Archive for July, 2009

Obama on Patriotism

Filed in National by on July 4, 2009 6 Comments

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Happy Independence Day!

Filed in National by on July 4, 2009 1 Comment

Professor Bassam Shakashiri from the University of Wisconsin (go Badgers!) explains the chemistry of fireworks: More on the chemistry of fireworks from SciFun. Happy Independence Day! Declaration of Independence

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‘Bulo’s 4th of July Music for the Masses

Filed in National by on July 4, 2009 0 Comments

“Hey-y-y, baby, it’s the 4th of July” [youtube][/youtube] Dave Alvin-  “4th of July” “What a waste of gunpowder and sky…” [youtube][/youtube] Aimee Mann-  “4th of July” “Sandy, the fireworks are hailin’ over Little Eden tonight…” [youtube][/youtube]      Bruce Springsteen-  “4th of July,  Asbury Park (Sandy)” And, because the Beast Who Slumbers was into Bruce […]

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Which Radical Right Commentator Is This?

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009 9 Comments
Which Radical Right Commentator Is This?

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Late Night Music Video — Mashup via Rubik Cubes

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009 4 Comments

The Beatles and the Clash! [dailymotion][/dailymotion] h/t Andrew Sullivan

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Breaking: Walgreen’s & State of Delaware Reopen Negotiations

Filed in Delaware by on July 3, 2009 4 Comments

According to sources, Walgreen’s and the State of Delaware have agreed to reopen negotiations on reimbursement of brand-name medications through the State Medicaid program. Walgreen’s has agreed to extend its participation in the program until at least August 6, pending resolution of negotiations. The previous ‘drop-dead’ date had been July 6.  Walgreen’s pharmacists are now […]

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The End

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009 18 Comments
The End

According to Andrea Mitchell of NBC News, and Republican strategist Fred Malek, Palin is out of politics for good. She is not running for President. NOW I AM VERY VERY SAD. I was looking forward to years of entertainment and mockery. Oh well. Time to remember our all too brief encounter with the female national […]

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Breaking: Palin To Resign

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009 57 Comments

Gov. Sarah Palin announced today that she will not be seeking a second term as the governor of the 49th state and then added she will be resigning. Should she be considered the front runner for the Radical Right Republican Party? Or are their personal issues that need to be dealt with instead? (h/t The_Borg) […]

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Pre-Holiday Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009 4 Comments

Here are some links for your enjoyment as you get ready to enjoy your holiday festivities. Al Franken’s win is making wingnut heads explode. The Consumerist gives up the Top 10 Ironic Ads From History. My favorite is the DuPont cellophane ad. Matt Taibbi takes on Goldman Sachs in “The Great American Bubble Machine.” Well […]

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Filed in National by on July 3, 2009 6 Comments

Shamelessly stolen from Balloon Juice, except ours is a two part question: Is there anyone in public life with a mustache who isn’t a buffoon? (Delaware version) Is there anyone in public life with a mustache who isn’t a buffoon? (Nationwide version) Anyone else?  Add their names in the comments….

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Deep thought 262

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009 5 Comments

The AMA cares about you. 4 out of 5 said so.

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Around the Horn Friday.

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009 6 Comments

Finally, the General Assembly is finished. A budget is balanced. A crisis averted, for now. But with the close down of the General Assembly came the close down of Down With Absolutes, the the departure of RSmitty and Dave Burris from Delaware Politics. Matthews will continue on Twitter, and shockingly, offer a comment once and […]

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Late Night Oddity: Llamas with Hats

Filed in National by on July 2, 2009 2 Comments

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