Archive for August, 2009


Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 60 Comments

Is using the word “retard” in a derogatory sense as bad as saying “nigger”? If so, when did this happen?

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Now This is How It’s Done

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 11 Comments

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has an interview with CNN where she is asked about the idiot John Bolton — and she just laughs: [youtube][/youtube] When they bring up their usual go-to pundits who are peddling the usual crazy and bamboozlement — you laugh at them. Treating them seriously just gets them more airtime. ps. […]

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Bob Herbert’s Column Today Is A Must Read

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 4 Comments

We haven’t talked on Delaware Liberal about George Sodini, the right-wing misogynist who killed three women at a fitness club in Pittsburgh. He wrote some very disturbing things on his blog about race and women. Sodini was obsessed with women and sex and how he wasn’t getting his fair share (according to him). Hint: it […]

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‘Bulo’s Music for the Masses-Healthcare Reform Edition

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 3 Comments

‘Bulo must genuflect at the feet of JMY. Brilliant choices, completely on topic, exactly what you’d expect from someone who always colors within the lines. The Beast Who Slumbers has never colored within the lines (he’s tried, but…). Accordingly, while his choices are informed by the topic, they tend to drift from it. Sometimes far […]

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JMY’s Music for the Masses-Healthcare Reform Edition

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 4 Comments

A medley dedicated to the dream of universal healthcare for all: Jill Sobule covers the master:  [youtube][/youtube] Anyone need a Doctor?  [youtube][/youtube] Definitely NSFW but a classic treatise on aging and doctors:  [youtube][/youtube] The lyrics on this 80s track sure seem to apply to Washington DC as it struggles to afford us a basic human […]

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Sarah Palin – She’s Back With 200% More Lies

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 41 Comments

After a couple weeks of silence, Sarah Palin is back. She put a posting on her Facebook page about health care reform, and it’s a doozy. In a new posting on her Facebook account, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) made a dire statement about health care reform — that it could result in an Obama-created […]

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Obama’s Approval Rating Continues to Rise (Updated)

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 10 Comments

Other polls earlier in the week showed an increase in President Obama’s approval rating after the entire right wing decided to go cooko bananas en masse. Now, Gallup is showing a massive 11% swing of approval for the President, increasing from 52 percent approving with 41 percent disapproving to 58 percent approving, with 36 percent […]

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Late Night Video –Blip

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 1 Comment

[vimeo][/vimeo] by Sean Mullen

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A Very Special Around the Horn

Filed in Delaware by on August 7, 2009 19 Comments
A Very Special Around the Horn

Tonight, I was prepared to, at best, declare that coverage of the right wing local blog,Delaware Politics, would no longer be a part of Around the Horn, or at worst, end this column, which provides coverage of the Delaware blogosphere. Why? Because of the attempted outting of Kavips by Dave Burris at Delaware Politics, and […]

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Orly Taitz MSNBC Meltdown — The Remix

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 3 Comments

Awesome — behold our favorite dropout from the RuPaul School of Beauty: [youtube][/youtube]

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I’ve Been Thinking About This All Wrong

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 26 Comments

I’ve realized that I’ve been thinking about this health care reform thing all wrong, and I have the wingnuts to thank for it. I’ve been worried about Republican office holders and wingnut radio hosts stirring up anger and paranoia in their unhinged masses and that people might get hurt as a result. I’m wrong though […]

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Dem Senator Unlikely to Face Primary

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 0 Comments

The New York Times reports that U. S. Representative Carolyn Maloney has decided not to primary U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). Gillibrand was appointed to serve out the term of Hillary Clinton. Other Democrats had explored the race, and had decided against a challenge. For the moment, at least, this leaves the Democratic field clear […]

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Mark Sanford Victim of Friday News ‘Dump’

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 9 Comments

In this case, his wife has done the dumping. She and the kids are vacating the Governor’s Mansion. Fortunately, she will not have to take a vow of poverty: But the first lady said Friday that she will move to the family’s oceanfront cottage on Sullivan’s Island, a lush beach enclave near Charleston almost two […]

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