Archive for August, 2009

Good News Thread

Filed in Delaware by on August 12, 2009 14 Comments

I had about 15 tabs open this afternoon of various depressing, violent, racist teabagger stories. But frankly, I’m getting sick of hearing about this stuff already (although it’s important to know what’s going on). So I thought I’d do something different – this thread is for good news only. Feel free to put links and […]

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UPDATED: Sorry About Wrecking Town Hall Meetings

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 34 Comments

When I found that Youtube clip of Castle being berated by idiots I was delighted. Castle looked so hurt and unhappy when the guy told him that he wasn’t going to vote for him that I couldn’t wait to put it up on the best political blog in Delaware. Little did I know then that I was going to start a national craze among post-middle-aged mental defectives. Little did I know that they would truck out their wheelchair bound sons and other props to take part in the “Summer of Spittle” (c).

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Angry Republican Nutjobs Helping Paint State Houses Blue

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 8 Comments

It is interesting to note that as Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh have emerged as the face the modern GOP and the party has become obsessed with birth certificates and dead baby juice, state legislatures across the country have become significantly more Democratic.

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The Threat to Wages from the Status Quo

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 7 Comments
The Threat to Wages from the Status Quo

From the Kaiser Family Foundation: Since 1999 (through 2008), total premiums paid by employers for family employee sponsored health insurance has risen 119%; and the portion paid by the employees themselves has gone up 117%. And the smaller the firm you work for, the less likely you are to keep your coverage. In addition, out-of-pocket […]

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Sex Offender Registry: Good Politics=Bad Policy?

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 37 Comments

On Sunday, Read All About It In the Sunday Papers featured this as its lead story: “LEAD STORY-The (UK) Economist: Unintended Consequences of Sex Offenders’ Laws? It is easy for politicians to push for tougher laws on sexual offenders. It is even easier to demagogue against anyone who would dare suggest that, in many cases, there […]

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Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 5 Comments

Senator Carper didn’t feel like getting yelled out by a pitchfork bearing bunch of GOP/SCCOR operatives saying that the Manchurian President is out to harvest Grandma’s organs and infect everyone with dead baby juice.

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So When Are the Carper, Kaufman and Castle Local Town Halls?

Filed in Delaware by on August 12, 2009 13 Comments

According to this Community News article:

For now, none of the three are holding public forums or town hall meetings before returning to the Capitol Sept. 8, according to their aides.

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The 2012 Republican Presidential Waters Are A Little Stagnant

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 12 Comments

Add Rick Santorum to the lackluster list of Republicans seeking the Presidency – and I do mean lackluster.  Take a look at who’s in the running. Huckabee, Gingrich, Romney, Palin, and now Santorum.  There’s also talk of Thune, DeMint, and Cantor. Not sure about anyone else, but I’m feeling pretty good about this line-up.  BTW, […]

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Too Weird Not To Discuss

Filed in Delaware by on August 12, 2009 16 Comments

Today’s News Journal has this odd item: Two bicyclists have reported being hit by darts while riding on New Castle County roads this week. The first incident came Tuesday when a 36-year-old man riding north on Limestone Road in Pike Creek felt a twinge of pain in his right thigh. He looked to the area […]

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Silence is deafening

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 20 Comments

One of our resident bigotted, bible thumping, Clinton and the Dem’s do it too trolls, aka Republican David, David A. or whatever website he is trying to get readers to click on made this comment yesterday: This is the norm, why do you act surprised? People who cheer a point of view expressed are just […]

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Anti-Discrimination Safeguards Allow Creepy 50 Year Old Men Like Rick Jensen to Shower Next To Your Daughter at the YMCA

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 7 Comments

That’s what you think if you are a creepy Republican nit wit perv like Rick Jensen. The guy’s mind is a sick and scabby thing.

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Morning Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 0 Comments

He’s baaaack! Rick Santorum for president in 2012? Stephen Hawking responds to the nutty Investor’s Business Daily editorial: “I wouldn’t be here today if not for the NHS”. Surprise, surprise – Karl Rove had an active role in the Justice Department firings. Nate Silver on why unemployment probably, maybe won’t hit 10%. Paul Krugman thinks […]

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Working harder? Making Less?

Filed in National by on August 11, 2009 10 Comments
Working harder?  Making Less?

Unlike Wall Street where a company like Merril Lynch can lose $27bln in a quarter and pay out $37.5 Bln in bonuses back in the real world the American worker is more productive and making less. Hizzah!  Trickle down economics!  What’s that you say?  The American dream!  I know, I know I hear all you […]

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