Live From Netroots Nation

Filed in National by on August 13, 2009

I’m here at Netroots Nation waiting for Bill Clinton’s speech to begin. I’ve got pretty good seats, so I should be able to see well. CSPAN is here so perhaps you’ll catch a glimpse of me on TV. CSPAN is covering the speech live.

Chuck Rocha rocked the house! Great speaker.

Judd Ligum(?) from Think Progress is speaking – he’s running for the Maryland House of Delegates. He talked about the first Netroots Nation (YearlyKos at that time); many press were there to laugh at the freaks. Who’s laughing now!

Deborah Bowen – California Secretary of State

Simon Rosenberg from the New Democratic Network is speaking now. He was involved in the early Clinton campaign.

I see the cameraman now, he’s not too far from us. He’s wearing an orange shirt – coincidence? Can everyone see my orange manicure? I’d better be on my best behavior since I might be on TV. Hi mom!

Philadelphia’s own Adam Bonin killing with the opposite world NN09 agenda. Nice tribute to Eunice Kennedy Shriver and now he’s introducing Rep. Brad Miller.

Miller is funny. Lots of blogger in-jokes. I love blogger nerds. Miller rockin’ the house in a different way than the first speaker. Secret Service is here. Big Dog up next!

Clinton – sorry about my voice I’ve been on a lot of airplanes lately. LOL!!! Clinton: [on the blogs] You don’t have to pretend that you aren’t taking a side. So true! Clinton talking about his global foundation. Clinton is discussing the conservative/progessive era. Politicians convinced us that government could mess up a two car parade. LOL! BTW, snuck to the front to get some good pictures of Clinton. Clinton thinks Bush v Gore will go down as one of the 5 worst decisions of the Supreme Court ever. I agree! Clinton thinks “compassionate conservative” was one of the most brilliant campaign themes ever – I’ll give you every thing that Clinton got you with smaller government and bigger tax cuts. Clinton is still a political genius. 2006 elections were the “canary in the coal mine.” Bill – I told Hillary “if we don’t nominate a convicted felon we’ll win the presidency.” (paraphrased) Clinton says the country is more communitarian. Clinton: Republicans are making a terrible mistake just waiting for the president to mess up. Ooooh, a heckler! Clinton: you should go to a townhall meeting. So, some guy paid money to heckle Clinton – dope. Clinton: media sabotaged attempt to let gays serve in the military. Clinton: DADT was pursued differently than intended (Powell). Clinton: Anti-reformers know they have no chance unless they scare Democrats because no filibuster. Yeah – what about Ben Nelson? Clinton favors a public option. Clinton: the status quo will bankrupt this country, the status quo is the worst option. Clinton: it is a political imperative for Democrats to pass healthcare.

Clinton on “Cash for Clunkers.” We ought to do that on steroids for electric cars. Amen! Clinton thinks we ought to stimulate the economy by retrofitting buildings to be more energy efficient. He says we can do it today – the banks have enough money. Interesting speech – this is basically Clinton defending his legacy. Clinton: sometimes you have to take half a loaf. That’s the problem – we’ve been fed crumbs for years and told it was half a loaf.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Reflections On Netroots Nation : Delaware Liberal | August 18, 2009
  1. jason330 says:

    Chuck Rocha of United Steelworkers is on CSPAN now.

  2. jason330 says:

    HOLY SHIT…I just saw UI as clear as day.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I’m watching this on Facebook and this is impressive!

    Loved Chuck Rocha and I think he would be the perfect next Governor of PA.

  4. I hope someone is recording for me!

  5. jason330 says:

    Judd Legum is good too. It should come as no surprise that the Amish eschew video recording stuff.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t know if I can record anything from my computer. But CSPAN often keeps broadcasts in their archives for awhile.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Man, is he ever describing how I felt about the Dean blog!

  8. Free Radical says:

    Getting close to Big Dog…excited. I’ll try to look all bloggy for the cameras.

  9. Free Radical says:

    By the way, UI and I passed Jason’s avatar in a buggy on our way thru Amish country.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    I didn’t think that was allowed — avatars in buggys?


  11. Free Radical says:

    Just as a Colbert WristStrong bracelet should be passed on to more and more famous people, speakers preceding Clinton should build in a crescendo. So far the first speaker knocked it out of the park and it’s been kinda so-so from there out, with a few exceptional moments.

  12. Free Radical says:

    UI is bouncing up and down and giggling in anticipation. Brad Miller is pretty good so far.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    Miller is very good, very humorous.

  14. Free Radical says:

    I need to get a transcript. Miller just had a concise summary of Republican strategy: will oppose everything, predict dire consequences, offer nothing in return, and hope everything goes tits up.

  15. Free Radical says:

    Clinton just classily talked down some shouty guy. Dunno what shouty guy said.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    That was well done too. Wish I knew what the guy said. It seemed to piss Mr. Bill off.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Ah — the heckler was on about DADT.

  18. Free Radical says:

    Clinton on health care and difficulty in changing status quo: The insurers know what they’re going to lose, but the people are unsure of what they’re going to gain.

  19. Free Radical says:

    Several distant shouters during Clinton. Issue? NAFTA? dunno.

  20. That was a great quote by Clinton, I need a transcript. It was the Clinton paraphrasing Machiavelli.

  21. Free Radical says:

    Clinton is combining political idealism with realpolitik quite well. Don’t just pass health care b/c it’s the moral thing to do, but b/c when good things happen and the bad things the Right predicts won’t, we will be in ascendency for quite a while (paraphrase).

  22. Free Radical says:

    No applause on charter schools.

  23. cassandra_m says:

    “You hold the seeds of a generational change in your hands.”

  24. Free Radical says:

    Off to the party!

  25. For the People says:

    Chuck Rocha is one of the most dynamic public speakers around today. His enthusiasm and passion get the audience worked up every time. I am looking forward to seeing him in public office someday soon.

  26. For the People says:

    Chuck Rocha is one of the most dynamic public speakers around today. His enthusiasm and passion get the audience worked up every time. I am looking forward to seeing him in public office sometime soon and we would be very lucky to have him.

  27. For the People says:

    Chuck Rocha is one of the most dynamic public speakers around today. His enthusiasm and passion get the audience worked up every time. I am looking forward to seeing him in public office sometime soon and this country would be very lucky to have him.