Archive for August, 2009

Chart of the Day

Filed in National by on August 17, 2009 0 Comments
Chart of the Day

An excellent depiction of the current state of the Too Big to Fail showing their bonus payouts vs TARP holdings and current earnings or losses:

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DelawareLiberal Takes Over the Airwaves on Tuesday

Filed in Delaware by on August 17, 2009 28 Comments

On Tuesday morning Jason and I will be hosting the Al Mascitti show on 1150AM WDEL from 9AM to Noon.  We hope to have a report from Unstable Isotope on Netroots Nation, a call from John Kowalko and, of course, your calls. What suggestions do you have for topics of discussion?

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The Deep Roots of the Right Wing Crazy Tree

Filed in National by on August 17, 2009 4 Comments

Rick Pearlstein wrote an amazing op-ed today, which shows how the wingnut crazy has been a persistent part of the political landscape throughout much of the 20th century. (I love the story about how the right thought of Truman and Roosevelt years as “20 years of treason”. Especially since the current expectation by their descendants is that history will rehabilitate BushCo in the way it rehabilitated Truman.) Pearlstein makes this point:

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AP/News Journal Scoops The Word – Report Obama “Abandons” Public Option

Filed in National by on August 17, 2009 8 Comments

Your liberal media. Today’s front page banner headline does not match the first paragraph of text – but what the fuck, it makes Obama look bad so it must be good journalism. Tom Carper may have won and protected his big money men. Obama may indeed be “ready to abandon” the public option as reported […]

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Youtube Videos of People Playing Brian Wilson Songs on The Ukulele are Proof That God Loves Us and Wants Us To Be Happy

Filed in National by on August 17, 2009 3 Comments

“Here is YouTube ukulele star Julia Nunes doing a haunting but delightful version of “God Only Knows” by the Beach Boys.” – boing boing

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Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 9 Comments

What bones has Obama thrown the progressives since he has been in office?

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What America Do The idiots want back?

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 49 Comments

We all know that many of the folks against health care seem to be saying that they want America Back.  My questions is what America do they want back? Do they want the Vietname Era America Back? The Nixon America? The WWI and/or WWII America? The Great Depression? Any one of the dozen or so […]

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How American Health Care Looks from Europe

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 14 Comments
How American Health Care Looks from Europe

This bit of embarrassment is from the Saturday Independent — and the accompanying article is worth a read too:

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Wingnuts Gearing Up To Battle Mike Castle?

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 2 Comments

To the myopic abortion industrial complex on the right (that needs to keep birth control and safe sex information away from teens in order to protect their vacation homes and private jets), Mike Castle looks like a liberal. Here, for example is the “Jeremiah Films” blog take on Castle: Tax and spend Republican Michael […]

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Around The Horn Sunday

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 8 Comments
Around The Horn Sunday

This was a slow week. With no special election relatively imminent (the next one is on September 12), and with national stories dominating our conversation this week, local stories fell by the wayside. Thus, I decided to introduce the Delaware Blogosphere to new or previously unknown (at least to me) members of our small state […]

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Dick Armey Out of His Cushy Lobbying Job!

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 3 Comments
Dick Armey Out of His Cushy Lobbying Job!

This is an interesting Friday afternoon news item: Dick Armey — lately infamous for his work promoting Freedomworks, the corporate-backed group astroturfing Town Halls this summer — has quit his lobbyist job at DLA Piper,claiming to want to work full-time on the Freedomworks thing.

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QOD: What Happened To Pulp Culture?

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 5 Comments

I have not been checking in much, but Cormier’s summertime dispatches are supposed to be full of drunken semi-adult children exposing their new tats, like some kind of beer soaked 20-something version of the Delaware Today Magazine’s Party Pictures feature. What gives?

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-August 16

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on August 16, 2009 13 Comments

LEAD STORY-The Financial Times: How the Oil Industry Plans to Do to Climate Change What the Insurance Companies Are Doing to Health Care…AND Who Its Delaware Connection Is! I. E., kill it: The American Petroleum Institute, which represents the US oil industry, has written to member companies asking them to “move aggressively” to stage up to 22 […]

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