A Musical Salute to the Scopes Monkey Trial

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009

On July 21, 1925, the ”monkey trial” ended in Dayton, Tenn., with John T. Scopes convicted of violating state law for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution. The conviction was later overturned.

84 years to the day later, it is once again time to ponder those eternal verities:


Chris Smither- “Origin of Species”


Elvis Costello- “Monkey to Man”


Major Lance- “The Monkey Time”


Smokey Robinson & the Miracles- “Mickey’s Monkey


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  1. jason330 says:

    Cool choices….no DEVO?

  2. ‘Bulo’s saving Devo for his “Salute to S & M”, coming soon for his painsluts’ viewing pleasure. Besides, the vid for ‘Jocko Homo’ has been disabled. Bleeping Youtube!

  3. Today trivia fact of the day: John T. Scopes is buried in my hometown. A lot of his family still lives there.

  4. Art Downs says:

    The ‘trial’ was a set-up job and the role of three-time Presidential Loser William Jennings Bryan in the prosecution indicates that he may have been suckered into the game. The real star was reporter H. L. Mencken, a man whose sharp pencil skewered many a yahoo of the day.

  5. Bill Dunn says:

    I’ve been an Elvis Costello fan forever, yet never saw that vid. Kool! Thanks and happy belated monkey trial day.

  6. What ‘bulo loved about that EC video was the opening with the ape snapping pictures. Because everything was just like the cover of Elvis’ great “This Year’s Model” album, except for the ape standing in for Elvis. Even the background was the exact same color.