Insurance Companies worked at discrediting Sicko

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009

[youtube][/youtube]Not that it is surprising at all. Just more confirmation that Sicko was spot on.

“They were afraid that they might believe Micheal Moore”

“They have used scare tactics for years and years and years”

“The plann worked.   The film was blunted”

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hiding in the open

Comments (14)

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  1. I remember the health insurance company I worked at years ago let the press hawks work OVERTIME when that Denzel Washington movie “John Q” was released. For those who don’t remember, that’s the flick that was about Denzel’s son who couldn’t get a heart transplant because the insurance company wouldn’t cover it.

    The insurance company I worked for went nuts. They were issuing emails left and right telling employees to not see it and to contact their congresscritters to tell them that the insurance industry is A-OK and that they would NEVER do anything like that.

    Insurance companies (especially health insurance companies) are decadent, offensive behemoths who need every bit of regulation that certain folks on the Left want to impose upon them.

  2. jason330 says:

    Health insurance company executives don’t make $250 million a year by paying out claims and allowing people to find out the truth about the industry.

  3. Mark H says:

    So my question…Is the health insurance industry 1) Worse, 2) The Same as the tobacco industry?

  4. OK, here goes. The insurance company I worked for, their former communications director is speaking out. Watch this video. Watch it now.

  5. John Young says:

    1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, and 1.

  6. Oh, wait…I’m thinking you posted the same video Squishy. Sorry, where I am right now I’m unable to view the video, so it came up empty.

    It’s a great piece.

  7. Teh Awesome says:

    Hmm, health insurance companies fought against Sicko? I’m shocked, shocked that there is gambling going on Rick’s Cafe.

  8. What’s funny is I got fired from that job at that company back in 2004 just a month after Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” was released. I had been yammering on about how great the film was for a few weeks and I think they fired me because of it.

  9. Not Mike says:

    Just don’t count on the insurance commissioner to help you out. She doesn’t give a shit about the people but she loves the insurance companies.

  10. anon says:

    Not Mike, the Insurance Commissioner ran on a public option platform. Why do you say that she doesn’t give a shit about the people? Do you have any evidence to back your scurrilous claim?

    Mike Matthews – good people don’t fit very well into bad places. Thanks for the link to the CIGNA exec. From the clip it looks like the DLC bought into big insurance lock, stock and barrel.

    Doesn’t it point to all of the Delaware DLCers? Carper, Markell and Denn are all sell outs? Or were Markell and Denn just licking Carper’s boots for a leg up?

  11. Not Mike says:

    Hi Elliott