no demand for registration (as with this site which I do applaud for openness).

    Have a delightful day blogging.