Archive for August, 2009


Filed in National by on August 4, 2009 16 Comments

How much is Clinton getting paid to go over to North Korea? additional q: Is it me or is the new Republican meme, “We can’t sustain at this level without raising taxes”?

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Glenn Beck Begs His Audience Not To Commit Violence

Filed in National by on August 4, 2009 33 Comments

It’s sad that it’s necessary for him to say this, but this is where it’s heading. I think Beck is speaking out too late. Months of screaming about how Obama’s not a real citizen and is going to put everyone in FEMA concentration camps is kinda hard to take back. From Media Matters

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Alignment in the 19th.

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009 38 Comments

For decades, a conservative represented the 19th. And now a conservative will again represent the 19th. Nothing will change except for the letter behind the name. I am personally glad that Booth won. It is an overwhelming conservative district and I much rather have a Republican elected from it than a conservative Democrat that would […]

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19th SD Special Election Results–Apparently Booth Wins.

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009 114 Comments

The Unofficial Official Department of Elections Results page is here. If you were downstate today working the election or if you live in the district, let us know your predictions and feelings on the election. My feelings are well known: I vote NONE OF THE ABOVE. But I do predict that Booth will win the […]

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Help Wanted.

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009 25 Comments

The Delaware conservative blogosphere is very adequately represented on the pages of Delaware Politics, Resolute Determination, Common Sense Political Thought and the Colossus of Rhodey. And that is just the fire breathing theocon neocon lying Republicans. Other conservative thought is represented by Delaware Libertarian and the Mourning Constitution. Amazingly however, all of the bloggers at […]

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A New Mike Castle Decision Window –UPDATE

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009 11 Comments

Allan Loudell spoke to Mike Castle on WDEL news today about a number of subjects, and Castle indicated to Allan that he would be making a decision re: his electoral future in the “next month or so”.

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Afternoon Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009 24 Comments

The tea partiers are putting their heckling strategy to work. Will harassment and thuggish behavior really help their cause? As a commenter at TPM asked – are these the same people who thought it was o.k. to arrest Henry Louis Gates for disorderly conduct in his own house? The birthers have found a shiny new […]

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Paul Krugman Simplifies Health Care Reform For You

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009 14 Comments

The invaluable Paul Krugman explains health care reform for easy understanding: The essence is really quite simple: regulation of insurers, so that they can’t cherry-pick only the healthy, and subsidies, so that all Americans can afford insurance. Everything else is about making that core work. Individual mandates are a way to prevent gaming of the […]

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Election Day in SD 19!

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009 10 Comments

Voters of the 19th Senate district, be sure to vote today! The polls are open from 7 AM – 8 PM.

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Filed in National by on August 2, 2009 32 Comments

Is their anything preventing from buying a POS car for $500 privately and then driving the car to a dealership to get my $3500 off a new car?

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Newport Folk Festival

Filed in National by on August 2, 2009 1 Comment

It is their 50th anniversary AND it’s Pete Seeger’s 90th birthday. And the whole thing is being streamed via NPR of all places. I had no idea until just now, but Pete Seeger is up at 6PM, and other sets from earlier in the weekend are being archived here.

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The C Street “Family” or, How To Understand Right Wing Hypocrisy

Filed in National by on August 2, 2009 8 Comments
The C Street “Family” or, How To Understand Right Wing Hypocrisy

Jeff Sharlet wrote a book called The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, which expands on an article he wrote for Harpers called Jesus Plus Nothing. Sharlet actually had a chance to live with these guys for awhile and has an amazing (and chilling) story to tell about this group that is apparently Ground Zero for Christianists in power or who want to be in power.

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When You Mess with the Delaware Majority Leader, You Get the Horns

Filed in National by on August 2, 2009 6 Comments

I wish I had thought of that title first, but it is the title of a blog post over at The Sporting Blog, part of The Sporting News. But Rep. Pete Schwarzkopf is shaping up to be something of a hero among some sports blogs.

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