For Once, He is Right.

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009

Art Downs compares Sarah Palin to Joe McCarthy. I completely agree.

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  1. Teh Awesome says:

    Oh my . . . I don’t think that was Art’s intention.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I think it was. He obviously views Joe McCarthy in a positive light.

  3. Art Downs says:

    As usual, the folks on the left don’t get it.

    Perhaps it is a lack of reading comprehension as a result of the efforts of the NEA.

    It it could also be an exercise intellectual dishonesty or a display of historical ignorance.

    What admirer of Senator Joseph McCarthy ever introduced him as ‘Tailgunner Joe”? I suspect that the roster is still at 0.

    The point is that the Elitist Republican would take help from a person whom he could not praise in public in the hope of swinging a few votes. Again, the links between Bobby Kennedy and McCarthy may have been tossed down the revisionist memory hole but they are not totally expunged from the public record.

  4. Teh Awesome says:

    Reading comprehension? If you’d like me to comprehend that last paragraph, it should be written in something other than jibberish.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    No, the point is principle. Mike Castle, for all his faults, does not want to compromise himself. You are suggesting that he overlook his opinion of Palin just to ingratiate himself with the whackjob right. And Palin and McCarthy do share a lot in common.

    As for RFK and McCarthy, RFK at least redeemed himself in his later political career, hence the memory hole.

  6. I personally admire Joe McCarthy. The man stood against the onslaught of subversion which was threatening the survival of the nation. The elite left hates him because he was proven to be correct. Communism was the enemy and it infiltrated our government, pop culture, and academia. This man was working almost alone to shine the light of truth. Because he felt like he alone was the guardian of freedom, he fell victim to his own hubris and got sloppy in some of his work. That was used by the enemies of freedom to discredit him with the establishment who used to fear him.

    Fortunately, the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities was more judicious and did not let the fight to preserve America die. We owe all of them a thanks for our freedom.

  7. jason330 says:

    Thank you for providing the bizzaro world perspective David.

  8. pandora says:

    OMG, is David serious?

  9. Teh Awesome says:

    Either GOPDave is one of the funniest people alive (a la Stephen Colbert) or . . . . I can’t fathom the other.

  10. I think David is serious. Ann Coulter wrote a whole book about how McCarthy was right and saved us all from the terrible commies.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    The neo-connish portion of the wingnuts are working overtime to revive McCarthy’s reputation. Pretty much to legitimize their own McCarthyish tendencies — the politics of personal destruction, don’t you know. But with the dispensation of accusing people of being socialists or communists or fascists or ghetto thugs or whatever the insult of the day is supposed to be. It is part of their serious weakness right now — that revisionist history as a way to recycle their fearmongering.

    But they are who we thought they were — and it is up to us to keep reminding people that the so-called party of ideas can only manage trying to scare people.

  12. Geezer says:

    “What admirer of Senator Joseph McCarthy ever introduced him as ‘Tailgunner Joe”? I suspect that the roster is still at 0.”

    From Wikipedia: In his campaign, McCarthy attacked La Follette for not enlisting during the war, although La Follette had been 46 when Pearl Harbor was bombed. He also claimed La Follette had made huge profits from his investments while he, McCarthy, had been away fighting for his country. In fact, McCarthy had invested in the stock market himself during the war, netting a profit of $42,000 in 1943. La Follette’s investments consisted of partial interest in a radio station, which earned him a profit of $47,000 over two years.[16] The suggestion that La Follette had been guilty of war profiteering was deeply damaging, and McCarthy won the primary nomination 207,935 votes to 202,557.

    It was during this campaign that McCarthy started publicizing his war-time nickname “Tail-Gunner Joe,” using the slogan, “Congress needs a tail-gunner.”

    So I guess the roster is now at 1.