Dick Armey Out of His Cushy Lobbying Job!

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009

This was an interesting Friday afternoon news item: Dick Armey — lately infamous for his work promoting Freedomworks, the corporate-backed group astroturfing Town Halls this summer — has quit his lobbyist job at DLA Piper,claiming to want to work full-time on the Freedomworks thing. Rachel Maddow, you’ll remember, did an extensive piece showing Armey’s connection to Freedomworks as well at to DLA Piper and the multiple corporate backers of both. TPM has the statement from Armey and notes:

Reading between the lines here, it looks like DLA Piper — concerned about Armey’s activism against an administration it seeks to influence — pushed him out.

FreedomWorks has played a major role in coordinating the efforts of the right-wing Tea Party movement, including on opposing health-care-reform.

And as TPMmuckraker reported this morning, it also is helping to fund astroturf events aimed at blocking climate change legislation.

The NY Times reports that Armey was specifically pushed out by the drug companies his firm represented. They are currently supporting of some form of reform and they didn’t want the face of the astroturf working both sides of the street.

I’m hoping that Rachel Maddow ate Armey’s lunch this AM when they met on Meet the Press.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Ernie Waugh says:

    Finally, some cosmic justice. Dick Armey is a notorious liar, conniver, one of the organizers of the “Tea Baggers” and the “Swiftboaters” long before he organized the “Health Care Destructos”. It is about time he is exposed. He is no more than a greedy traitor. He also is an arch chauvinist. Already, he and his cohorts are attacking Rachel Maddow.
    He should change the name of his organization from “FreedomWorks” to “Greed-umWorks”

  2. Scott P says:

    This is fabulous. If only the GOP would show the realism that PhRMA is starting to show. They know that reform will be passed with or without them. If they get on board, they can influence some things and maybe end up with a bill they don’t completely hate. THAT is what cooperation and bipartisanship means. Maybe the pharm industry can teach a thing or two to their GOP lackeys.

  3. Sorry but Pharma is in bed with Obama and is in place to make huge profits and has sold out. Despite what you say Obama care is on life support.

    The CBO and Mayo Clinic said, “no thanks”. So will America.

    Liberals when they disagree claim some moral superiority but when anyone disagrees Liberals want you to sell out your principles and be ” bipartisan.”

    No Thanks.

    Mike Protack