Breaking: Palin To Resign

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009

Gov. Sarah Palin announced today that she will not be seeking a second term as the governor of the 49th state and then added she will be resigning. Should she be considered the front runner for the Radical Right Republican Party? Or are their personal issues that need to be dealt with instead? (h/t The_Borg)

UPDATE: From Markos: I guess being a governor is sort of like being a community organizer, except without actual responsibilities.

UPDATE #2: Video of the press conference.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. anonone says:

    I am sure there is a sex scandal involved.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Resigning too? I always thought she would not run for reelection, because she was going to face a tough battle both in the GOP and in the general.

    Either she has some family problem, wants to giver her Lt. Governor a step up in a primary, or just doesn’t want to do a tough job anymore.

    If it is the latter, you have to ask: if you can’t handle the governorship of Alaska…

  3. nemski says:

    Somehow I think Delaware Liberal is to blame. 😉

  4. Progressive Mom says:

    Nice catch, Nemski … it’s 3:27 and this isn’t on HuffPo; CNN says “may resign”; and MSNCB is relying on affiliates report of resignation.

    There’s got to be a back-story here. I assume she’s toast for anything nationally (if she wasn’t already).

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, we were the straw that broke the camels back. LOL.

  6. anonone says:

    Somehow I think Delaware Liberal is to blame.

    Maybe she was excited when DV called her a MILF.

  7. Delaware Dem says:


    I had previously thought that she wasn’t running for reelection in 2010 BECAUSE she wanted to run for President in 2012. Now with this resignation, I think it damages severely her presidential aspirations. We don’t elect quitters.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Without Sarah Palin, what will DV write about? LOL. (kidding, DV)

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Her quote just heard on MSNBC is “Faith and family are now more important than the state of Alaska.”

    That is a devastating thing for a politician to say. It is very human and admirable, but if she had hopes of resigning to run for President in three years, you can’t say that. In fact, you can’t resign. You can go the Romney and Pawlenty routes and not run for reelection, but you can’t resign and say your family is more important, and THEN run for President.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Her press conference at MSNBC right now makes it seem that she is resigning to run for President.

    Ok, Sarah, good luck with that. Like I said before, we don’t elect quitters.

  11. nemski says:

    Did she say, “You [the bloggers] won’t have me to kick around anymore.”?

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    In a round about way, yes.

  13. anonone says:

    Let’s see…

    Thrown under the bus by McInsane: Check

    Unfavorable exposé in Vanity Fair: Check

    E-mails Starting to Leak: Check

    Indictment: ?

  14. MJ says:

    Mwahhh. Reminds me of Tricky Dick’s “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore,” speech. MJ is pointing and laughing at the once and former savior of the GOP. Wonder which kid is pregnant now?

  15. Two possibilities:

    1. She resigned so that Mark Sanford wouldn’t have to. Hmmm, come to think of it, they must’ve spent a lot of ‘down-time’ together at those Republican Governors’ Association meetings…

    2. The dinero for that TV reality show was just too good to pass up.

  16. MJ says:

    Just listened to her “speech” and something tells me there is more to the story. Maybe an indictment, maybe adultery (Todd, not Sarah), maybe the 14 year old is now pregnant (by a late night talk show host). But her political career is over.

    Maybe she’ll replace Hasselbeck on The View. I’d love to see Whoppi lay into her.

  17. Progressive Mom says:

    For a little humor and some pathos, try and read through the comments. The thread starts before the announcement, and you can hear heads exploding through your screen.

    After a while, I got a creepy feeling that I was being a little too voyeuristic.

    But, then, they posted it for the world to see….

  18. anonone says:

    You gotta watch the speech. It is the most bizarre speech from any pol I have ever seen.

    Just surreal. She has all the signs of a replicant whose time is running out.

  19. MJ says:

    Interesting that the head of the Alaska National Guard now becomes Lt. Gov.

  20. Delaware Dem says:

    Her speech was a compilation of Palinisms and talking points. “The country is looking north for the future.” We are?

  21. PI says:

    Maybe she’s one of Sanford’s little trysts?????Hmmm.

  22. nemski says:

    Delaware Dem, Canada and their health care system maybe?

  23. MJ says:

    She could only be one of Sanford’s concubine if she knew where Argentina was.

  24. Wow! Stuff keeps happening when I’m out of the house! I could understand her not running for re-election in 2010 if she was running for president but why would she be resigning now? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I sense a scandal brewing. Color me suspicious.

  25. cassandra m says:

    That was a weird speech — full of the overdeveloped self-regard that I think passes for leadership for this chick. Loved the overworked bit about not wanting to be a lame duck and spending lots of time and money at it. Oh really? So that means she wasn’t going to run again anyway. But then, all of that overripe responsibility didn’t stop her from spending Alaskans’ money to run off to Germany to visit with wounded soldiers.

    I think it has to be too late to run for Congress in 2010, right? Or there’s a big money reality TV show in the picture.

  26. nemski says:

    I’m reading from different sources that Palin is out of politics for good.

  27. cassandra m says:

    CNN has some interesting stuff from the DNC:

    Following Palin’s announcement, the Democratic National Committee blasted what it called her “bizarre behavior.”

    “Either Sarah Palin is leaving the people of Alaska high and dry to pursue her long shot national political ambitions or she simply can’t handle the job now that her popularity has dimmed and oil revenues are down,” DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse said.

    “Either way, her decision to abandon her post and the people of Alaska who elected her continues a pattern of bizarre behavior that more than anything else may explain the decision she made today.”

    And legendary GOP campaign strategist Ed Rollins is exasperated:

    Republican strategist and CNN contributor Ed Rollins said, to a certain extent, Palin’s announcement makes her look “terribly inept.”

    “I think everyone is shocked by this, and I think to a certain extent everyone is going to assume there’s another story. You don’t just quit with a year and a half to go. You certainly don’t do this as a stepping stone to run for president. You finish the job that you’re in, and obviously she’s not doing that,” he said.

    “I think people are going to be very suspicious because of the timing. You don’t quit on the Friday of a three-day holiday. If you are going to do this, you think it through, you give a good speech,” Rollins said.

  28. anonone says:

    Maybe she’s pregnant with A-Rod’s baby.

  29. I agree there’s going to be a lot of speculation because of her resignation. It’s just bizarre, really. Especially when it looked like she was ramping up to run for president in 2012. You could also look at it a different way – her behavior recently has been truly odd. Does she have deeper problems than many of us suspect?

  30. cassandra m says:

    Maybe she just wants to be Governor of South Carolina now?

  31. Did you notice the dig she got into Mark Sanford, too?

    Really, can you imagine if she had been Vice President?

    Where was this press conference held? There was hardly anyone there!

  32. She’s jealous of all the attention Mark Sanford got, so she’s trying to out-crazy him.

  33. MJ says:

    Where was Republican David? Has anyone checked the flights to Alaska? Hmmm…………..

  34. Rebecca says:

    I’m betting on scandal! Something is about to pop.

  35. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Palin & Co. had their 15 + minutes of fame.

    There’s a rumor out of Pittsburgh saying Andy Worhol was turning in his grave because Palin went over the limit…………..

  36. Mark H says:

    “Does she have deeper problems than many of us suspect?”

    She’s really a wingnut. Isn’t that problem enough 🙂

  37. Phil says:

    Maybe she had a stunning moment of clarity and realized that she’s rich, and should retire. Doubt that, but would of been awesome.

  38. All the usual liberal trash. I guess you can’t stand independent women?

    She made a very delibrate choice and I am sure it opens more options than it closes.

    Scandal? Yes, 10 % unemployment, record deficits and record national debt at the federal level and at home in Delaware huge tax increases and a bloated ineffective government. Boy, the Dems are so gifted at government.

    The Dems have wrecked the economy the only thing investors are buying are guns. ammo and canned goods.

    Mike Protack

  39. MJ says:

    Pornstache, don’t you have a plane to nowhere to catch? You are such a broken record – maybe Rosemary Woods should have erased your 18 minutes of tape. It would save us from having to read your drivel.

  40. Von Cracker says:

    To Protack, 8 years of Bu$hCo and the rubber stamp GOP Congress never, ever existed.

    Shut up, Otto!

  41. Joanne Christian says:

    The real mother of Michael Jackson’s 3rd child?

    Part of the Appalachian, Argentinian, Alaskan Trail?

    She too realizes the better deal as a woman she’ll get being a Democrat?

    Has begun acting lessons to become Tina Fey’s understudy?

    or could it just be–ENOUGH is ENOUGH?

    What I can’t believe, is I had family in Honduras who heard this before we did–and were asking me?

  42. Truth Teller says:

    hey Mike she is like the rest of you repuks stands for nothing and a quitter

  43. nemski says:

    VC wrote Shut up, Otto!

    Is that a Repo Man reference?

  44. Von Cracker says:

    No, that’s an Airplane! reference, Nem…

  45. Delaware Dem says:


    They’re still in Honduras? How are they? How is the scene there?

  46. nemski says:

    Gotcha, should have known. Though Otto from Airplane is pretty obscure for everyone but Don Viti. 😉

  47. Joanne Christian says:

    Landed in Miami this afternoon–should be in Philly by midnite.


  48. That’s great news Joanne!

  49. John Young says:

    “so that Alaska may progress, I will not seek re-election” – Sarah Palin in her resignation speech (7/3/2009)

    that’s exactly not what I want in a leader, and Mike Protack, those are her words not some made up left wing BS.

    She is not someone that liberals can’t handle, she’s just weak and she put her weakness on display for all to see. Alaskans are simultaneously embarrassed and thrilled today I am sure.

  50. callerRick says:

    She is going to convert her notoriety into big cash. That’s pop culture economics 101. Simple.

  51. John Tobin says:

    I also think she might see her time in the limelight may be tenous and plans to cash in while she is able. Maybe as a media commentator or maybe as the front person for some conservative PAC.

  52. Rhymes With Right says:

    Gee — she got throught the speech without a telepromter. Certainly better than another politician we know.

    I personally think she is running for Senate in 2010 — with her sites set on the presidency a couple of elections hence, not in 2012.

  53. zulu says:

    Maybe that witch doctor who helped her
    become governor is now her Life Coach

  54. a. price says:

    she is a quitter. you don’t say “this job sucks! i can’t do it ’cause people are mean to me” and expect to be given a better job. All i can say is FINALLY!. i decided to go out of town and go camping early on the 3rd and cut myself off from tv and interweb… this is what i get.
    That said, Mark Sanford cheated on his wife with apparently many women all over the world and hasn’t stepped down. Palin did something BAD. my prediction is she will be in jail before the end of the year, and RWR and Mike P and the like will still be bitching about us being “unfair” and telling us how she will be president one day.
    btw, drinking rum in the N Carolina backwoods is veryvery nice.

  55. RwR called that a speech! I’d be embarrassed if it was on a teleprompter because it was so bizarre and incoherent.

  56. a. price says:

    were those birds or sheep making all the noise?

  57. Geezer says:

    “Gee — she got throught the speech without a telepromter. Certainly better than another politician we know.”

    OTOH, now we know why smart politicians use teleprompters.