Michael Steele Is The Perfect Leader For The GOP

Filed in National by on August 27, 2009

Michael Steele both loves and hates Medicare. He is both opposed to government-run health care and doesn’t want any cuts. He doesn’t wants cuts to Medicare, but he does. Yeah, I don’t understand it either. I’m sure it’s an art piece, though, and Steele is some kind of existential genius. Does anyone have a B.S. to English translator?

h/t Talking Points Memo

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    This is priceless. Just priceless. Even Steve Inskeep can’t step high enough over the BS.

  2. Progressive Mom says:

    The best part is where Steele thinks the word “nuanced” means something bad.

    I guess Steve Inskeep just shouldn’t have used a two syllable word with the chairman….

  3. The GOP doesn’t do nuance.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Or good sense.

    Really — this clown actually goes through the entire gamut of Stupid GOP Talking Points from “we have to preserve medicare” to “we have to cut the costs of medicare”. And we don’t trust the government to do either. For this government program. They are all starting to sound like the Quitta from Wasilla now.

  5. Think Progress has the whole transcript, for people who don’t want to listen. TP highlights this exchange:

    At one point, Steele tied himself into knots trying to explain his view on the proper role of government after saying that “there are issues in the insurance market that we can regulate a little bit better”:

    INSKEEP: Wait, wait — You would trust the government to look into that?

    STEELE: No, I’m talking about the private — I’m talking about citizens. I’m talking about — (CROSSTALK)

    INSKEEP: Who is it you — You said it is something that should be looked into. Who is it that you think should look into that?

    STEELE: Well, who regulates the insurance markets?

    INSKEEP: That would be the government, I believe.

    STEELE: Well, and so what. Now wait a minute. Hold up. You’re doing a wonderful little dance here and you’re trying to be cute. But the reality of this is very simple. I’m not saying the government doesn’t have a role to play. I’ve never said that. The government does have a role to play; it has a very limited role to play.

    INSKEEP: Mr. Chairman, I respect that you think I’m doing a dance here. I just want you to know that as a citizen, I’m a little confused by the positions you take because you’re giving me a very nice nuanced position here —

    STEELE: It’s not nice and nuanced. I’m being very clear.

  6. Scott P says:

    I keep expecting him to rip off his make-up and reveal that he’s actually Sacha Baron Cohen. Some kind of bizzare, satirical performance art is about the only logical explanation. Either that, or the GOP had certain criteria they were looking for, and even they couldn’t stomach Alan Keyes.

  7. callerRick says:

    Some kind of bizzare, satirical performance art is about the only logical explanation.

    Or he is, as I believe, an idiot. And, speaking of idiots…

    “My belief, based on reports in the news and from my private network of seasoned agents and provocateurs, is that this White House is a carousel of incompetence. How else do we explain the ravening push on all fronts — health care, the environment, fiscal reform, intelligence reform — and a foreign policy of humility and apology? Unsurprisingly, the president is in trouble on every front. Remember White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s callous enjoinder, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste”? This White House is a serious crisis.

    According to sources with whom I confer, the Obama White House is the most tightly controlled White House in years, with the president, Mr. Emanuel and White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod micromanaging practically everything. They make up what is called “the Politburo,” and the news story waiting to be written is that their control is as stultifying as was Jimmy Carter’s control of his White House. Stupendous failure is in the cards.”

    ……….R. Emmitt Tyrrel, The Washington Times

    And, as polls indicate, the American people are beginning to figure it out; the facade is crumbling.

  8. Geezer says:

    An overly controlled management style is hardly evidence of idiocy. And the most tightly controlled White House before Obama’s was the one immediately preceding it. Unless you were bitching about that, you shouldn’t be bitching about this.

    R. Emmitt Tyrrel is working for the Washington Times for a reason, and it ain’t ’cause he’s conservative. It’s because nobody else would hire him.

  9. callerRick says:

    He doesn’t ‘work’ for The Washington Times…he is nationally syndicated. In any case, shooting the messenger doesn’t negate the content of the message.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    If the messenger is a wingnut fearmongerer with more conspiracies than facts — it sure does negate the message.