Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn

The Special Election in the 19th continues to occupy our collective time. The most likely winner of the race, Rep. Booth, ironically, is the least scrutinized candidate. Indeed, last week we concentrated on Polly. This week it seems Libertarian and vaccine conspiracy theorist Wendy Jones was our focus. I had previously endorsed Ms. Jones in this race for the sole reason that I would rather see real conservatism again become the loyal opposition to liberals and progressives rather than a dishonest weak neocon theocon birther teabagging borrow and spend lying conservatism. That still remains my goal. Yet if I am going to condemn 9/11 Truthers and Birthers as whacked out lying conspiracy theorists, then I must do so with Ms. Jones. Her statements opposing public health vaccinations this week on these very pages are shockingly insane, do a disservice to Libertarianism, and have lost her my support. So, people of the 19th, vote for who you like. I like none of your choices, and neither should you.

Meanwhile, we here at Delaware Liberal have taken on the supposedly nonpartisan Caesar Rodney Institute in a spectacular series of posts by the Beast Who Slumbers, Cassandra and Donviti.


An Honest Broker, Part I
An Honest Broker, Part II
An Honest Broker, Part III
Charlie…come out come out wherever you are. Bulo offers to unmask for the truth.
Steve Newton thinks this is all much to do about nothing. Predictable.
Donviti gets Copeland on the record.
And then catches the smoking gun.
Charlie is still denying all.

Politics By The Numbers — John Tobin
Travel time to and from the State Fair in Harrington from various places in the 19th.
The State Fair’s affect on the Election.
The majority of voters in 14 of the 16 districts in the 19th are over 50 in 2002 and every district in 2006.
Yes, there is a reason politicians hang out at Senior Centers.

Polly Mervine bases her bigotry on the claim that she will represent Mennonites. Turns out they are a small minority of the people are Mennonites. And one of them is not Jason Scott. Amish.
Wendy Jones’ condescension won her no fans.

Resolute Determination
CR thinks Polly controlling her late father’s campaign funds is a conflict of interest.

Delaware Watch — Dana Garrett
Thurman Adams’ Campaign Funds

Delaware Politics — Group Blog
Booth finally launches his website.

The Mourning Constitution — Brian
Wendy Jones on the issues.
Brian reposts the candidates’ answers to the News Journal Questionnaire and then analyzes them.

Lower Slower Delaware — MJ
Polly Mervine and her husband take a self defeating bigoted stance against Homosexuals.

Delaware Libertarian — Steve Newton & Tyler Nixon
Wendy Jones gets some national and local attention
Steve disowns Wendy Jones’ stance on vaccinations. Good for him.
An exclusive interview with Libertarian candidate Wendy Jones.

Steve Newton reacts to the news of Garrett’s upcoming analysis
Dana’s first thoughts on Libertarianism: A Porcupine Freedom Festival
Dana’s thoughts on Libertarianism and Paternalism.
Steve thinks it is great news for Steve and Libertarians everywhere that we are now paying attention to them, although he is disappointed with Dana’s posts on Libertarianism. Don’t get too excited or disappointed yet Stevo. First, a liberal is not going to offer a glowing review of Libertarianism. If you expected it, you were naive. Second, you need viable candidates who are not conspiracy theorists. Then you have to win elections. And then, maybe, you will be a viable opposition party. Now, I want that to happen too. But you guys have a long way to go.


Would you like Fries with that?
A French … er ah.. Freedom Fried Earmark.
Senator Venables likes his pork fried and kept within the family.
DP thinks it is a smear. Sorry, but reality has a liberal bias.

Of Cops and Recovery Funds
Around the Horn Last Week
Mike Castle Takes Credit for another Stimulus Project he voted against.
Read All About It Sunday Papers
What About Protack? A Leader or a Crank?
Carper ducks the question?
Crazy Eileen is revealed.
Sussex County Drinking Liberally was a blast.

Steve offers interesting thoughts on why we dedicated partisans engage each other on each other’s blogs with no hope of changing minds: it is because we like the battle.
Happy Birthday to David Anderson.
Delaware Politics thinks Markell wants to ration energy. No, it is called conservation. Conservatives against Conservation. Who knew?
Tommywonk answers their inanity expertly.
Delaware Politics offers their weekly regional political roundup.
Redwaterlily reveals the horrid unpatriotic nature of conservative Sussex Countians.
MJ on blogging etiquette. Then he ends anonymous comments.
Kavips on healthcare. He says we are all right.
Resolute Determination on Peter Schwartzkopf vs. the NFL. Naturally, the DuPont heir sides with the multibillion dollar corporation. They also don’t think too kindly of him on other matters.

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